Some of you aren't going to like this news, but here goes...

by AndersonsInfo 205 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • cedars

    I'm not sure how it follows that, by agreeing to an interview with Rick, the attorney and/or Candice is compromising any future opportunities to be interviewed by the media?! Will Rick Simons' reputation be somehow tainted by taking part in a phone-in for the ex-JW community so that nobody is interested in what he has to say afterwards? If you believe this, then please enlighten us on your reasoning - I for one don't get it.

    Everyone's entitled to their opinion, and I'm certainly no fan of Rick's, but I find it quite depressing that people fail to put personal grievances to one side in the interests of the bigger picture and common enemy. Page 1, and the moans and groans have already begun.


  • AndersonsInfo

    Answer to questions:

    I haven't looked at Rick's site recently and don't know if he changed the look of it or not. Why don't you look? If you do, hopefully it's to your liking.

    Yes, the interview will be available to listen to on Rick's site I think starting about the middle of next week.

    I don't know what time it will be in Portugal when the interview starts at 7 P.M. in the US EST zone. Maybe someone can find out for you.

    Candace and her attorney will be interviewed for TV on Monday. Don't have all the facts yet so don't ask!


  • laverite

    The updates that you provide, Barbara, are always helpful, interesting, and needed. You truly exemplify professionalism and class.

  • talesin

    All the best to Rick. I know you can do it up right!

    Come on, peeps, let's send him *good* energy,,,, you know, WE ALL HAD TO CHANGE,,, and let's give him a chance, and some encouragement.

    Thanks, Barbara, for the heads-up!



  • Iamallcool

    Hey Rick, It would be good for you to consider our suggestions what colors should be on your website. Do you have any suggestions for Rick? Remember, good first impressions are extremely important to the worldwide media.

  • AndersonsInfo

    Thank folks for not scolding me cause I'm tired and can't take it today.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    it's going to happen whether it's to "my liking ' or not. I just had a question. The others is the sandbox who made snarky comments can pat themselves on their back as I'm not going to comment on this thread again.

  • laverite

    Tal you are right! Nicely put, and a great reminder for all of us, me included. Sending good thoughts to Rick and all involved with the interview tonight.

  • Paralipomenon

    I think the nice thing about being interviewed by the ex-witness community is that there are many questions we would have that wouldn't even occur or be of interest to the general public.

    While I would be interested in hearing this, I'll likely wait for a recording. I'm a bit disconnected from the ex-jw scene, does Mad Sweeney still do his Cult Free Radio? His interviews always struck me as more professional.

  • MrFreeze

    I won't be tuning it but I will wait to hear what you all have to say about it. I'm sure you somebody will record it so I might listen to it then.

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