Most solid evidence I've seen linking WT to Mason, somebody try to debunk this lol

by EndofMysteries 147 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • EntirelyPossible

    Yet another thread that King Solomon hijacked in order to insult someone else. Seems like a pattern here.

    Try again. Sabby is the one the brought up angels, ghosts and demons. KS and I are just ressponding to the subject matter.

    He thinks I am still programmed and is offering his "loving aid" in helping me out of my own muck by imposing his belief on me by use of "reason" and insults.

    Perhaps you could leave off trying to say what other people think and making yourself their poor, poor victim. I am sure you wouldn't appreciate it if people went around telling others what you think and why. For instance, if I were to write "Sabby's entire goal here is to make up for his lack of showing leadership in his real life and is simply trying to position himself as a prognosticator, a seer, a shaman in a desperate bid to gain the respect he never had because he thinks a sham, a veneer of respect wrapped around mysticsm will fill the gaping void in his life and make him happy."

    I don't know why you write the things you write, think the things you think, but I am pretty sure if I went around saying, as you do, what other people are thinking, all of it made up, you might not appreciate it.

    The unbelievers are trying to "save" the believers which is pretty ironic when you think about it.

    I'll give you a pass on this made up crap, since you are just now getting the memo about not making shit up about people.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    CA said:

    Yet another thread that King Solomon hijacked in order to insult someone else. Seems like a pattern here.

    If you find my words so "insulting", perhaps the question you should be asking is why they represent such a threat or affront to you....

    Sab said:

    The unbelievers are trying to "save" the believers which is pretty ironic when you think about it.

    It's about as ironic as demonizing Recovery for passing off WT BS since YOU believe it's not true, when you say I'll be singing a different tune after reading whatever nonsense you manage to come up with. There's that characteristic brand of binary logic again, as if deciding that one alternative is false automatically suggests the other alternative must be true (relying on the fallacy of the exclusion of alternatives).

  • sabastious
    BTW, you were the one that wanted Recovery banned for being a JW apologist. Apparently your notion of freedom of speech extends only to people who's speech you like, which is why I defended Recovery's right to speak his ideas, just as I will defend your right to speak yours, even as I take a contrary position to the idea itself.

    This just shows your complete lack of understanding of freedom of speech. If you walk into a science lecture and start yelling over the speaker about your religion you will be kicked out, and rightfully so (same goes for yelling FIRE in a movie theater). That person technically could say that their speech was being impeded, but they are not factoring in that they were first infringing upon the freeodm of speech of the lecturer and the audience, which supercedes his choice to come in yelling at the top of his lungs. "Anything goes" is not the same as free speech.

    Ah, so you have moved from "they exists, science just isn't up to the task" to prognosticating and knowing what they are doing and why, knowing the mind of these invisible, undetectable creature, explaining their unknown plan.

    At first I was taking a scientific approach and now I am showing my own personalized spiritual approach. There is no inconsistency, that's just your bias speaking again. However any conclusions I make based on a spiritual approach will not be verifiable by science, otherwise it would be a scientific approach.

    Tell me, Sabby, how did you come by this knowledge?

    Spiritual awareness.


  • sabastious
    Try again. Sabby is the one the brought up angels, ghosts and demons. KS and I are just ressponding to the subject matter. EP

    Actually KS did here:

    Sab, they believe in supernatural forces, a "Supreme Being". That's an instant DQ, as NO rational person believes in ghosts, angels, devils, etc.... KS
    Perhaps you could leave off trying to say what other people think and making yourself their poor, poor victim. I am sure you wouldn't appreciate it if people went around telling others what you think and why. For instance, if I were to write "Sabby's entire goal here is to make up for his lack of showing leadership in his real life and is simply trying to position himself as a prognosticator, a seer, a shaman in a desperate bid to gain the respect he never had because he thinks a sham, a veneer of respect wrapped around mysticsm will fill the gaping void in his life and make him happy." EP

    I am OK with what you have said. I would alter your statement by saying that my entire goal is not what you say, but you bring up some enlightening points. If I wanted respect I would not say everything I feel. My presence here is mostly cathartic, but my hope is that someone somewhere will take something of value from what I have put together here.

    I'll give you a pass on this made up crap, since you are just now getting the memo about not making shit up about people. EP

    I never try to just make stuff up, I try my hardest to correctly use my own faculties. If someone has a problem with my assessment then they can speak up and even provide assessment of their own. Collaboration is what makes humanity great.


  • EntirelyPossible

    That person technically could say that their speech was being impeded, but they are not factoring in that they were first infringing upon the freeodm of speech of the lecturer and the audience, which supercedes his choice to come in yelling at the top of his lungs. "Anything goes" is not the same as free speech.

    I agree with what you just wrote.

    Of course, that's not why you wrote you wanted Recovery banned. Your lie of omission (the very thing you hypocritically accused KS of doing) is glaring and obvious. You wanted Recovery banned because you thought his ideas were dangerous. Own up to yourself, Sabby. Don't deny who you are, what you wrote. That's just weak.

    At first I was taking a scientific approach and now I am showing my own personalized spiritual approach. There is no inconsistency, that's just your bias speaking again.

    Yes, my bias towards "Sabby is making stuff up again, let's make sure how obvious this is." In the end, it can all be summed up as ... you got nothing.

    Spiritual awareness.

    Your awareness meter needs to be replaced.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Actually KS did here:

    I apologize and retract the statement.

    I would alter your statement by saying that my entire goal is not what you say, but you bring up some enlightening points.

    Well that's a damn shame, Sabby. You don't get to alter it. You think it's ok to make stuff up about people, you don't get to alter the made up stuff about you.

    If someone has a problem with my assessment then they can speak up and even provide assessment of their own. Collaboration is what makes humanity great.

    Exactly, now you are getting it. You post ridiculous, wrong, made up stuff. We call you on it. It's a collaborative process.

  • sabastious
    Of course, that's not why you wrote you wanted Recovery banned. Your lie of omission (the very thing you hypocritically accused KS of doing) is glaring and obvious. You wanted Recovery banned because you thought his ideas were dangerous. Own up to yourself, Sabby. Don't deny who you are, what you wrote. That's just weak.

    That's wrong, I wanted Recovery gone because he was using Watchtower programming on us. Watchtower programming is not genuine ideas, but dangerous mind control. There was no lie by omission because he only came here to hurt us of which he did.

    Your awareness meter needs to be replaced.

    I already know this is how you see it, and it doesn't hold weight with me. Accepting this will greatly increase the quality of our conversations and increase the probability of something good coming from them for others.


  • sabastious
    Well that's a damn shame, Sabby. You don't get to alter it. You think it's ok to make stuff up about people, you don't get to alter the made up stuff about you.

    I can't physically alter it, but I have the freedom to suggest correction.

    Exactly, now you are getting it. You post ridiculous, wrong, made up stuff. We call you on it. It's a collaborative process.

    Sure, which is why it doesn't bother me anymore. You are free to be you and I am free to be me. However you have an agenda that is at odds with mine. That makes us enemies and that means to me that I have learn to love you because enemies can easily be hated. Hate awlays leads to the dark side.


  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    PS my pointing out that Masons believe in a supreme being (vs just YHWH, the connection to JWs and Russell) is a basic fact that some seemed to be unaware of. Pointing out the actual beliefs of Masons in a thread called "Most solid evidence I've seen linking WT to Mason, somebody try to debunk this lol" is not OT: it's very MUCH on topic AND important, since some participants were trying to rewrite basic facts.

  • EntirelyPossible

    That's wrong, I wanted Recovery gone because he was using Watchtower programming on us. Watchtower programming is not genuine ideas, but dangerous mind control. There was no lie by omission because he only came here to hurt us of which he did.

    He is speaking what he believes, however silly and wrong it is and he gets called out on it. You are two sides of the same coin. You say whatever you want, no matter how silly or wrong it is and you get called out on it. The "programming" you speak of is a dangerous line of thinking. Some people, myself included, think that anything that promotes obvious falshoods, fundamentalist Christianity, conspiracy theories that promote wild speculation, ignoring facts and reason to get at a desired conclusion is dangerous thinking.

    Yet, I don't want you banned. I'll just point out the silliness and let you keep going. Recovery didn't hurt anyone. The WT ideas are literally just as valid as the stuff you make up and spout dogmatically.

    I already know this is how you see it, and it doesn't hold weight with me. Accepting this will greatly increase the quality of our conversations and increase the probability of something good coming from them for others.

    Oh, I already think our conversations are awesome because I already know your meter is broken.

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