Young Followers of Christ?

by AGuest 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    I never doubted when I was young. I knew that God heard me. I never doubted that. I didn't understand much, and I did not know that He could or would speak, or that this would be through His Son, or even what spiritual meant. I felt that more than I had words for it. Of course, even as a child i did not take anyone's word for anything on God or Christ. People would teach something (or try to), and i would think... how do you know that?

    Being a child does not mean that you don't have a very good truth/bs meter. Children are vulnerable to what those they love teach them... parents and such... this is true. But most of them see through hypocrisy and injustice very easily, parents and such or otherwise; as long as we haven't frightened them into using their own brains. (I think the hyprocrisy and injustice is what disillusions some children to the world at so young an age, and that is one of the reasons for many of the problems in society that we have today.)

    To Christ being alive... as I mentioned on the other thread, I never really understood that Christ was alive... and what that meant - truly alive, and not just an idea... until someone mentioned it on here, and it just clicked. He is not just an idea. Not just a man who lived long ago and influenced so many. He is here, now, teaching and working and speaking and ALIVE.



  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Some people go thier whole lives believing as they did when they were children...sad, but true. yes?

    And some convince themselves that they made up their own mind and were not influenced by anyone or anything around them as a child...also a sad fact.

    It seems unfortunate that this belief in Jesus didn't protect many from being mislead in the first place. Maybe they weren't doing it right. This Jesus concept seems to be a bit picky about doing it the 'right' way.

  • NewChapter

    But most of them see through hypocrisy

    I know it is very popular to say the above, but you have no support for such a statement. They do not have some magical, built-in BS meter, and can be quite easily misled. That's why they need to be taught critical thinking skills. Hey, I knew without a doubt that Santa Claus existed, a boogie man was in my closet, spiders and snakes resided under my bed, and the Tooth Fairy left money under my pillow. All children will not buy every lie, but they are particularly vulnerable to those that would take advantage of them. Mileage may vary, but the best thing we can do is encourage young people to critically question any idea presented to them, and any idea they hold dear.

    We don't need to take advantage of it and tell them that they are so wise when they agree with us, and correct them when they do not.

    You must agree that when dealing with an inexperienced person, it is always the right thing to encourage them to seriously consider every viewpoint and critically question all things, but particularly the life-changing things.

    So I will not proclaim that Christ is alive, but will say I don't believe that is true at all, and you owe it to yourself to deeply investigate both claims. They are life-changing. Put on the thinking cap, and don't be manipulated by praise or disapproval. Trust yourself to pick these things apart, and ask for help when it gets overwhelming. And that help should only direct you where you can get more information, and not take that job from you. It is your responsiblity to get to the bottom of things, even if they are fantastical and hard to check out. If you are ever told that the information is not there for you, so you must just take a person's word for it, consider this a RED FLAG. Why would information ever need to be hidden or passed on in secret to only one person?

  • OnTheWayOut

    Incredible 3-year-olds.

    This one is an accomplished snowboarder:

    This one recites the Koran:

    Here's one who memorized the 50 United States alphabetically:

    Here's one who isn't even 3 yet and knows the state capitals:

    (There's another link on the page of that same girl reciting European capitals.

    Levi can play the drums at 3-years-old:

    It all kind of makes this 3-year-old's hand-to-eye coordination seem like a tame talent:

    But none of them top what was accomplished by a JWN poster at 3-years-old. Simply incredible.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    I wasnt allowed to doubt when I was a kid, or even as a teenager. Pretty much extorted by birthright, such is the life of a born-in. Nowadays not only do I doubt, I also on days with some belief left in me hold animosity towards whomever is out there invisibly, if such a being or beings exist. They're guilty of extreme negligence if they do exist.

  • cofty
    I never doubted when I was young. I knew that God heard me. I never doubted that. - Tammy

    Me too. It took me a worryingly long time to grow out of that.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Why do we feed Aguests need for attention again?

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I like to see all the bible quotes....especially the ones that say don't look to the They are the most interesting of I ignore them as suggested....

  • OnTheWayOut

    EP, I have been not even opening her threads after she said she was just passing by JWN, then decided to stay. I open this one and find such an incredible story of how God (or the Lord or whoever) could warn her of injury, yet the information was no good- she still was injured. Cruel God.

    I can go back to not even opening her threads. If you and others join me, it will take the winds out of her sails.

    Goodbye AGuest.

  • NewChapter

    I didn't really learn about the God concept until relatively late. It was introduced to me when I was in Kindergarten, but not reinforced at home. So it just slipped away. I didn't understand it anyway, and seemed like a Santa story to me. The first time I remember going to a church was with a neighbor in second grade. I didn't understand what was going on, and when they sent me off to Sunday School I didn't know who Jesus or God were, and I didn't know what an angel was.

    My mother seemed to be agnostic, though leaning toward Christianity. She did study with Witnesses off and on for years, but she must not have shared any of that with us, because it was news to me when she told me. My father was an atheist. Period. Again, that didn't become clear to me until I was older since it was never a topic of discussion in my house.

    I didn't feel any particular need in internal desire to worship a god. It was put on me gradually, I suppose, but still didn't mean much to me. It was only after I learned about a Hell that it became more important to me. My life would have been much better if that teaching had never been introduced to me. I likely would have spent my entire life as an atheist or agnostic and wondering what the fuss was all about. I regret that I lost those years of freedom, but I have it back now. It feels like the most natural thing ever to me.

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