I can't imagine not believing in God.

by MsGrowingGirl20 643 Replies latest members private

  • cofty

    Loz - I'm delighted there are people here with faith and who are willing to discuss and defend it.

    PSacremento and Christ Alone are examples of christians who are willing and very able to discuss their beliefs and give reasons for them.

  • EntirelyPossible

    It's about time some of you just dealt with it.

    You can have all the faith and belief you want. Just be sure to keep it out of public policy and the classroom.

  • Chariklo

    But reason is not a necessary adjunct to faith, although it may be.

    Unfortunately, JW's are taught to believe that reason is the way to faith, almost as if they count on reason (false though their so-called reasoning is) to eliminate all counter arguments so that a belief in God becomes the default fall-back position.

  • cofty

    But reason is not a necessary adjunct to faith

    Indeed, they are diametrically opposed.

  • Ucantnome

    Cofty my original comment was directed to the person who posted. I think you have been a JW and an elder and been a teacher in another Christian group. You must have felt strongly you believed to take a position of teacher. Now you reject it.

    It's not a case of me defending my belief or not. It was a statement of how I felt. I don't feel you have any interest other than to try and distroy my faith and hope I lose my hope. Am I wrong?

  • jgnat

    My pursuit of truth, making full use of reason, has been like this:

    Precipice Trail

    If the path of reason goes one way, I must follow where it leads...in good conscience.

  • Lozhasleft

    Speaking personally, I am heartily sick of watching a group of you tear into vulnerable people here, relatively new people, who come to discuss their faith after leaving the WTBS. You bombard them with your anti god, anti belief rhetoric, analysing and challenging every word. You play your games with people, trying to persuade them, or more accurately, browbeat them, to ditch their faith,so as to jump over into the atheist camp with you. You challenge any strong believers, not with discussion, not with respect or fair reason, but just for the sake of the challenge. Some are so damn supercilious it beggars belief, and with such attitudes you attempt to replace a love for God with your oh so clever intellect. You can't even nearly compete. Some of us have relationships with god that would leave you breathless.

    So, if you succeed in destroying a person's faith with your fancy research, that doesn't actually prove a thing, what then? Will you personally, each one of you step up and replace that relationship you've destroyed? No, you can't, because it's way way over your heads and your hearts. So why don't you allow, yes just simply, allow, individuals, to choose their own stance, based on their own findings? Without cynical remarks, without hateful comments, without sarcasm, without this whole awful offensive?

    It is beyond me. What I do know, is that it isn't polite, it isn't respectful, it certainly isn't caring on this forum that provides a haven for those leaving, and it isn't fair.

    Loz x

  • Lozhasleft

    You can have all the faith and belief you want. Just be sure to keep it out of public policy and the classroom.

    When did I ever try to do that? Or any of us believers on here?

    Loz x

  • EntirelyPossible

    Speaking personally, I am heartily sick of watching a group of you tear into vulnerable people here, relatively new people, who come to discuss their faith after leaving the WTBS. You bombard them with your anti god, anti belief rhetoric, analysing and challenging every word

    That's a shame.

    So, if you succeed in destroying a person's faith with your fancy research, that doesn't actually prove a thing, what then?

    That's why I use, down-home folksy research that does prove things AND comes with a slice of apple pie, baseball and America.

  • EntirelyPossible

    When did I ever try to do that? Or any of us believers on here?

    Right next to the part where I accused you of it.

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