hmm i am being warned about!

by unstopableravens 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • happytobefree

    unstopableraven...why is there a need for your wife to come out. Will you love her any less if she decided to stay in?

    I'm a woman....and what we want as matter the religion is security. So just love your wife and live need to slow may have been 3 years....but you are still in the JW mentality (YOU ARE...not just your wife). Just by you keep saying you don't want to lie...when someone ask you how come you have not been to the KH. You are a grown man...why is it your responsibility to let them know why you do anything.

    I have been out for 12 years and the JW crap still affects me. You see people posting here everyday and have been away for 30 years, obviously it's still affecting them in some way.

  • dreamgolfer

    my wife is still "in" I LOVE her ALL the SAME! - Think about it, if you dont you BECOME "them"

  • unstopableravens

    oodad :i know it crazey, and others i love my wife either way, i dont know how that thought even came up,why do i want her to come out ? 1 she is being lied to 2 she will not let me worship how i want to in peace 3 i dont want my son subjected to lies 4 i want peace in our marriage 5 i dont believe jw have the truth 6 its a cult hence why ppl years later are still hurting and i could come up with more. but i would be respectful if she stayed but you have no idea the things she says and starts and trys to guilt me for not going to the meetings.

  • happytobefree

    unstopableraven....thE way you are allowing your wife to treat you and the JW why i recommend seeing a therapist.

    ...this is abuse....and you need to learn how to handle boundaries. When you learn to set boundaries...this will empower you immensely. You also need to learn what make YOU HAPPY!!!! This will be beneficial to help you with what ever life bring will be able to adapt and still find JOY!!!

    Life is not predictable. I think this why people find peace in the is very predictable...people are told how to handle every aspect of their life...and they know what to expect. You know what day the meetings know what youare going to learn..when you don't have the have the answer, wait on Jehovah, etc. Outside of the actually get to make choices and people don't have to agree and tow the line (they can actually do as they please as well)'s kind of hard to accept at first. You cannot go and tell the brothers on them or guilt them with WT garbage. You cannot use your great reasoning your learned in KM school. You have to just accept them as they are and live your life.

    As everyone keep telling you SLOW DOWN. I would take the time to get to know THYSELF. I think the JW faith is like a have many years of covering up your feelings with the drug...that you just stop growing mentally and spiritually.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    The way I see it, you won't be happy until she joins whatever church you want to be a member of. When you get miffed with your latest preacher, you'll expect her to follow you to your next belief system like a faithful dog.

    Just remember that you believed the Watchtower for however many years it was, so your CV for choosing what religious path she should follow isn't exactly a glowing recommendation for your critical thinking skills. A very high percentage of ex-JW are athiests. Will you be happy with that?

    BTW, I'm still with my JW wife and I haven't been in a KH (except for weddings and funerals) for decades.

  • unstopableravens

    black sheep, i guess it may come across that way, but she brings up 90% of the talks, she will say i broke our marriage because we were both jw, and now im not, dude i do not want her to follow me i never said that, but when a lying relgion is tearing us apart, and thats the issue that she knows they teach wrong on so many levels,and yet she wants me to follow them like a dog,i really love her and im not going to leave her,never crossed my mind,but she is very emotional over the wt and she can go from upset to angry in seconds.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Been there, done that. She has settled down now. I don't have to defend not being a member of the cult while she refuses to answer the very few questions I have asked as to why she should remain a member in spite of scriptural warnings in her own Bible that clearly apply to Watchtower hierarchy.

  • unstopableravens

    i know bro,she calls me one of satans minions because i dont go to the meeting,so i must be under is power.

  • unstopableravens

    happy to be free,thanks

  • unstopableravens

    oodad : i just check out that thread ,good points. that how it is

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