My video recorded apostasy trial is now live

by RayPublisher 117 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ParadiseCircus

    Whoa, that was ballsy. Thanks for sharing.

  • Botzwana

    Wow....Even after being away from them for 2 years I still felt bad for them. I still wanted to be humble picturing myself right there with you. I wanted to be humble and take their counsel and give them a big hug. I need more balls I suppose. I am currently hiding from my elders.

  • Kojack57

    Eric: That was awesome to see them squirm and you held your composure. I'm so proud of you brother!! After the kangaroo court hearing I hope you put clown noses on them and squeezed their noses. When they see the u-tube video for themselves they most certainly will crap their tidy whities.


  • Violia

    They had no explanation for why your accusers did not come to you first.

    this gave me the creeps and I had to stop watching it. I had a strong urge to smack one of them--or yell WTH

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Well done Ray...I have never had to experience anything like that as I never got past my bible study and was not baptised. And after seeing that video I am so relieved I never took the plunge.

    It is clear from an outside POV that these men really have NO authority over anyone else. That any reason for disfellowshiping is simply a control mechanism for the organisation. Control by fear of shunning is dispicable.

    You were very brave and have my full admiration for what you have achieved by managing to tape that meeting. It's about time it was taken out from behind closed doors and exposed for what it really is.

    Here's hoping that people studying with witnessess also stumble accross this video. I'm sure it will be an eye opener for them.

    Well done!

  • smmcroberts

    Bravo! I applaud your courage and your refusal to take crap from them. This was masterfully handled (not at all as I did in my hearing.)

    I stood up and cheered when you had them look up and read 1Cor 4:3-6! (Do not judge until the Lord comes & Don't go beyond the things written.) Your example of blood fractions was very apropos. Who does spend their time figuring out which blood fractions are okay and which are not? And what are they basing it on, and don't we have a right to know?

    After all of your pertinent questions Cosmo replies: "These are questions we can't answer: let's stick to what we can do " Well, what can they do? Evidently nothing of positive value. All they can do is get rid of people who ask the questions they can't answer (and in that respect it was exactly like my hearing.)

    On a humorous note, did Cosmo really say (at 7:06) "We don't like to so-called whack anybody off"?! It seems (try as we might) we just can't get away from the masturbation video.

  • clarity

    Ray .... you stand head and shoulders above them Bro!


    Wow they looked flustered when you talked about this Star Chamber,

    and then the contrast to the open debate in bible times!


    Like your style ... and the little back-up recorder in your pocket!



  • Scott77


  • baltar447

    I was able to watch the highlights video, but I can't stomach watching this full video. Maybe you gave them something to think about, and while I'm not a bible believer anymore, you are a person of high integrity and you stood by your guns.

  • jwfacts

    You did very well, and there was nothing they could say. It is a classic example, as you tell them you believe in almost everything you need to as a JW, including Jehovah and the Bible, but are concerned about the direction of the leadership but that is not good enough to be a JW. Interestingly one elder stated that on becoming a JW you are agreeing to support the Faithful and Discrete slave. Yet the baptism questions are about supporting Jehovah, Jesus and the organisation (or in your case it was probably the Holy Spirit).

    After their accusation that you claim the leadership have "lied", you said that the Watchtower had said the end would come before you left school. I would have loved you to throw the question back on them, "Was that a lie?" just to hear their response. I asked a few questions like that in my JC, and the elders refused to answer, saying they would not answer since they were not on trial, it was me that was.

    I would like to embed this in my article on disfellowshipping.

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