How many hours are falsely reported?

by badboy 92 Replies latest jw friends

  • RunningMan

    I report a non-existant family study every month. My wife is also present at this fictional event. So you can deduct 8 hours, 4 rv's, 1 bs, and 2 publishers from the list.

  • NameWithheld

    Ha ha. My time slip was the most phoney thing ever made in the history of man . I don't think it was EVER accurate. Let's see, I said the word Jehovah at 6am, went in FS (ok, ok, we actually drove to the mall) then about 8:30 that night (during a commercial) I thought about an RV I could make ... let's see add a few mins to make it 'even', carryu the 2, hmmmm, that makes 15 hours right? Yep, that's about right ...

  • Ranchette

    I have thought about this many times.

    There were many times I'd be out from 9:00am when meeting for service started-12:00pm when we met back at the hall.

    In that time I might speak to two people and the rest were not-at-homes.
    We would go on break during that time also, maybe hit a couple of garage sales and would turn in a solid 3 hrs.

    I wanted to start counting my time as soon as I drug myself out of bed and starting getting ready for service so I did hold back.
    Really I did.

    Anyway when it is all said and done very little of the hrs reported are actual witnessing or preaching time.

    After the publisher gets through messing with the time it's all compiled and sent to NY where Bethel does further playing with the numbers.

    So I think that all that time counting is just another control tactic WT uses on it's members.

  • Shimmer

    I feel so embarassingly honest. I never lied on my report. But I think the most hours I ever got in one month was 4. Most of the time it was 2. And for the last 7 years before I stopped going I didn't go out in service at all. What does that say about me? Maybe I never "really" was a witness. In name only.


    Maybe being oneself is alway an acquired taste.-----PATRICIA HAMPL

  • Bodhisattva

    You horrible apostates!

    I am so jealous.

    Until the last few months before I left, when I would just write 2 to 5 hours, almost every hour was legit. True, there was many a month when 7 1/2 hours was rounded up to 8, and never quite made up for later. But all in all, my time was a legitimate as anyone else's, and almost always on time. The flack I took about being exemplary! I always had a hard time reaching the average. Four weekends in a typical month, at least one I would be too exhausted from work to get up on a Saturday. When I did, a 9 or 9:30 meeting for field service and a hard noon stop or regroup time rarely yielded more than two hours. Saturday afternoons and Sundays after the meeting meant hard work just to add another hour. Meanwhile the pioneer clique also put in all of their hours, but with return visits that criss-crossed the territory and coffee breaks, errands, sitting aroung gossiping, whatever. Even when I auxilliaried I never figured out how to be so lazy. And God forbid I try to catch up on my school reading while waiting around in the car. That would be a bad witness to anyone who saw us!


  • morrisamb

    I would have felt too guilty to lie about my hours...but I'll tell you I HATED GOING DOOR TO DOOR more than anything, not because I didn't believe I should be doing this, not because I don't like talking to strangers, but because it was so unnatural and I became this stepford wive (although I am male)Witness...I could never be real, with real emotions, responses, Mother Theresa on wheels whether I felt like it or not!

  • DB

    Counting time and RVs by the Society's standard would mean not counting break time and not counting an RV unless you talk to the same person on the return call and 'advance' the truth somewhat. I doubt that many jws adhere to such standards, however. Over the years I have noticed many taking long breaks (once, up to an hour) and also noticed pioneers who spent a good part of the day running errands and taking breaks.

    I could never blame them. If I had to find a way to put 90 (now 70) months in "real" service in each month, I would have never been able to do it, and I doubt that many pioneers can either, given the nature of the work. Also, for many jws, including myself, the coffee break is often the highlight of the morning in service.

    I also think about secular employment in comparison - when you take a break, you still get paid for that break, unless it's your lunch break (in many cases). I could never understand why the Society did not want jws to count break time. I guess they figure the bros and sis's would do what would probably come natural - spend the better part of the service period on break.

  • apostate man
    apostate man

    Why in the world would you HAVE to report to anyone, what you did for God, except God?

    Thanks for reading the above and remember, always add pepper to your vomit BEFORE you lap it back up. mmmmm good

  • Preston
    I could be wrong about this but lately I've been thinking that the reason the WTBS is so insistent on every JW being involved in the preaching work is so that they can force a prophecy into fulfilment.

    The society reasons that even if we didn't go from "house to house" the preaching will get done somehow, even to the extent that "the stones would cry out". In reality, they teach that our preaching work is done out of love. Don't get me wrong I'm sure the vast majority of Jehovah's Witness do it because they sincerely love God, although there is dificulty and danger attatched to it. Nevertheless, I'm willing to bet a lot do it out of fear and coersion that they would be bloodguilty for not distributing as many Watchtowers as possible. I mean, after all, it is a numbers game. I can assure you that if we all sent in our time at the end of the month without going to meetings about half of the elder bodies wouldn't care.

  • Snowflake

    When i was a pioneer i hated going out in service in the cold, the elders were always on my back about going out in servic more and supporting the cong. I used to tell them i went to groups in other congs and put 80-90 hours on my report when i probably got about 15.

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