I can't imagine not believing in God.

by MsGrowingGirl20 643 Replies latest members private

  • EntirelyPossible

    Some others shun their 'loved' ones on the basis of any number of reasons.

    People with Jesus do that too.

    False beliefs are part of the reason we had that.

    And yet you still use those false words whenever it suits you.

    So that one is not tied and subject to some of the false teachings that have been taken from 'the bible'. Because men have used that book like a golden calf; and they have twisted it to say whatever they want it to say and to justify whatever they want it to justify. If, however, one looks to Christ... then some of those things are shown to be false.

    So, exactly what you do. OK.

    Dictionaries don't necessarily describe how something works... they describe what something is. (according to the knowledge of the people doing the describing)

    Knowing what words actually mean helps. I recommend one to all Christians.

  • tec

    An understanding that there is no supernatural, that this life is the only one we will ever have also sets people free from fear and servitude to religion

    That belief would do this, yes.

    But religion is not the only thing that people fear or serve.

    Like the "truth" that god looks like a dragon or a gargoyle.

    Why not? If one is expecting one thing, and the truth is not that thing, then it might not be as much of a shock if one considers that the appearance of Christ or God is different than expected.

    Not only that, but it also shows that there have been many cultures who experience and think similar things... assisting in showing that such things contain something of truth.

    The "truth" that Seraphs are sent to wash the feet of those who believe? Do you mean useful "truths" like that?

    Things like 'that' show that we are loved. Knowing that you are loved is usually a good thing. So useful, yes.

    Unbelief gives us all that and much more.

    See my response to EP.



  • tec
    Tammy great opinion piece you have there, unfortunately thats just not what the bible or Jesus plainly stated did or would happen. Without the bible there is no concept of Jesus.

    We will perhaps agree to disagree? I used the written words of Christ in what I shared. If you look up the account in Revelation as to the fire that comes down from heaven... it is against those who are riding out to attack and destroy the 'camp that God loves'.

    (And without Christ... there would be no gospel witnessing TO Him.)

    Peace to you.

    Thank you!



  • EntirelyPossible

    Why not? If one is expecting one thing, and the truth is not that thing, then it might not be as much of a shock if one considers that the appearance of Christ or God is different than expected.

    Wait a second.... I thought there was a claim floating out there that they God/Jesus were unobservable and living outside of this reality. How would they "look" if they aren't observable and part of this reality?

  • cofty
    it might not be as much of a shock if one considers that the appearance of Christ or God is different than expected.

    Tammy - I just realised I have a thousand more interesting things to do right now than discuss your delusions with you.

  • tec

    People with Jesus do that too.

    No, and that is the point. They do not know him (or are not listening TO Him) if they are doing such to their loved ones. He did not and does not teach this.

    And yet you still use those false words whenever it suits you.

    What false words?

    So, exactly what you do. OK.

    Looking to Christ? Ok.

    Knowing what words actually mean helps. I recommend one to all Christians.

    No worries there. I have a few at my fingertips, as well as one in the house.

    Peace to you,


  • tec

    I just realised I have a thousand more interesting things to do right now than discuss your delusions with you.

    Delusion is your opinion, and nothing more.

    But by all means, lol... I am not holding you here.



  • EntirelyPossible

    No, and that is the point. They do not know him (or are not listening TO Him) if they are doing such to their loved ones. He did not and does not teach this.

    They do, and that IS the point. Sorry, you don't get to judge who is a Christian. You may have the arrogance, but neither the power nor the right to do that.

    What false words?

    The ones I was talking about.

    Looking to Christ? Ok.

    Being dishonest about what others mean, for one. Like now!

    I'm with Cofty, i've got a thousand better things to do than entertain delusions, arrogance and dishonesty.

  • tec

    They do, and that IS the point. Sorry, you don't get to judge who is a Christian. You may have the arrogance, but neither the power nor the right to do that.

    I don't get to judge. This is correct. Which is why I said 'or they are not listening to Him'; and I can witness as to that truth of that. If someone said that Christ told them to kill their child, then I would call that out as the falsehood that this is as well.

    As to shunning... Christ never taught us to shun. He did teach us to forgive... by instructing us to do so, and also by doing so himself, thereby giving us an example to follow. There is nothing in any of His teachings that have him shunning or teaching shunning to anyone. (else one might want to keep this in mind: by the measure you use, it will be used against you)

    The ones I was talking about.

    Yeah, that is not very helpful or clear.

    Being dishonest about what others mean, for one. Like now!

    Lol... you do that often enough yourself.

    I know that you meant that you think I twist the bible to say whatever i want it to say. However, as I have stated again and again... I test everything in that bible against Christ and what He taught - in word and in deed. So I am looking to Christ, before and above anything else.

    And as with Cofty... no one is holding you here ;)

    peace to you,


  • tootired2care

    As to shunning... Christ never taught us to shun

    “ Think not that I came to send peace on the earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law” Matthew 10:34-35

    Tec - Quite violent and shunning teachings for Jesus to use here, no? I guess Jesus never really taught this, did he? Your claims about Jesus are absurd. Hopefully you do find peace and not a sword from your master.

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