New DVD "Become Jehovah's Friend"

by treadnh2o 364 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jemba

    I think its hilarious how 'treadns' kids took one look and one by one left the room. It shows that it is just not exciting enough for them.

    What next? The Preaching game for xbox. The game asks you where youd like to go preaching today? Street witnessing, the winner has the most placements, a bible study gets you the ultimate points! The levels are publisher, bapt dub, piosneer, ms, elder, co, do, bethelite etc. Yeah I think thats a good idea for a new release. Ill have to talk to microsoft.

    Im so glad my kids are no where near this shite. They should be embarrased, preying on the most vunerable people to brainwash. I couldnt even get to lesson 2 it was too sickening and creepy.

  • jemba

    btw there is def plenty of money to be made out of this el cheapo dvd, if it costs 50c to make the dubs will be giving at least $10 average for it out of guilt, it would have been made out of free labour. Maybe we should all go to conventions and get as many as possible and destroy them. Ive given way too much money over the last 30+ yrs, time to get some back.

  • Chariklo

    Cedars, your article is now on Stumbleupon.

  • AnnOMaly

    That's why his teddy "dies". The only freind he is allowed to have will be taken from him, destroyed if he is not obedient. Classic fear tactic.

    That crossed my mind too, Chemical Emotions. 'Obey or the teddy gets it!'

    A mini-domestic Armageddon will result if he doesn't do as he's told and he loses something/someone precious to him.

    I wonder, what would a child psychologist make of this DVD?

  • Chariklo

    Ann, a child psychologist would be horrified. The damaging emiotional effects will last a lifetime.

    It is child abuse.

  • cedars

    Hi everyone, I woke up to a pleasant surprise this morning - 601 unique visits to jwsurvey in 24 hours, which is more than we are used to getting in 2 weeks! Obviously the "Toy Story" article it getting A LOT of hits - 246 in the last 9 hours. Despite the fact that I'm not overly proud of it from a writing point of view, the article is also now officially my most "popular" article ever with 19 Facebook likes - quite a rarity on sites of this nature what with people afraid over anonymity and all. I can see the interest in this subject continuing with the amount of JWs who are naturally inquisitive over what the releases will be. There's certainly been an influx of inbound visits due to keywords connected with the convention itself.

    Just thought I would keep you informed!


  • thebassetthound


    It was Lyman Swingle who read "Listening to the Great Teacher" :)

    Jack Barr did a few of the Drama's though, as did Dan Sydlik....*sgigh...all the old-timers are gone now :(

  • cedars

    I've just finished padding my article out with a bit more scripturally-based reasoning designed to explain how nonsensical the whole notion of "toy wizard = being a wizard" is. I rope in scriptures from Deuteronomy and note what God actually said about "sorcerers" in the Old Testament, and how this clearly doesn't apply to a toy in the shape of a wizard. I note the similarities between the pharisees' way of doing things (i.e. "fence around the law") with what the Governing Body is now attempting to do - i.e. micromanage the decisions made by parents respecting their children.

    As the article seems to be quite popular, I want to really try to appeal to Witnesses as much as possible. They need to see that this DVD is VERY damaging for their kids.


  • iarts

    On the basis that he was called a wizard (by Owen Lars) and was obviously a warrior, my childhood Obi-Wan Kenobi toy must have made Jehovah sad.

    Too bad....

  • AnnOMaly

    Random observations on your article, cedars - hope you don't mind.

    Yes, it sounds less measured and more 'ranty' than your usual style. It's over the top to call the video "abhorrent" and use other (imho) sensationalist sounding language (e.g. "brutal manner"). Maybe a couple more days would have allowed some of your fury to die down and a less impassioned piece would have resulted. The DVD has obviously pressed your buttons. Churning up memories of your own upbringing?

    I said in another post that there were other uneasy feelings I had with the DVD but couldn't pin them down at the time. Perhaps it's the memories - or rather, the feelings I (and you too?) had as kid when the very same reasoning was used on me (us?). The wizard toy conversation is typical of how it went in our home (although it has to be said, Scriptures were consulted). Being little, I didn't see the harm in the toy I was playing with or with what I made/drew in school or with what I picked out at the library - usually innocent stuff that other little kids routinely did. My parents (and sometimes it wasn't them but others, über-JWs) would see a problem, a terrible danger with cosmic implications, and the toy/drawing/whatever was taken away and thrown out. My parents were doing what they thought was right. But the feelings I was left with were sadness (if I was fond of the thing or had worked hard on it) and guilt (I'd disappointed my parents and God), and occasionally anger if my little head thought it wasn't justified (the anger was always internalized - probably explains a lot :-) ). The long-term effects included lack of confidence, uncertainty and low self-esteem, naturally. Now we know that much of what was seen as harmful actually wasn't and a huge fuss was made over nothing but we're still having to live with the long-term baggage.

    Also I grew up in the era when JW paranoia centered on demon influences. If somebody was given an object that had connections to the occult, it brought in a spiritistic air to the home and the owner would likely experience demonic attacks. Eye-witness accounts and second/third-hand anecdotes abounded. So it wasn't simply a matter of 'making Jehovah sad' but 'you're inviting a satanic s***storm if you don't get rid of it' (loose paraphrase) and 'don't give the object to another person or they'll come under the influence too.' That's probably why Caleb's mommy throws the wizard toy in the trash.

    The toy's character, "Sparlock", is evidently the lead character of a forthcoming movie, and we all know that toys connected with children's movies are hardly ever cheap. This was therefore a generous gift from a virtual stranger, yet nowhere is gratitude expressed to this person for their kind gesture, neither is any thought given to what will be said to this friend when Caleb turns up at school the next day empty-handed.

    It wouldn't necessarily have been expensive. More likely it came free with a promotional McDonalds meal. If it was an expensive new toy, there's no way Caleb's friend would have given it him - not without his parents going berserk and demanding it back. I agree it was very bad mannered to throw it away rather than give it back to his friend, but a possible reason has been given above.

    That's all that comes to mind for now.

    **Edit: Just to say, I like your new Owning a wizard = being a wizard? section

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