Heading soccer balls, wearing designer clothes, and driving hybrid vehicles - all condemned in the latest Awake

by cedars 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ziddina


    If JW's ruled the world [SHUDDER!!!] there would be no more Olympic games...

  • mP

    God hates printing presses. He never used printing presses to give the commandments to Moses, nor did he inspire his scribes in Israel to build one for publication. He wanted people to copy these texts by hand. Jehovah gave us the plans for the ark and temple but never a printing press. I suppose the safety factor was an important part of his consideration. Manufacturing that big thing is well dangerous, and operating one with all those moving parts is not safe to your fingers, hands or body. The message clearly shows god hates machines.

  • steve2

    The Watchtower has good reason to warn about the dangers of concussion. I know a man who was sitting in a kingdom hall half-listening to the drone-ridden public talk. He was struck in the head by a random independent thought: "What the hell am I doing wasting my life listening to this sh*t?".

    He was never the same again.

    The elders declared there was nothing they could do to help him: His brain cells were way too active and they couldn't keep up with his rapid-fire common-sense. The long-overdue hit to the head brought him to his senses; he found his way back home and would never step back into a kingdom hall - ever again. You've been warned.

  • designs

    The Bluegrass group The Dillards had a hilarious song on an old smoke belching Studebaker packed full of Geehovahs Witnesses.

    Nice Cedars

  • aquagirl

    Wow,I wonder how the Williams girls{Serena and Venus}are going to 'skirt'this? {Get it? 'skirt"?}heheheheh

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    Hey designs,

    Can you post the exact name of that hilarious song? I'd love to download it and turn it into a ringtone. iTunes has several albums by the Dillards, but I can't figure out which song you're talking about.

  • wallsofjericho

    Notice that, in order to receive love, the onus for the Society is on "WHAT you are" (i.e. a compliant Jehovah's Witness) rather than "WHO you are".

    hey now that was definitely worded that way intentionally. I can hear the review chatter now:

    non-anointed Editor A:"if we put "WHO you are" then weak ones will point to this out to their families to initiate association again after they have been excluded from family affairs for being 'who they are'. We want our brothers to love others for WHAT they are, not WHO they are!".

    non-anointed Editor B: "Yes brother, good point. Change "who you are" to "what you are. There, that's much better and can't be used to expose our inconsistency and mind control indoctrination techniques"

    non-anointed Editor A: "yes that is better. The GB will like how we covered their asses on this"

    non-anointed Editor B:"For sure! Man, can you imagine if everyone found out all the bull shit we write in these magazines?" LOL

    non-anointed Editor A: "No kidding huh? boy those rank & file JW's are a real bunch of brain washed, gullable stupid fucks"

    non-anointed Editor B: "Ya totally! hey wanna go back to the sauna and have some gay sex?

    non-anointed Editor A: "oh you know it bro!"

  • RubaDub

    I think they should be more aware of the dangers of "Spiritual Heading"

    Rub a Dub

  • tresdecu

    Cedars, I really enjoy your contributions to the site...and your website as well! I think your choice of words is a bit dramatic though.."condemned" is not really how I see it at all. Not to sound WT apologist at all but I think they are just bringing out some information (hyped or not) about soccer balls being headed. I would be concerned about my child repetedly heading a ball while playing soccer. Informaton is easily found about this:


    Believe me, I am not a fan of the Awake...but I think saying it's condemned just isn't where this was going. I hardly think JCs will be formed due to heading a soccer ball, or wearing designer clothes. Just my 2 cents.

  • cedars


    I think your choice of words is a bit dramatic though.."condemned" is not really how I see it at all.

    I see your point. Sorry if my choice of words was a bit strong!

    As regards soccer, nobody asks players to repeatedly head balls - it's very occasional at best. Also, modern footballs tend to be much lighter and therefore safer. Football's an engaging team sport and a great form of exercise. I had to put up with countless assembly/kingdom hall items where people were persuaded from either following it or playing too much, and I'm annoyed to see the Society's anti-sport stance manifest itself more and more in the publications - hence my strong reaction.


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