Do You Believe Abortion Is Wrong? Should It Be Against The Law?

by minimus 140 Replies latest jw friends

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I believe that it should not be against the law...there is a place for it. When it was agains the law, woman died. Do we want to go back to that?

    However, I have personally met women over the years who have used, or should I say abused abortion and used it as a form of contraception. That is disgusting.

  • Flat_Accent

    botchtowersociety, just to point out that as you mentioned someone under anasthaesia, or someone under a coma, I had already brought out some differences between an unborn child and one that had just been born. Either way, someone who is in a coma is in the same predicament as a foetus, as the responsibility and decision lies with the closest living relative - they choose whether to terminate that persons life. It is exactly the same case with a foetus; decision lies with the Mother, and I believe that is right.

    I also thought it was interesting your bring up Ron Pauls stance. He first mentions an abortion that took place in the 60's. Now, until Roe v. Wade, abortion was only Legal by request in 4 states. 16 States would allow abortion on the grounds of either Rape/Danger to womans health/Damaged foetus, and those conditions were not applicable in all 16. In the other 30 states it was illegal - so out of those options it's more likely this was an illegal abortion, if not, then I'd imagine the mother was justified in her decision.

    He brings up the idea that Abortion is overstepping the bounds of morality, but I see he failed to mention the womans reason for having one. This is where I think pro-life is wrong. It values the unborn life greater than the life of the woman.

    I don't know if you're going to vote for Paul, that's of course if he makes it through the primarys, but I hope you realize his intentions on abortion, which you can read about on his campaign site, but I will post some parts here.

    As a physician, Ron Paul consistently put his beliefs into practice and saved lives by helping women seek options other than abortion, including adoption. And as President, Ron Paul will continue to fight for the same pro-life solutions he has upheld in Congress, including:

    * Immediately saving lives by effectively repealing Roe v. Wade and preventing activist judges from interfering with state decisions on life by removing abortion from federal court jurisdiction through legislation modeled after his “We the People Act.”

    * Defining life as beginning at conception by passing a “Sanctity of Life Act.”

  • Flat_Accent

    Sulla, You make some interesting points, and really it gets to the heart of the issue: It's personal. All you can base these kind of opinions on is your own moral inclination and conscience. For me, there is a big difference between a foetus and a child. The main point being that, similar to the case of a coma patient - until he wakes up, all decisions rest with the next of kin. I value the decision of the mother more than the potential life she is carrying.

    I don't know enough about how children develop and learn, or at what stage this happens to answer your 3rd point. - I didn't mean that children immediately have these traits - but until it is born, the child cannot be exposed to the outside world and begin developing them.

  • not bitter
    not bitter

    I have not felt this angry and wound up in years. Those of you saying that abortion is murder have absolutely no idea what some women go through when making the decision to have a termination. Unless you have been in that position you have no grounds to make such black and white comments.

    Its pure ignorance

  • not bitter
    not bitter

    Please ignore what I just said.

  • tornapart

    I had a scan at 11 weeks pregnancy. The baby was shown in full dancing around, all 2" of him. Arms and legs waving about seemingly enjoying himself. Do I believe abortion is wrong? Yes, definitely.

    A baby is a baby, inside or outside the womb. Just because he can't survive outside the womb, doesn't make it any less a human being.

  • designs

    Flat- Education is a key to preventing unwanted pregnancies and controlling when you want to start a family. When I was an Elder I saw a lot of newly married sisters getting pregnant and found that many starting taking birth control pills days or a few weeks before their wedding or heard funny stories about mishaps with diaphrams and condoms.

  • Flat_Accent

    Oh, I agree designs. I think people need to be educated to avoid getting themselves into this kind of situation. That would certainly remove all this unnecessary stress and trauma. All i'm saying is that it's the right of the woman to choose whether she wants a baby or not. She's carrying the child, she makes the decision, that's it.

  • designs

    Flat- yes, if these men got pregnant from Rape they would see the logic.

  • FlyingHighNow
    but until it is born, the child cannot be exposed to the outside world and begin developing them.

    Babies can hear voices and music and respond to them before and immediately after birth. If you're a mother, you know your baby recognizes your voice immediately after it is born. And it will also recognize the voices of those who have been close everyday with the mother. I am talking later term babies.

    Babies come into the world so equipped that they can mimic your facial expressions, as soon as they are born. Babies are pretty impressive in how intelligent they are from the get-go. Try it sometime with a baby whose mother was not medicated. Stick your tongue out at the baby or make the O shape with your mouth. Don't look away. It will take the baby a minute or two, but he will exactly copy the expressions you are making with your eyes and mouth.

    When my grandson was born, they put him in the bed, naked and walked away to get something. He started screaming and the nurse could not calm him down. When I walked over and spoke to him, he stopped crying and looked right at me with wide eyes. I was with my daughter everyday of her pregnancy and I talked to her belly. Babies don't need to wait until they are born to learn.

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