The Governing Body intends to announce significant changes in academic literature (DOCTRINES) - Brazil

by Dogpatch 375 Replies latest jw friends

  • dreamgolfer

    Nope I got the "low down" yesterday

    They are setting up Direct Deposit or Withdrawl - ACH like your/our paychecks for Contributions

    and you will get extra "Heaven 144,000 Points" - (allowing you to partake and NOT be called Mentally imbalanced)

    I saw it on the rough draft on "Loesch's desk"

  • jemba

    It will either be in relation to saving or making MONEY. What else keeps their motor running?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Get ready to get your JWs to defend a doctrine just before they find out it has been changed.

  • jeremiah18:5-10

    They are going to finally respond to Anointed's letters and officially announce that they are the FDS and acknowledge that the heavenly hope is the only true hope.

  • sir82

    I would echo the "tithing" speculation. I suspect they are quite jealous of the absolutely alpine levels of $$$ the Mormons are swimming in. And even the most naive JW has to realize something is up with all the cutbacks over the past decade.

    They'd probably want the elders to get on board with it first, get them used to the idea, order them to be "exemplary in this regard" so they can "encourage" the flock to follow suit.

    I've also wondered for some time about some sort of non-disclosure form, or even some sort of "loyalty oath", that would be mandatory for elders to sign. It has to be embarrasssing to them that BOE letters are posted here, or elsewhere, virtually the same day they are posted on

  • WinstonSmith

    Black Sheep: Great tactic. Get them pumped up on telling you how wrong you are and then reveal to them it has all changed. Again.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Whatever it is, they have to know that the second they tell the first group of elders, it will be leaked to the world. I agree with those who are saying its more of a procedure change than a real change in doctrine.

    It's been in the works for awhile and my guess is that it's related to something financial since that's almost as important to the GB as power is. Boy, tithing would be a really tough thing to implement. They've railed on other religions for years and years about that. I think it would be easier for them to change doctrine that to get a tithing arrangement in place.

    I can see a change in how they handle pedophile cases being a possibility and one that they would want to explain face to face to elders and answer questions. There are many elder bodies that can't follow simple instructions in BOE letters and the WTS has got to do something to stem the tide of lawsuits.

    I seriously doubt there would be a change in FS although I did catch that comment a few weeks ago in the WT. Still, that's one of the few things non-JWs know about JWs (no holidays and no blood being the other things).

    Whatever the change, I'll bet we find out about it here before the majority of the elders do!!!

  • DesirousOfChange

    I've also wondered for some time about some sort of non-disclosure form, or even some sort of "loyalty oath", that would be mandatory for elders to sign. It has to be embarrasssing to them that BOE letters are posted here, or elsewhere, virtually the same day they are posted on

    Don't they already have an assumed "loyalty oath" by a person's baptism? By being baptised you have signed an oath that if you break your loyalty to the Borg they will destroy your reputation and remove from you all of your family and friends. What more could they possibly ask from someone in return for their committment or loyalty?


  • sir82
    explain face to face to elders and answer questions.


    Boy, it's been a long time since you were in an elders's school!

    Answer questions - that's a good one!

  • sir82
    What more could they possibly ask from someone in return for their committment or loyalty?

    With a signed form they could legally prosecute elders who broke the agreement.

    Sure they can disfellowship you, but I think they'd want to do more if they could.

    Remember, their primary "thing" is power. They've been on the defensive for years now, maybe they have the idea to forcefully win back some of what they have lost? "Go after" the elders who cause them embarrassment and loss of prestige?

    I don't know, it's all speculation at this point. It will probably end up being 8 hours of details of what kind of porn is now a DF offense and how to conduct the book study better.

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