Jesus wife fragment is a fake

by Christ Alone 494 Replies latest social current

  • ziddina


    EP is apparently planning on making some more little atheists...

  • EntirelyPossible

    no, zid, no more little atheists for me. snip snip.

  • NewChapter

    Ewwww---no little atheists!

  • ziddina



    You're not 'holding up' your end of the situation!!!

    How are we gonna have more atheists if we don't reproduce????

    Oh, that's right...

    Many more people will figure out that religions are impossibly outdated and irrelevant to their modern lives...

  • EntirelyPossible

    I already have two kids. I've done my part. But, back to important matters....two hotties, optionally topless, making me a sammich. It's the new atheist meme. Chop chop, ladies.

  • ziddina


    EP, you have backslid into the Middle-Eastern male mentality of the religious misogynists that you were SUPPOSED to have left behind!!

    I denounce you as a middle-eastern god worshipper!!!

  • EntirelyPossible

    No no no, Zid. As as enlightened atheist man, I am offering you to opportunity exert yourself as an independent, semi-naked sammich making sexy libriarian. I am also perfectly happy if you choose to express your liberation by making me a sammich while tastefully dressed in heels and a sexy bikini.

  • FingersCrossed

    Christ Alone, share your experience if you don't mind. PM me if you won't share it here. Would like to know the good things Jesus had done in your life :)

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    LOL....bloody atheists! They're all the same....hee hee hee

  • myelaine

    dear Tammy...

    I'm not sure where you think my theology is close to the WT's. I haven't ever said that only the disciples were given the Holy Spirit. That wouldn't be consistant with the command of Jesus to go into the world and teach and make disciples and baptise them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I've state that there is the need to get the correct foundational teaching about who Jesus Christ the man is from the church who was given the teaching authority(the apostles and later disciples that Jesus sent out). The Holy Spirit bears witness to this teaching in that He has caused the historic church to grow from the first small group of disciples that were sent out, each of these subsequent disciples that are brought into the church are given the gift of the Holy Spirit that is how the church grows from generation to generation.

    We can be certain that the "fathers" of the faith (including Jesus Christ) were receiving their visions and hearing from God can't we?...your voice...there is no "we" certainty, just "me" certainty. I'm not even sure why you compared their experience in founding the church to yours unless you think it is a means to validate what you are going through. I guess you might also have compared the experiences to present the fact that even though they collaborated what He said, they all misunderstood what Jesus meant when He taught about them hell

    you said: "Even though He did say to go and make disciples, those disciples, according to you, could not then receive the promised gift of the Holy Spirit for themselves and be taught by that Spirit. They could only trust in men, and be taught by men."...point me to where I've said this, please.

    you said: "They [the apostles] argued some, and did not accept Paul for some time either. In any case, there is inconsistency between what men teach now... (such as yours and other churches)... and what men taught then. How do you know what is being taught now (or by which group) is truth, unless you know and look to the Truth: Christ."...There is emphesis put on some doctrines over other doctrines depending on the denomination but the core dogma about who Jesus Christ is and what He only has done in His death, burial and resurrection has remained the same from the beginning...through the protestant reformation and until just recently when there has been a shift away from these core truths. These shifts have been undertaken in order to be more inclusive towards those who "don't believe" in that sort of thing...these denominations (corporate)are those who were once of the church but have now been made manifest that they (people) were not of the church.

    you said: "Don't be silly. There is inconsistency in the bible; there is even inconsistency between what paul at first taught (regarding 'disfellowshippin/ex-communication) and what Christ taught. So even in the bible, everything should be tested against Christ and His teachings. Nothing will contradict him."...didn't Jesus Christ disfellowship/ex-communicate the pharisees from Himself, His disciples and the kingdom, Tammy?

    you said: "Well, look at Cornelius... a gentile. "Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a remembrance before God."...I suspect you will think that this is only because he believed IN God to begin with. But even Paul says that when gentiles do the things required of the law by nature, then they are a law unto themselves."...actually, yes, I do think that he believed in God to begin with and that is why his gifts were brought up as a rememberance before God. THAT is the essance of the law that Jesus spoke God with all your heart, mind and body and the other is like it, love your neighbour as yourself. There is the necessity to believe in, acknowledge and LOVE God first!...that is why your "law of love" hasn't any basis in scripture.

    When gentiles do by nature the things of the law they are a law unto themselves...the nature of the law is an eye for an eye...therefore, do unto others as you would have them do unto you...what has this got to do with people being forgiven solely on the basis of their apprehending the shed blood of Jesus Christ for their salvation?

    you said: "And your church, Michelle, has not been internally consistent. It has not always followed Christ at all; but in fact has done things AGAINST Christ's teachings. But don't be blind about it."...(it's Jesus' church, my faith community). sure, that is because some people are inconsistant but the theology of the church isn't and that is what I've been saying...the theology of the historical/orthodox church from the time of the apostles to this very day is consistant with what Jesus Christ taught...all that He taught...not just the points that can make Him seem to be non-judgemental towards those who reject Him.

    I've never been blind to the things that some who were called to be "shepherd's" have done, It serves no purpose to ignore reality or pretent horrible things didn't happen......on the contrary, I've mentioned them TO YOU specifically in a post within the last month or so.

    love michelle

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