Why Isn't the USA the Safest Country in the World With All the Guns

by RubaDub 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • tootired2care

    Not a single gun supporter has asked what any one the left here actually has in mind, yet you are all quick to tell us just what we think.

    Thats because as soon as the news broke this morning gun control was the gut reaction of many instead of pausing and thinking about what this tragedy really means. This massacre sets a unique benchmark of low for our country, a whacko opened fire on innocent little children. For someone to be that gone mentally should prompt us to re-evaluate our whole way of life here in the USA. Something is seriously wrong, and things need to change, more than just gun control laws.

    I guess next week we'll discuss solutions, for now just stop with the same old tired liberal gun control BS, it's not the solution, and doesn't help the discussion.

  • Berengaria
    What do you propose we do???

    Geez I have been waiting for this part of the conversation for years here! I've even said over and over again, that banning guns will not do any good! Yet I get painted with that gun hater brush.

    Quite frankly, the right assumes they know the desires of the left here. And they think that because they have been told to think that by right wing talkers that include the GOP and the NRA. Who have a vested interest, and it's NOT the second amendment!

  • Berengaria
    Thats because as soon as the news broke this morning gun control was the gut reaction of many instead of pausing and thinking about what this tragedy really means.
    How would you know, you haven't listened to a word anyone has said and only brought up such gems as "Obamacare" and the "Great Society".
  • tootired2care

    How would you know, you haven't listened to a word anyone has said and only brought up such gems as "Obamacare" and the "Great Society".

    No. Actually if you checked what I've posted thoughout the day you'd know that is BS.

  • EntirelyPossible

    How would you know, you haven't listened to a word anyone has said and only brought up such gems as "Obamacare" and the "Great Society".

    Really? Yeah, the whole Obamacare thing didn't make sense, but really?

  • tootired2care

    Really? Yeah, the whole Obamacare thing didn't make sense, but really?

    (shrug) It made sense to me, to answer Beks question: "Oh please do enlighten me to even one of the "uninformed liberal leftist BS arguments proganda and half measure propositions" that have been proposed. ".

  • Berengaria

    Yea really. Because this so called "gut reaction" is not coming from those of us who want to examine the issue of violence, it's coming from the side that seems to be convinced that asking for a discussion is equivalent to trying to ban guns.

  • alfredjones100

    the problem in america in regards to guns ... is the people that own them.

    americans are obsessed with being number one and have some stupid penis envy thing going on.

    so when their life goes down the toilet because of family or work issues ( which they probably caused ) ... they feel less than worthless and go out blasting.

    in my country if you got no wife ... got not job ... its time to go surfing.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    OK. let me ammend that tired old adage so that it applies better to the topic at hand:

    When Semi-Auto firearms are outlawed, only outlaws will have Semi-Auto firearms.


  • Berengaria


    When was the last time an "outlaw" went nuts and shot multiple anonymous innocent people?

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