Do Pedophiles deserve sympathy?

by purplesofa 149 Replies latest members adult

  • Knowsnothing

    This fallacious research is wicked nonsense. They deserve no sympathy whatsoever, they only deserve a bullet between the eyes. We live in this uber politically correct Society where we must understand and have sympathy for evil perpetrators. its the age where the perpetrator is viewed as a victim just as much as the victim. I can't believe the nauseating comments on this thread. Next we will see threads on whether Hitler and Pol Pot deserve our sympathy. -yadda yadda 2

    If 'sympathy' leads to results, by all means. The more attention we can bring to this, the more knowledge we have of why people act like this, can in turn allow us to create a better solution. 'Hulk smash' just ain't gonna do it. It isn't going to make this go away.

  • mrsjones5

    (((((((QueenWitch and daughter)))))))

  • elderelite

    Soozy.. that new info hit me deeply. It sheds light on a situation that is personal for me. Thank you so much for sharing that.


    Nope. Its disgusting and I applaud that father who beat his 5 yr old daughters rapist to death in Texas. My opinion....sorry if it offends.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Nearly all had been sexually abused as minors and many had in turn abused and tortured others.

    Let us not confuse this statistic. It has been used many times to show that victims become abusers. This is a skewed conclusion. Studies done on convicted criminals came to the same conclusion.

    They have taken a limited sample of people and made a assumption between vicitmization and abuser. If you only study one portion of the population you cannot take that conclusion and say it applies to all victims. Most victims grow up and decide to do everything in theri power to NOT abuse a child and many go into helping professions to help others.

    The only true way to study whether abuse starts in childhood and then results in a person becoming an abuse in adulthood would be to study everybody which would be impossible.

    QueenWitch I am sorry that your daughter was abused. Please make sure that she gets the help she needs and while this shouldn't be a source for all issues as she grows, it should not be a topic that is never discussed. Learn what the long term effects are and as she grows older help her see the connections between thoughts, feelings and behaviors and the abuse and that she has the power to overcome those long term effects.

  • Snoozy

    ELDERELITE: Same here..

    PURPLESOFA: I wil lhave to look that movie up . "Pappillon". I missed it when it. Thankfully today it is so easy to see older movies..Thanks.

    AGUEST: Thank you..

    LADY LEE..I think the majority of both abused and convicts will have a tendency to abuse or break the law in one way or another. It is what they have grown up with. Now changing is a different thing. I would like to see the statistics on that.
    I think of it like being raised a JW..It is hard to NOT think like one even when you are out for several years. Children raised in it and then leave still have many fears they had as a JW. Somethings are just hard to stop. If someone lives in a abusive home I think they will have a tendency to be abusive in their own relationships as well. It's all they know for a while. At least till they get help. They may not even be aware they are doing it untill someone may point it out to them..

    I also wanted to add that I feel sorry for anyone with a mental defect of any is not their fault in my eyes. I do believe it is always a mental or physical defect in one way or another in both criminals and pedophiles that cause them to behave the way they do and should be helped or even controlled in one way or another...


    edited to add: PURPLESOFA: I looked up Papillion and wow, that had to be some story. so many attempts and losses. looks like a very intense story. I saw a show about the prisons in Russia and couldn't believe what the inmates go through there..shocking.

  • Snoozy

    Re my comment on injuries and pedophiles:

    I found this article and found it intersting as it backed up my views onpossible head injuries of some kind. (Note *****)


    Causes and biological associations

    Although what causes pedophilia is not yet known, beginning in 2002, researchers began reporting a series of findings linking pedophilia with brain structure and function: Pedophilic (and hebephilic) men have lower IQs, [ 75 ] [ 76 ] [ 77 ] poorer scores on memory tests, [ 76 ] greater rates of non-right-handedness, [ 75 ] [ 76 ] [ 78 ] [ 79 ] greater rates of school grade failure over and above the IQ differences, [ 80 ] lesser physical height, [ 81 ]***** greater probability of having suffered childhood head injuries resulting in unconsciousness, [ 63 ] [ 82 ] and several differences in MRI-detected brain structures. [ 83 ] [ 84 ] [ 85 ] They report that their findings suggest that there are one or more neurological characteristics present at birth that cause or increase the likelihood of being pedophilic. Evidence of familial transmittability "suggests, but does not prove that genetic factors are responsible" for the development of pedophilia. [ 86 ]

    Another study, using structural MRI, shows that male pedophiles have a lower volume of white matter than a control group. [ 83 ]

    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has shown that child molesters diagnosed with pedophilia have reduced activation of the hypothalamus as compared with non-pedophilic persons when viewing sexually arousing pictures of adults. [ 87 ] A 2008 functional neuroimaging study notes that central processing of sexual stimuli in heterosexual "paedophile forensic inpatients" may be altered by a disturbance in the prefrontal networks, which "may be associated with stimulus-controlled behaviours, such as sexual compulsive behaviours." The findings may also suggest "a dysfunction at the cognitive stage of sexual arousal processing." [ 88 ]

    Blanchard, Cantor, and Robichaud (2006) reviewed the research that attempted to identify hormonal aspects of pedophiles. [ 62 ] They concluded that there is some evidence that pedophilic men have less testosterone than controls, but that the research is of poor quality and that it is difficult to draw any firm conclusion from it.

    A study analyzing the sexual fantasies of 200 heterosexual men by using the Wilson Sex Fantasy Questionnaire exam determined that males with a pronounced degree of paraphilic interest (including pedophilia) had a greater number of older brothers, a high 2D:4D digit ratio (which would indicate excessive prenatal estrogen exposure), and an elevated probability of being left-handed, suggesting that disturbed hemispheric brain lateralization may play a role in deviant attractions. [ 89

  • soft+gentle

    snoozy I understand what you are saying. But I think a person who has been abused who has not remained internally and externally passive to it will have a strong tendency not to abuse. So rather than an abused person always having a tendency to abuse in some way or another because they have been abused they may rather have a tendency not to abuse.

    Imo same goes for those who have been brought up as JWs or have spent most of their lives inside. The question to ask, I think, is whether or not one is or has been passive or active towards what happens to them.

    otherwise I agree with you.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I have a huge problem with some of the studies done on paedophiles and/or sexual abusers.

    They can only target the ones they catch. Therefore maybe that targeted population is too dumb to not get caught. The smart ones don't get caught. Or they know how to silence their victims well enough that the victims never disclose.

    And just how do they determine who isn't a pedophile? Do they ask them? If a guy is pretty smart and he is a pedophile I think his answer will be "no not me". Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Bad research is BAD research. Period

    LADY LEE..I think the majority of both abused and convicts will have a tendency to abuse or break the law in one way or another. It is what they have grown up with. Now changing is a different thing. I would like to see the statistics on that.
    I think of it like being raised a JW..It is hard to NOT think like one even when you are out for several years. Children raised in it and then leave still have many fears they had as a JW. Somethings are just hard to stop. If someone lives in a abusive home I think they will have a tendency to be abusive in their own relationships as well. It's all they know for a while. At least till they get help. They may not even be aware they are doing it until someone may point it out to them..

    No it is not a "tendency". It is a higher risk. The two are different. Very different. And what does "a tendency to abuse or break the law in one way or another" actually mean? Because I was abused I might go out and rob people? Or hold up a bank? Or abuse a kid?

    Good research is specific. Good research never says "in one way or another". Good research would say "Of the 250 people we studied, 25 had disclosed histories of child sexual abuse and they had a higher rate of being caught and convicted of criminal behavior than the other 225 people."

    I also wanted to add that I feel sorry for anyone with a mental defect of any is not their fault in my eyes. I do believe it is always a mental or physical defect in one way or another in both criminals and pedophiles that cause them to behave the way they do and should be helped or even controlled in one way or another...

    If you were to use the definition of "mental defect" really? Depression could be categorized as a mental defect. Or post-traumatic stress disorder. So can Down's Syndrome. Are you saying that both groups of people who suffer from those problems are more likely to commit crimes and especially to sexually abuse a child (no offence to any who suffer from those problems - just making a point how ludicrous the statement is)

    People who sexually abuse children are making a choice. They know it is wrong and that if they are caught they will be punished (unless of course they are a JW among other groups). They know they have to silence their victims. They know if they want another shot at the same kid they have to have enough time to make sure no one walks in on them. That all takes shrewdness and planning. And since most of them get away with it for years or even decades I would say that they are pretty smart.

    I don't pity them one bit. They made a choice. They could have chosen to not abuse the child. But they didn't do that.

    Should they get help? Definitely!

    Should they have to pay for their crime? Definitely.

    Should they be locked up for life? Considering the alternatives I kinda like putting them on an island together. No way off and no internet.

    But I do draw the line at vigilante actions.

    Personally I have known far too many sexual abusers to let any one of them off the hook. And I have probably met far more than most people. I would not say one one of them suffered from some mental defect called pedophilia that they could not control.

  • talesin

    Thank you, Lady Lee, for your professional and knowledgable (sp?) comments on this thread.



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