I've started writing my book...

by cedars 84 Replies latest members private

  • Chariklo

    Great news, Cedars.

    Signed first edition for me too please, consider that an order placed and in the bag! :)

  • moshe

    Very nice cedars, and by this book you willingly provide the bullets for the executioners. All very efficient, tidy and brit-like ol' chap, I dare say your arrest, final walk and cigarette for the condemmed will make a dandy epilogue for the 2nd printing. The brits love sleazy tabloid misery put on parade. me too. Can't wait to see how this plays out. Do you go out kicking and fighting, screaming or very quietly so as not to upset JW mumsy and popsy? Or with a surprise twist, all your family sees the light and quits the KH after reading your book!! Please hurry and get it writtten, cedars.

  • Rob Crompton
    Rob Crompton

    Best wishes with this project, Cedars. I'm a published author and member of the Society of Authors. I'd be happy to offer whatever advice I can - feel free to PM me.

    Rob Crompton.

  • moshe

    Seriously, don't do it. Screw the book project, it will only cause you misery and extreme criticism that you won't be able handle. The JW family backlash from this book will cause a perpetual rift that can never be healed- not to mention the certain endangerment of your mental health. Put the pen down and stop already. Leave the writing to people who have nothing to lose. Wear a straight jacket for a day and sit in a padded room and see, if this is the fate you willingly choose for yourself- over a book? JWs have been written about ad nauseum. Of course, does anybody pay any attention to Moshe's advice around here?

  • cedars

    Thanks everyone! I especially appreciate the offers of help. I will need it!

    moshe - you assume that I haven't thought all these things through for months and months. I am a big boy, and I can make my own decisions on issues affecting my life and family. Thanks all the same for your concern!


  • moshe

    I have a two part method for making critical decisions. I have tried and tried to teach this to an unlucky friend of mine-, but he is a slow learner.

    Pay attention, now. If the answers are=

    A- is there any upside for me from this? - ans, No

    B- is there any possible downside for me from this? ans, Yes!

    Solution- then don't do it!!!!

    All very simple indeed, and my friend Dave has been saved from disaster more than a few times.

  • cedars

    Thanks moshe, want to repeat your advice again? Third time's a charm!


  • moshe

    hahah- just driving the point home, as it would be morally wrong, if I didn't try to prevent a certain tragedy. I remember our dear Oompa was one who liked to put his hands in the fire, even when he was told to stop- don't do it, he just couldn't resist causing himself problems.

  • cedars

    Thanks Moshe, but you're really starting to go off-topic now with mentioning Oompa. You're coming across like you have a chip on your shoulder - a chip that has something to do with a certain poster who is no longer on this forum. It would be great if you could put any bitterness behind you, loosen up a bit and let people get on with making their own decisions - remembering that we are all adults, and masters of our own destiny.

    Any constructive suggestions in line with the OP would still be appreciated.


  • NeverKnew


    As a worldly, I respect your project and would LOVE to see it come to fruition.

    I really wish more people knew more about JWs. We're so busy respecting another's decision to be a part of another faith, we avoid any meaningful dialog. I think if more people knew about the effects of JWism, more meaningful discussions could happen.

    I can't claim any great writing skills, but if there is anything I can do to help you with the perspective of someone outside the organization, do not hesitate to use me!

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