by still thinking 778 Replies latest jw friends

  • still thinking
    still thinking


    then the only thing one could possibly ascertain is that human ignorance is real, is that debatable ?

    not when I don't know that I don't know...LOL

  • thetrueone

    The relationship that the ancients had with gods was derived from their own ignorance of the world they lived in.

    Now you know

  • still thinking
    still thinking


    But I will probably have more questions......just to make sure I know all that I don't know, then hopefully, I will know when I have had enough.

  • Qcmbr

    The strength of your belief rests upon the ability to falsify it. Flying High and Tec and all other believers cannot articulate anything that would falsify their beliefs, for themselves, therefore their belief has little validity. Anyone who is a believer should try the test and ask themselves what obtainable information could invalidate their 'truth' sufficiently for them to cast it aside and alter all parts of their life predicated upon such perceptions. Only when the belief negating information is known can a believer every truly test their belief otherwise they can claim nothing more than confirmation bias results since they have no standard to test their truth against.

    The strength of your evidence / belief in God is proportional to your ability to falsify that belief.

    For example - one way to disprove current evolutionary theory currently supported by fossils would be to find fossils deposited (not intruded) totally out of sync (famoulsy bunnies in the precambrian - see Haldane). One way to increase my belief in a supernatural God would be for such a being to appear to me etc.


    This is an amazingly long thread that has once again come to no definite conclusion regarding the question it posses. Scientists openly admit that they have not come to a conclusion about the origins of the universe. Religious people are vague about what ‘God’ actually is, and their beliefs are subject to change.

    We are so far away from understanding the meaning of life and its origins that we will never know in our life time, or the lifetime of many future generations - even if they overlap!

    As humans we can only look down at the ground or up at the sky; unless we toil in a laboratory. With such a limited perspective, I am content to spend my short time here exploring and enjoying this beautiful planet. I don’t want to know how we got here, where we are going, or what ‘God ‘means. Heaven can wait…

  • FlyingHighNow

    Qcmbr, we aren't trying to convince you.

    Snare, who said anything about evolution? There are plenty of clergy who embrace both God and evolution.

    Emotions, music, love , family connection, lust, etc it is allll explained via neurology, endocrinology and psychology.

    Well of course. And your point is? I could have easily posted: neurology, endocrinology and psychology as reasons.

    Now, are you one of those who believes our material world, life and intellect came from nothing? I don't happen to be one of those.



    The sense of smell.


    Emotion, the whole range.

  • FlyingHighNow



    Dubliner Cheese

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Qcmbr...does God come under the same rules though? One would think so if he is the creator of all things, he is the originator of the rules...but does he have to abide by them himslef. Maybe it is possible to hear God and be sure.......maybe the fact we question it makes us unable to hear?

    Personally the way I feel is that I need validation of a God now. I am no longer willing to have blind faith or faith based on what a book tells me. There has to be more. But there are things I can't explain. ie my experience posted earlier about playing cards, and other things. I suppose what I still consider supernatural type things. These experiences still lead me to think there is something else that I am not understanding.

    Why would it not be possible for God to communicate with us directly if he exists and chooses to do so? But why would God have to be the God of the bible and not one of the other myriads of Gods out there?

    I believe tec has answered the OP to the best of her ability...she knows, because she hears and does not doubt who she hears from. I cannot really prove or disproved if this is true or not. But for her, this is enough to KNOW. As she says, she knows his voice. So this must ground her belief.

    N.drew....has had the same type of experience, she has heard his voice. She has her own understanding, which I find interesting. Because once she explains further why she thinks something it makes sense...based on her understanding and belief.

    Vanderhoven....I hope I haven't offended you with my comments. It was not intentional. I tend to joke around sometimes but no offence was meant. It was an honest question of how you can be so certain it was god you heard and not something else. But I am guessing you didn't appreciate my humour as you have not returned. So I am sorry for that.

    There are some who know because the bible says so, and their experience confirms it. I can understand that because that is how I used to feel too. But my loss of belief in the bible itself no longer allows me that certainty.

    I still wonder if people of other beliefs claim to hear the voice of God...or if it is only limited to christians. This forum seems to be dominated by christianity as opposed to other religions. Which is not surprising in itself, when we consider where that belief began.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Charisma. Goosebumps. Gratitude.

  • N.drew
    I still wonder if people of other beliefs claim to hear the voice of God.

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