Things that were supposedly demonized

by freshstart 64 Replies latest jw experiences

  • dingo1

    pops had an antique totem pole bout 4 feet high. looked south american and old. (mom)demonic. dad also bought an 1800s horse hitching post.. an authentic wroght iron "jocko" lawn jockey, also demonized. mom wanted to get rid of jocko until i theatened to cut that bitch.. lol jk. all demonic untill i enlightened my mom on jocko graves. now he holds a lantern(candle) as intended. UNBELIVEABLE, this statue could have helped lead slaves to freedom. demonic, NOT LIKELY.

  • talesin

    Meditation .........

    Therapy ...........

  • blondie


    religious idols

    religious pictures

    crystall ball

    tarot cards

    reading horoscope

    ouija boards

    BUT NOT demonized (in this area)

    Wizard of Oz, Disney movies with witches

    purchasing items at garage sales (had COs and their wives, ex-Bethelites, ex-Gileadites all hunting for the prize)

    I Dream of Jeanie but not Bewitched (we watched both along with Scooby)

  • talesin


  • talesin

    blondie,,, Disney was 'generally' okay, but NOT Bedknobs and Broomsticks --- omg, soooo SATAN!

  • NewChapter

    The Mormon Bible.

    Someone thought demons were bothering them----they did the obligatory sweep with elders---found the Mormon Bible---burned it----problem solved.

    I know someone else that was having particular problems with a lamp. (I suspect wiring)

    Someone else that loaned out a stereo, they must have played demon music on it, because after that, if they tried to play a song, they heard the sound of someone breathing over the music (I suspect it was their own breathing amplified by fear. They had heard the person borrowing the stereo liked some bands that were demonic.)

    A book bag. A sister bought a bookbag, and all kinds of things started happening. Things went missing. Things fell down and hit her in the head. She found an iddy biddy cross on the bookbag that had escaped her notice. She scraped it off. The demons left her alone. (I suspect normal clumsiness)

    Demunz are just everywhere. They are passengers that disembark to make a true christian's life just miserable. They are like roaches.

  • neverscreamagain

    This topic reminded me of one time about 5 years ago when I mentioned to a brother that I had just went back and watched all of the episodes of "Twin Peaks". He replied with a tone of righteousness that he couldn't watch that because it was too "dark". I let it slide but I knew that he was a major Star Wars fan, and yeah there is absolutely nothing mystical, magical, or supernatural in Star Wars.

    Kind of shows how that we will justify what we want to.

    Hey also saw the magic 8 ball mentioned. Sweet! I never leave the house without checking it for advise first.

    And nobody eats at Asian restaurants? Can't forget the fortune cookie. If we were out and others in the group, and there was always someone who you could tell was setting a good example by not opening theirs, I would grab one and say that this one was theirs and read it out loud. HaHa! Was that wrong?

  • NewChapter

    When I went to Asian restaurants with JW's (and this happened more than you'd think, as I don't favor it, but they LOVED filling up on all those carbs) every single one of them, from Elder, MS, Pioneer, to R&G opened and read their fortune cookies. I remember this, because the first time, I didn't know if they would frown on it. They all did it, read it out loud, and chuckled. Every Time.

    And when they got home, their dishes were floating, or so I assume.


  • Nambo

    I think my underpants are demonised, there was allways something decidedly un-Christian going on in them that even fervant prayer couldnt stop.

    If I was a lot younger I might have approached the Elders to see if laying on of hands might have been the answer?

  • talesin

    Can't forget the fortune cookie.

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