Do You Believe Abortion Is Wrong? Should It Be Against The Law?

by minimus 140 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Under the Mosaic Law God gave his judgment.

  • minimus

    I agree with you about not changing the law but according to the Law, it was a life.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Only God knows if abortion is murder. By definition of the potential human life involved, I personally would feel I had murdered that potential life. I would feel I had deprived a person of the chance to live. But I am not God. I don't know when the tissue becomes a child. I don't know if God can give that potential life to another developing baby or not.

  • mrsjones5

    Well since about 50 percent of fertized eggs naturally fail to implant I would say yeah it's up to god.

  • FlyingHighNow

    On the Mosaic Law: you have to believe God was truly the author of it to believe it sets any precedence.

  • cofty

    is it murder? Yes or no?

    A simple "yes or no" answer is not possible IMO.

    For example the primary mechanism of some contraceptive pills - the "mini pill" allows fertilisation but prevents implantation. The IUD device works in a similar way. I do not beleive this is morally wrong.

    Similarily the "morning after pill" will cause an embryo to abort at a very early stage of development.

    At some stage between this and full-term I have a moral objection to abortion. For me it has to do with the consciousness of the fetus and its viability for independent life.

    Please don't think I have thought this through thoroughly but I am willing to discuss it and listen to other's thoughts. My only certainty at this stage is that rules based on religious dogma don't interest me.

  • Sulla

    I believe only God knows if this is murder or not.

    I say the same thing about the prostitutes I kill, sometimes. Maybe it's "murder," maybe it's not. I certainly don't want it outlawed; every time I kill one, it is certainly is a tragedy of sorts, the elimination of potential life, but if you inderstood my compulsion, you wouldn't judge.

  • FlyingHighNow

    The problem with your example, Sulla, is that you compare clumps of cells with a fully grown human being. We can't say at what point the soul enters the picture. Only God knows if it is at conception or if it is later.

  • minimus

    Sulla, that was funny.

    If you question that the Law came from God, you might want to question "God" too.

  • minimus

    When the fetus cries....oh, never mind.

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