Unconditional Love-How would you describe it?

by rip van winkle 239 Replies latest members private

  • ziddina

    From this website, "The 8 Best Mothers in the Animal Kingdom":


    We don't tend to think of cold-blooded animals as the most caring parents, but alligators certainly break that mold. The female alligator creates nests of rotting organic matter that not only self-incubates, but also determine the sex of the babies. Nests that are constructed with leaves are warmer than those made with wet marsh, and thus, produce more males than cooler nests. Once mama gator has planned the sex of her litter, she will guard her nest from threats, including other alligators, who love to munch on baby gator nests. When the eggs hatch, she will load them into her mouth and then carry them into the water where she will continue to care for them for the following year, assuming they decide to stay near home. "

    alligator mamma

    Pretty good mammas!!

  • caliber

    A mothers love should be instinctual, unconditional and forever. I am sorry but it does not compute in my life

    experience to understand otherwise I am so sorry


  • ziddina

    Research has shown that the "great apes" are so complex that the skills of proper mothering must largely be LEARNED - being a "good mother" may be instinctive for alligators, but must be LEARNED by chimpanzees, orangutans, gorillas, and humans.

    Heck, even instinct can fail - or be over-ridden by other factors.

  • talesin

    Heck, even instinct can fail - or be over-ridden by other factors.

    Yeah, and some people are just sick and twisted. :)

    calibre, it happens ... the important thing is to overcome it, and learn to love one's self. All is not lost.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    still thinking-" I think the issue of unconditional love and acceptance of unacceptable behaviour are being confused. The day I decided to end my relationship with him because he would not/could not stop drinking and I was unwilling to live my life like that. I told him I loved him, always would. Nothing would change that...but I could not tolerate the behaviour any more. My love for him consisted of not trying to change who he was...it was letting go...and letting live, that day, it became unconditional." I can only imagine how difficult it must have been. I admire that you loved yourself first to not tolerate the behaviour ,while you still applied love unconditionally. This is a perfect example of what it means!!!

    Ziddinia-" If I found out my hubby OR CHILD was a serial killer, I'd turn them in so fast it'd make their head spin - or more likely, I'd kill them myself, in 'ahem - cough' - "self"-defense..." I believe you would turn them into the authorities and understandably so. However, I think that you would still love your child unconditionally-maybe not your husband!!!!. And the rest is hyperbole, Z!

    Fakesmile- Puppies!!!=Unconditional love!!! Awwwww!

    Caliber- I like your thought: The truth is this: love is not determined by the one being loved but rather by the one choosing to love.”

  • ziddina

    Rip, in all seriousness, I know myself well enough to state that I would turn in my own flesh-and-blood if they turned out to be vicious killers - or even embezzlers...

    I don't have any children, by the way - the spectre of being like my parents [that, and poopy diapers! ] completely convinced me to avoid motherhood!!!

  • ShirleyW

    Unconditional love is something that "Jehovah's happy people" are unable to give/feel

  • fakesmile

    zid. do you ever regret the decision to not have kids? i ask because i have come to the same decision despite rumors flying.

  • ziddina

    Well, it depends on the person, but...

    Every time I see a parent with a squalling brat, kids running around out-of-control, snotty teenagers, hear about my friend whose 18-year-old daughter has just left for college and how much it's costing her - and that she took to her bed for a few days because she misses her daughter so much...

    I am SO GLAD I didn't have kids!!!

    I can count on the fingers of one hand - and have fingers left over - the number of times that I've regretted avoiding the state of motherhood.

  • ziddina

    Oh, and by the way...

    "Tubal ligation" using plastic clips is apparently the most reliable method - beats the "tubal coagulation" method.

    Here are a couple of websites on the subject:



    When I had the procedure done, the doctor explained that the clips were the most effective at preventing pregnancies. That was in the early 1980s; progress in methods may have brought about different results nowadays.

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