I can't imagine not believing in God.

by MsGrowingGirl20 643 Replies latest members private

  • MsGrowingGirl20

    I noticed a lot of threads about atheists and the existence of God but..

    i cannot imagine life without believing in God and that he is good and that there will be a better future. I could never believe that this life and this world is all there is. I would be very sad and hopeless. I mean...if there's no God...what the hell is the purpose of life?

  • cantleave

    Try it - you might like it

  • happytobefree

    I believe in God...But not for future purposes. Because my purpose is already being fulfilled by enjoying the life that God has given me.

  • puffthedragon

    Well, I'm not yet a hardcore atheist, maybe agnostic, but I see no evidence of a God who cares. The explanation that all the suffering in the world is just a pissing match between two invisible creatures over what two lowly creatures had for a snack just doesn't cut it with me.

    Throughout all the bible, every human that God put in charge of others had miraculous powers, but anyone who claims to have these powers today is pretty much guaranteed to be a sham. That doesn't help build my faith very much. If the GB could raise the dead or heal the blind, maybe I would pay a little more attention.

    But, if belief in him improves your life, whatever gets you through the night.

  • cofty

    I can understand that, it took me a while to adapt to the reality that this life is the only one we will ever have.

    In many ways it makes life all the more urgent and important, its not a rehearsal.

    We make our own purpose in life. I am constantly in awe of the wonders of life, the universe and everything.

    My family is the most important thing in my life. I have lots of interests that make life fun. I have used some of my spare time to coach football over the last 16 years and established a club that has made a difference in the lives of hundreds of children. Maybe it will still be thriving after I'm gone.

    We are the lucky ones - the odds that you and I should get a go at living at all were infinitesimally small. Why is that not enough?

  • designs

    You do what the best of our ancestors did- live a good and productive life and plan ahead for the generations to come.

    'The trees I planted in my youth are now a hundred feet tall'

  • FlyingHighNow

    There is nothing wrong with your feelings and thoughts about God. More people share similar convictions than do not.

  • rebel8

    You can determine your own purpose. I did. (Mine is to contribute to society, be a good person and enjoy the "gift" of life. I'm a much better person now than I ever was in any of my varying stages/iterations of theism.)

    Life does not require a purpose superimposed by a supernatural being(s).

    Life has as much purpose as you want it to, whether or not you believe in anything. Believing doesn't make life any more or less purposeful. Purpose is independent of belief; so is truth.

  • MsGrowingGirl20

    You seem so normal about. I feel as though i would have a whole in my heart or feel empty if i ever became an atheist

  • MsGrowingGirl20

    You seem so normal about. I feel as though i would have a whole in my heart or feel empty if i ever became an atheist

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