How are "hateful" atheists helping struggling witnesses on JWN or society in general?

by Healthworker 320 Replies latest members adult

  • besty
    Besty, I don't understand why you wrote the OP doesn't make sense.

    The OP refers to 'some of the members on JWN' - without links to what 'some' have apparently written I don't want to speculate with my response unless I see what the OP is referring to.

    Seems a simple enough request, given that the OP has taken the time and effort to create a mini-survey based on the premise - a few original source quotes should be easy for them to present without further prevarication.

  • besty
    Still on denial mode? Come on man, what are you afraid of! Looking yourself in the mirror? Does it hurt THAT much

    can i suggest starting another thread if you are interested in me specifically.

    This thread begins 'some on JWN'

    I have asked for a few links to examples of this behaviour - should be easy enough.

  • Healthworker


    Thank you for answering each question!

    I appreciate your attitude and your reasoning!

    Love healthworker

  • soft+gentle

    I think the subject is better addressed if we avoid naming names. we all know what healthworker means, including you besty

  • Healthworker


    "I have asked for a few links to examples of this behaviour - should be easy enough."

    Are you trying to make this a thread after your mind? Pls. try and follow the good examples of the others here and answer my questions!

    Btw is that actually you on that picture? Smoking is bad for you! You should try some rooibos!

    Love Healthworker

  • Healthworker


    "we all know what healthworker means, including you besty"

    Thanks for your honest statement!

    Love Healthworker

  • Healthworker


    Thanks for your answer!

    Love Healthworker

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    1) When I ordered the 'Atheism for Beginners' package from Amazon, at the time it only came with actual Hate and no "hate". The package also did not come with any sarcastic features, but I do believe there was a healthy dose of sardonic wit included. Amazon also pairs "Fear of the Future" with a soft carry-case which is really nice for travel.

  • Healthworker



    Man, you just made MY DAY!

    Thanks for that one brother!

    Love Healthworker


    I will name names. King Solomon is very condescending and resorts to ad hominem attacks quite often. Cofty is a close second. I have noticed this hateful speech is not limited to Atheists. Elephant's speech is also hateful and condescending, and even worse in my opinion because King Solomon and Cofty do not appear to be attempting to decieve anyone. I would also include myself in this list because I was very hateful to King Solomon, and I publicly apologize to King Solomon for that. Here is a link to that post.

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