My country is sick

by sabastious 119 Replies latest social current

  • BizzyBee

    Thank you for the response, ohiocowboy.

    While I agree and support your desire for specific rights, and sooner rather than later, I must point out that those are not issues that can or will be addressed at the federal level, and certainly not by the decree of the president. Your argument is at the state level.

    However, President Obama has created a legislative environment that makes your goals much more viable in the forseeable future. We all can celebrate that in our lifetimes we have moved gay rights from the closet to the national stage. We have presidents Clinton and Obama to thank for that.

    Most gay people are happy about the incredible amount of progress achieved over a relatively short period.....................

  • wasblind

    Well, scince Herman Cain was brought up

    I think it should be mentioned on why he dropped out

    of the race, askin' for blow jobs . I didn't miss him one bit

    I got tire of him tellin' folks how big a HO his mom was

    don't nobody care if she slept around. Talkin' bout

    " He a Coch brotha from anotha mutha "


  • elderelite

    Ok so NC, i gotta ask: How exactly do you quantify the economy's recovery? A few weeks ago you pointed ou my observations are just that: my observations only, from my area only. Your daughter has recetly gotten a good job (congrats to her!) and many others seem to be doing ok in your area.

    So i determined to pay attention in a bigger sense, national stuff, not just local ancidotal evidance.

    The jobs report from a day or so ago was very bad, the numbers of people out of work for so long they stopped looking was shocking to me, and if i understand the number of jobs lost compared to numbers of jobs created, its a net loss during obamas first term.

    Thats what i quantify as bad econmic news and poor performance under obama. How would you quantify a recovery or good econmic news? Bear in mind (i say this for others not nessarily you) im not being a smart a$$, im really asking/seeking somethinggood to hang my hat on here...

  • NewChapter

    Well, first, what you say is correct. The way Al Franken put it, is that Bush left us an out of control train careening toward the edge of the cliff. Obama came in and introduced measures to stop the train, and now must push it back up the hill. We were hemorraging jobs because of Bush at a startling rate and heading straight for a great depression. Job growth has consistently grown since Obama took office. It's slow, but it has steadily headed in the right direction. Bush's catastrophe can't be fixed over night.

    He brought the troops home from Iraq, a war we had no business engaging in anyway (No WMD's). He is bringing troops home from Afghanistan. This will be very good for the economy. Now think about what Bush did. He gave a deep tax cut, did away with the budget surplus that Clinton had us in, and THEN he started not one, but TWO wars without raising taxes. He wanted to play, but he didn't want to pay for it! That has never happened. We've never gone to a war without raising taxes to pay for it, but Bush put us in two. Every time I think about it, it just blows my mind.

    Then Wallstreet blew up, and here we are.

    Our debt will grow simply because of what Bush did to our country. Obama added to that debt, but not to throw the money away on wars, but to invest it in this country so that we can work our way out.

    Deficit spending is coming down, and will have an even greater reduction in 2013. But we have a huge debt. That debt is a Bush legacy. I know that people scream you can't blame Bush anymore, but its the fact. We were a country headed for destruction, and it is not going to be fixed overnight. But we are heading in the right direction, and we will continue to do so. Romney would have taken us back to Bush policies, and we can't afford that, we can't do it again.

    Can it be faster? Possibly. But the Democrats are working alone, because the Republicans have refused to compromise in good faith. There may be a better way out there, but it is not the Republican way. Perhaps this election will encourage them to bring their ideas to the table, so that we benefit from constructive debate (and not this temper tantrum they have been throwing) where each side gives a bit and gets a bit, and hopefully, finds a way to speed the recovery.

    Republicans did this country a HUGE disservice when they decided that compromise was a dirty word. Their tactic has been total domination, and nothing less was acceptable to them. We all watched helplessly as they threw their tantrums and played their games, when they should have been working on the problem. But they had reached a point where they couldn't risk a democrat breathing on them. Should that happen, they would have been primaried.

    They are softening now---some of them---and I look forward to them adding their brains to the discussion, while leaving the tantrums at the door. I'm sure they have some good ideas, but they don't have the only ideas. They MUST accept and work with other ideas.

    I wish the improvements were faster and more deeply felt, but half of our legislatures refused to work on the problem in good faith. And yet, it has still improved. Once they add some of their input, perhaps it will speed up. That's my hope.

  • freydo

    White House receives secession pleas from all 50 states

    By Danielle Ryan

    November 14, 2012 , 2:22 p.m.

    WASHINGTON -- What began as a small group of citizens voicing their disappointment with President Obama's victory in last week's presidential election has turned into a plea from hundreds of thousands of citizens to have their states be granted independence from the federal government.

    The White House has now received secession petitions from all 50 states by citizens requesting that the administration “peacefully grant” them the opportunity to form their own sovereign government.

    The petitions are created through the Obama administration’s "We The People" initiative, which was launched in 2011 as an effort to give citizens an opportunity to have their voices heard by the administration.............,0,4408092.story

  • elderelite

    I dont know if this is true but its stupid if it is. We went down that road once. Its refered to as the civil war.

  • EntirelyPossible

    It's not states deciding to secede. It's nutbags putting a petion on the WH website.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Obama is a politician, he is not really the ideal liberal who will address all the needs of the people who vote for liberals. But keep in mind that the candidate who would address the needs of gay voters, minority voters, immigrant voters, etc. properly would not be elected. This country is so warped in following sex scandals and celebrity news and ignoring real issues, although it is getting a tiny bit better, that the candidates need to be slick in many ways and need to be politicians before being caring human beings.

    Here's how it's getting better though. People are starting to wake up and recognize that they can sway the direction of this country by their popular vote. They don't have to just let it be the status quo.

    Here's a message directly for Mitt Romney (and indirectly for other status quo politicians): In 1885, when your Mormon great-grandfather had four wives, it would have been acceptable for elected officials to think their obligation was to solely represent their white male constituents. Women didn't have the right to vote at all and neither did most people of color. The world has changed. Perhaps the Mormon Church hasn't changed, but it is no longer acceptable to believe that you only need to appeal to white male Christians. If you dare to ask for the privilege to govern the people of this country, you must govern for everyone.

    If you write off 47%, now you know that more than 3% more will join them.

    I think it was well said that nutbag individuals signed petitions. I am confident that even overwhelmingly "Mitt" states don't want out.

  • freydo

    So Republicans will decide that they must pander to the values of 47% that vote Democrat no matter what.

    And government just keeps getting bigger and more dangerous.

    Senate bill rewrite lets feds read your e-mail without warrants

    Proposed law scheduled for a vote next week originally increased Americans' e-mail privacy. Then law enforcement complained. Now it increases government access to e-mail and other digital files.

    This isn't Socialism, it's Bolshevism

    America is cooking like a frog in warm water. Thanks 47%.

  • freydo

    Senator: Today's threats bigger than Cold War

    'I look back wistfully at those days, as bad as they were'

    Published: 1 day ago
    by Bob Unruh

    "Oklahoma’s Sen. James Inhofe, who is in line to become the ranking Republican member of the Senate’s Armed Services Committee, knows he has his work cut out for him in the coming years. He will try to maintain a strong military that will protect Americans from tinpot dictators and rogue governments seeking nuclear weapons.

    “There’s a big difference today from the old Soviet Union and the Cold War,” Inhofe told WND today. “I look back wistfully at those days, as bad as they were.”

    He said that during the years of rocket-rattling by Nikita Kruschev and other Soviet leaders, at least the “enemy” was a rational human who, although politics and priorities differed vastly, wanted to remain alive. That’s no longer the case, Inhofe said. And to compound the problem, there no longer is a single Soviet bear looming on the horizon. There are dozens, perhaps more, renegade and radical dictators who would like to stage a surprise attack on the United States.Back then, too, American presidents wanted a powerfully armed U.S. military, but Barack Obama is dedicated to social experiments and no longer desires that, Inhofe told WND.

    In an exclusive interview about the hurdles he faces to keep the nation strong militarily, Inhofe said liberals in Washington believe America doesn’t need a military.

    “I know,” he said, “I deal with these people.”

    Inhofe said he saw the anti-military movement when Obama was running for president in 2008 and noted the immediate policy changes when Obama took over the White House.

    “He did what I thought. He did away with the F-22, our lift capacity in the C-17 and future combat systems,” Inhofe said, citing a jet fighter project as well as a helicopter project under way. Then Obama also eliminated the ground-based interceptor missile system in Poland, he said, even though that system is critically important to the defense of America and its allies.

    “I have been ranked the most conservative member of the Senate,” he told WND. “But I am a big spender in two areas: national defense and infrastructure.”

    Obama, meanwhile, dished out $800 billion in stimulus money and another $700 billion bailout for “social engineering.”

    “We didn’t have anything for it, military or roads or highways,” Inhofe said...............

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