Anonymous Message to Watchtower

by jwleaks 343 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • jamesmahon

    Morning all

    Will be brief as got to go to work.

    blindnomore - my point in mentioning you is that it is the culture that needs to change more than the policy. That is not to say the policy should not change of course but until the culture of the people in the organisation is that it is right people should go to the police first and everyone in the congregation locally is supportive of that then the problem will no go away.

    BP and lifeistooshort - releasing the names to the police is what they should have done in the first place. Well, to be honest, the WTBTS should not even have the names because it should have gone straight to the police. I have zero problem with the names being released to the police and investigations taking place where the police and victims want to pursue the matter. So that would 'calm me down' as you say.

    Lifeistooshort - the NSPCC is British. Megan's law is American. We don't have Megan's law and the NSPCC currently do not believe there is sufficient evidence that it does good rather than harm. They do support selective community notification on a case by case basis. The reason for 25 posts is that I have just answered people's posts as they have come along. I know they are long but I suspect some of the posters arguing against me have not even read them, given that the majority of points I raised have not been even discussed.

    Balaamass - we actually do not know what is in the list. Apparently it could include anything that the witnesses to deem to be sexual abuse. So I have read on another thread it could include a 19 year old man who had sex with a 17 year old girl (or god forbid a boy). We are reliant on the elders providing detail of the offence, this being accurately uploaded onto a database or transcribed and then when it is released (assuming it is not just a list of names) people bothering to read the details rather than just seeing if anyone locally is on the list. I guess people also hear what they want to hear and disregard the rest. You mention the case of the elder in Red Bluff. What Barbara says in the video (as is reiterated again and again) is that the police were not notified. Not the congregation. If his name was read out at the KH but police were still not notified he would have just changed his name or moved to a different church. These people stop when they get caught. Anwyay, will agree to disagree on this one.

    Finally Outlaw

    JW elders apparently have the skills to investigate child abuse that exceed the police... if they say they have two witnesses the guy is definitely guilty of being a molester...

    ..why not just line him up and run him through with a pitchfork now..

    so are you either...

    a fool who thinks that people are guilty until proven innocent or

    a fool who thinks that the JW elders are expert investigators and always reach the right decisions, especially when child abuse is involved....

    I am not saying you are a fool of course. Just 'asking' a question. Just because I am saying you are one or the other in no way means I am implying you are fool.

  • cedars


    I'll respond to your points in several posts if you don't mind, and I'll let you know once I've finished.

    I'd like to start of by reiterating that the issues discussed in the NSPCC report entitled "SEX OFFENDER MANAGEMENT: Children’s rights, Megan’s Law and the Child Sex Offenders Review" (which you so enthusiastically wave in people's faces as "evidence" that the actions proposed by Anonymous will do NO good and only harm) though related to the action proposed by Anonymous, is actually discussing something else entirely. Here is the foreword to the report...

    The following article outlines the
    NSPCC’s findings from its recent
    research into the effectiveness of
    Megan’s Law in the United States. It also
    outlines the NSPCC’s response to the
    Home Office Child Sex Offenders Review
    and discusses the issue of community
    notification from a children’s rights perspective.

    How is "Megan's Law" defined in the report?

    ‘Megan’s Law’ is the term used to describe the use
    of compulsory ‘community notification’ for convicted
    sex offenders in the United States. The law
    enables police forces to provide members of the
    public with information about known sex offenders
    who are living locally. The law aims to promote
    public and community safety by increasing awareness
    of sex offenders who are thought to be at high
    risk of re-offending. Megan’s Law is not an evidence-
    based policy but was adopted in the US in
    response to a series of high profile crimes against

    Therefore, as I have mentioned previously, insisting that this report by the NSPCC which clearly discusses statutory "community notification" for CONVICTED sex offenders is highly misleading. Why?

    Because the sex offenders in this report have been CONVICTED, whereas the individuals on the alleged pedophile list at Watchtower HQ will be (in the overwhelming majority of cases) NOT CONVICTED and will have carried out (or ARE carrying out as we speak) acts of child molestation under the protection of JW child abuse policy.

    We might well also ask... is "Megan's Law" (as described above) the same as the actions proposed by Anonymous?


    Megan's Law is a legal device enabling police officers to notify parents etc of sex offenders who live locally. It is aimed at increasing awareness of CONVICTED sex offenders who are thought to be at risk of re-offending.

    The actions proposed by Anonymous, irrespective of their legality or lack thereof, are a one-off action by group of vigilantes. The aim of these actions can be reasonably assumed as being (1) to expose the very fact that the Watchtower Society HAS a secret database of UNCONVICTED paedophile offenders, and (2) to release the names of those on the list so that law enforcement authorities can investigate accordingly and decide whether the information on the database warrants a prosecution.

    Do Anonymous's proposed actions amount to "community notification" as described in this report?

    I would again argue NO.

    "Community notification", as discussed in this report, involves the authorities notifying a community of CONVICTED sex offenders.

    Firstly, the Watch Tower Society can most certainly NOT be described as "authorities" of any sort, nor can Anonymous. Any release of Watch Tower files by Anonymous could therefore hardly be compared with a community being officially notified by state authorities. In short, any names that are dredged up on the Watchtower files will be of those ACCUSED of pedophilia, and there is a world of difference between those who are ACCUSED of paedophilia and those who are CONVICTED of paedophilia.

    The key here is the difference between CONVICTED and UNCONVICTED. You are reading a report about how to handle and manage sex offenders who have been processed under Law. We are talking about a group of people, mostly UNCONVICTED, who abuse their positions of trust and the secrecy of the Watchtower Society to continue offending. Therefore, insisting that the NSPCC report applies to this proposed actions of Anonymous is both misleading and, frankly, preposterous, because the report clearly wasn't written with the very specific and unprecedented proposed actions of Anonymous in mind.

    (To be continued...)

  • cedars

    I'll now respond to a few of the more incoherent statements/assertions you've made...

    #462 - " Can you please tell me what logic you are using that says releasing this list of accused men (and women) will result in one child being safe from abuse? Because just like in Conti's case, the predatory child molestors will already have moved on. The ones that have not yet and are named will just move to another area, change their name and have complete anonymity. That is what convicted child molesters try to do even when they have law enforcement officers keeping tabs on them. How do you think someone that has not even been convicted going to behave. Sure, they may not abuse the children in the congregation they are in anymore, but they will just swap congregations and start again anew. So your child may have been protected if this list was released but someone else's would not of."

    So you are saying/implying that (1) not ONE SINGLE child will be spared abuse through the actions of Anonymous, (2) the status quo in which a paedophile is allowed to operate in a position of trust with access to multiple children in a congregational environment is preferable to him being "outed" and deprived of his community environment and position of trust, and the innumerable potential to offend that comes with this, (3) any failure by the authorities to keep tabs on a brother who is subsequently found guilty of pedophilia should be the responsibility of Anonymous for leaking the information in the first place, and no liability rests with the authorities for their failure to track the movements of a known sex offender.

    (To be continued...)

  • cedars

    As to the first assertion, that not one single child will be spared as a result of the proposed leak by Anonymous, I offered the following reasons why this was proposterous:

    1. [The leak will] force the Governing Body to at least consider FINALLY bringing their policies in line with the law, thereby resulting in future cases of child abuse being handled properly and THEREFORE more child molesters being prosecuted after the first offence and THEREFORE sparing countless victims from ever being molested
    2. [The leak will] seriously damage the credibility of Jehovah's Witnesses as a religion, resulting in less people joining the religion and therefore less children being put at risk. Or, as I repeated elsewhere, it will " unquestionably hinder the organization's ability to continue with its policies and/or retain credibility for attracting new converts and potential victims."
    3. As DT mentioned, the data may name and shame some paedophiles who are currently serving in positions of "trust" within the organization and force them away from these positions, thus compromising their ability to ensnare JW children.

    Despite your reams and reams of argumentation, you have not succesfully rebutted any of these points. In fact, for the most part, you have avoided them entirely.

    In answer to point 1, I got...

    "As for changing policy, if anything changes there policy it will be the countless millions they are going to have to pay out to Conti et al. If that doesn't then I am afraid releasing 20,000 names will not make them change."

    Hardly an answer worthy of my point, but here goes...

    Firstly, it's not "countless" millions. Secondly, even if they lose their appeal, the Society can quite possibly attempt to sweep the Conti case under the rug as they did with the UN scandal. It's all about the level of media exposure. Though the Conti case has garnered some media exposure, it's nothing of the magnitude I would have hoped for (i.e. all over the televised news) although, admittedly, it remains to be seen what develops following the appeal. The more media exposure the Society gets, the more it will be inclined to do a U-turn on child abuse. My point was that a successful attack by Anonymous would almost certainly get more media exposure than the Conti case alone, because whatever people think about Anonymous, they are a highly influential group. IF this results in the Society bringing their child protection policies in line with the Law, then OF COURSE this would result in future children being spared abuse. You've almost completely overlooked this point.

    In answer to point 2, I got...

    "You state that releasing this list will cause insurmountable damage to the umbrella organisation. Well, no one will know I suppose one way or the other until it is released. I'm not so sure why you think it will. The Catholic Church is not exactly on its knees last time I looked despite systematic cover up from the pope down and loads of convictions of priests and bishops. And that scandal has been going on for years and frequently makes the press. So I doubt this will make sod all difference to the R&F."

    So your chief rebuttal to this is "well, no one will know I suppose", followed by a bizarre comparison between Jehovah's Witnesses and the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is the world's largest Church with approximately one billion members worldwide. By comparison, Jehovah's Witnesses are a tiny cult which, though finely spread around the world, has only just over 7 million members. The Catholic Church will survive multiple allegations over child abuse, because (unlike JWs) it is present in every nation of the world and is large enough to absorb negative PR and continue relatively unshaken by these sorts of revelations.

    JWs, on the other hand, are an evangelical group that is highly dependent on its clean-cut image when it comes to attracting new converts. The fallout from a successful raid on the alleged paedophile database by a group by Anonymous would be DEVESTATING to their reputation. Would you like to go out in the ministry as a Jehovah's Witness the day after the Anonymous attack and the uncovering of the list has been all over the news? Not only will "interested ones" start digging around on the internet and want nothing more to do with the organization, but most non-JWs will be even more resentful of JWs calling on them than they were previously. Also, many within the faith will almost certainly begin to ask more questions, and do more digging, resulting in more being finally able to break free mentally.

    Make no mistake, this will HUGELY damage Jehovah's Witnesses, and the numbers would drop as a result - perhaps not instantly, but over time, definitely. Even if one family with a child left the religion as a result of this scandal, it would still be one less child who is threatened by the possibility of sharing a kingdom hall with a paedophile - which would automatically negate your claim that not one single child would benefit from the proposed action by Anonymous.

    Elsewhere, on #468, you said:

    "This will unquestionably hinder the organization's ability to continue with its policies and/or retain credbility for attracting new converts and potential victims." Errm, I think you may just have been as guilty as you accused me of being when I said the evidence is clear. I have I think given pretty good reasons why this may not be the case.

    No, James, you haven't.

    In ans wer to point 3, I got...

    "You have latched onto DTs one suggestion how this may stop child molestation and ignored all the reasons I have given that it will increase the risk of molestation. Reasons that are supported by evidence."

    I haven't "latched on" to anything. DT merely made an obvious point that I would have made eventually anyway, since it's not rocket science to conclude that an elder being "outed" as a paedophile will force his resignation and decimate the position of trust by which he can have access to considerable numbers of children. As explained above, your "evidence" is not evidence at all, but merely a charity report on how authorities should handle convicted sex offenders. We are talking about unconvicted sex offenders whom the authorities have not yet had opportunity to investigate, so it's not "evidence" at all. You have side-stepped the issue.

    (to be continued...)

  • Splash

    Hi, Seems they are already busy: Splash.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Thanks Jamesmahon for explaining that the NSPCC is British. I was wondering why I never heard of it.

    But with how truly you seem so worked up over their findings you would think that the US would know of the study and be very alarmed over it.

    Where I live here in the US Meghan's law is used all the time. The law by the way is named after a little girl who was brutally killed by a well known pedophile who broke into her home and kidnapped her out of her own bed while she was sleeping. He raped and killed her if I remember right in her yard. The guy should never have been out on the loose. It was so very sad and the little girls dad helped to get the law into place thus the name Maghan.

    Where I live the pedophiles pictures are put in the paper and TV, their names are on the internet, in fact two of the child molesters in my hall are on the list. When one of them moved the elders started to scramble to make sure no one in the hall lived where the flyer's were handed out.

    One of the grown daughters of an elder lived next door to the guy and so she told some of us. Her dad insisted she give him the flyer so he could keep it safe OK

    From all the case studies I have heard of and read where I live though the law is not perfect and yes pedophiles do slip through the cracks but the case of child rape have went down. In fact just two weeks ago a one of the huge malls here a pedophile attacked a little girl and because he was on the list as a high level sex offender it helped to get him caught.

    Also your huge concern over the fact that a 19 could be on the list because he had sex with a 17 and a half year old girl is not what the list is used for here in the US where I live. It is for guys who are well into the 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's having sex with kids who range in the age of one years of age till their mid teens. So no need to get yourself so worked up.

    My word yesterday I swear you seemed on the verge of a heart attack you seemed so worked up and upset that the list might get out. I truly understand Outlaw because even though many of us did not post most of us were wondering why you were so worked up. You truly did not make sense in many of your posts as you just seemed to have so much invested in keeping this list hidden.


  • Azazel

    Hey Ceders I remember reading something about each congregation secretary has a file that uses a scripture as its title and this is the file any accused or convicted pedo details are kept. I'm trying to find we're I came across that and wondered if any of you guys recalled similar? I'd happily do a B+E to get that info.


  • cedars

    In summary of my previous post, as to your assertion that (1) not ONE SINGLE child will benefit from this action, or as you put it...

    "Can you please tell me what logic you are using that says releasing this list of accused men (and women) will result in one child being safe from abuse?"

    This is completely ridiculous and devalues your argument from the outset. You can argue about the consequences and ramifications of 'outing' paedophiles all you like, but you CANNOT claim that children will not be saved in the future by bringing these monsters to justice. That is an absurd claim to make, and the longer you make it the less credible you appear.

    I'll now respond to a fe w of your other comments...

    #465 " Perhaps you should ask the NSPCC if they think that such a list should be made public over the internet. I am guessing they would say no. But each to their own opinion."

    Firstly, it is not for me to establish what the NSPCC would or wouldn't advise on this subject. You are the one waving their report in people's faces as evidence of their opinion on this specific matter, so the onus is on you to solicit their advice. Secondly, in my experience of dealing with the NSPCC and ANY charity in relation to JW policy, opinions can be EXTREMELY hard to solicit, as you will no doubt discover for yourself. The reason seems to be that charities don't like to be seen throwing mud at other charities, and even though JWs should NOT enjoy charitable status, they nevertheless do. Therefore, the likes of the NSPCC are very reticent when it comes to commenting on Jehovah's Witnesses, unless it is in a private consultative role.

    As regards the proposed action by Anonymous, the very fact that its legality is questionable would merit a negative or condemnatory response from the NSPCC if they were pushed on the issue. They are hardly going to condone vigilante action (even if they favored it) because, by doing so, they could threaten their own charitable status. However, you are NOT in this case debating the ethics of forcibly extracting information from the Society's database - you are debating the consequences of this action on pedophiles and whether this will force them underground and somehow worsen the scale of their offenses. This is another subject altogether, but I suspect you know this, and are just trying to be belligerent.

    #466 " It seems you are dismissing the findings of the NSPCC report that this activity is likely to harm children in the hope that it will cause terminal damage to the WTBTS. I'm afraid you are dismissing the report and don't understand why. Releasing the names of child molestors has been done before and does not stop molestation."

    This was another area in which your credibility dropped substantially. You accused me of "dismissing" the NSPCC's report when I had done no such thing. I had merely highlighted that it bore no direct relevance to the issue at hand, as explained above.

    #466 " Somehow because these people are only accused and not convicted they are going to behave more responsibly? You have lost me there."

    If anyone is trying to second-guess the behavior of those accused of child abuse, it is you - not I. My argument is that the authorities should have the opportunity to process these people according to whether they are guilty or not guilty, and their behavior and movements once convicted then fall under the supervision and responsibility of the local authorities. You bypass this fact entirely and claim that it is Anonymous (and/or any apostates who aid Anonymous in their actions) who should be responsible for the actions of paedophiles after they have been "outed" and prosecuted. This is ludicrous.

    #466 " You have already talked of 'casualties of war'. Some of these casualties will be children who either are abused by molesters going awol or simply the children of wrongly accused men."

    I don't recall describing any "casualties of war" on this thread. Please, if you're going to quote me, be good enough to provide my quote in full - otherwise I see no reason to dignify you with an answer. I will say this though - whether molesters, once convicted, go "AWOL" is the responsibility of local law enforcement, and nobody else. I also fail to understand your point about the children of "wrongly accused men" suffering as a result of the proposed action. Please explain?

    #466 " Why do you think the NSPCCs' findings are not translatable? Why do you think that the types of people I listed as being named will stop offending because the list has been published?"

    I've explained above why the NSPCC report cannot be "translated" as being directly relevant to the issue under discussion. Nowhere do I assert that people who are named will stop offending once outed, merely that (1) their being properly prosecuted by the relevant laws is preferable to them continuing undetected in a "position of trust", (2) children stand to benefit from the list being published for the reasons explained above, and (3) subsequent offences on the part of those outed and convicted are the responsibility of the offenders themselves, and their ability to commit any such offenses will be severely diminished by the close supervision and monitoring of the local authorities - which is how it should be.

    #467 " But releasing this list is community notification."

    No, it is not - for the reasons explained above.

    #467 " And just to pull one of the sentences off the para you put up

    Offenders who have
    gone underground are a greater threat to children
    as they cannot be monitored, nor made subject to
    treatment and supervision."

    Whether outed and criminally convicted offenders go underground or not is a matter for the authorities to manage. And in any case, they are essentially "underground" already, because their identities are being concealed by the Society, and they are being allowed free access to children, in many cases in positions of trust or authority, but without supervision or monitoring by the authorities! Please clarify how it is easier for the authorities to track these individuals now in comparison with once they are named and criminally convicted?

    (to be continued...)

  • cedars


    Hey Ceders I remember reading something about each congregation secretary has a file that uses a scripture as its title and this is the file any accused or convicted pedo details are kept. I'm trying to find we're I came across that and wondered if any of you guys recalled similar? I'd happily do a B+E to get that info.

    Sorry, I don't remember anything about that.


  • Soldier77

    This seems to have missed in the tangent argument going on:

    Anonymous are needing some more people on the inside to help. But the ball is rolling. Let's help them out!

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