Steven Unthank: What do we really know?

by SweetBabyCheezits 503 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    School Yard child pathology. Seriously. Where critical mature thinking is nowwhere to be found...

    Some have forgotten one thing. With WTS billions, do you honestly think they would let someone who is making fake accusations in court get away with it, in print and all over the net and all over google if Steven Unthank nor the case wasn't true. No need to answer. You've already done that.

    P.S. to Barbara Anderson. Please do not let this stop you from posting useful info here. You have been a blessing to me and helped me in more ways then you know. I do check my facts and do my own research as well. It is time consuming, but well worth it. Thank You

  • cyberjesus

    The question is .... and still remains... what do we really know?..... 18 pages later what do we now know?...

    think about it.... dont just react..


    what new stuff we really know?....

    if it wasnt for this thread what would still remain?.... what has changed?......

  • undercover

    Victoria's Chief Magistrate approved private prosecution of the religion over its refusal to get ministers to have police checks, but Mr Unthank said he could not afford the $350 file charging fee.


    With WTS billions, do you honestly think they would let someone who is making fake accusations in court get away with it, in print and all over the net and all over google if Steven Unthank nor the case wasn't true.

    Or yet a better question would be:

    With WTS billions, do you honestly think someone who can't afford a $350 file charging fee actually stands a gnat's chance in hell against the WTS in court?

  • cyberjesus

    If nothing else, save your replies for one post rather than posting two or three replies in quick succession

    Why? are you really that used to tell people what to do all the time?

  • cyberjesus

    If anyone was baying for blood, it was you. Anyway, I get the sense this is getting very personal between you and I now, so please calm down.

    Not personal at alll I am not attacking you .. I am questioning your statements....


  • cedars


    With WTS billions, do you honestly think someone who can't afford a $350 file charging fee actually stands a gnat's chance in hell against the WTS in court?

    Again, hindsight's a wonderful thing.

    cyberjesus - please get over yourself and take a valium or something.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    why was the $350 thing unknown until today? Wasn't there a recent phone/web interview? I would think something so minimul would have been raised if it was enough to derail the investigation?

  • talesin

    @ Mean,, and no disrespect intended, but READ THE THREAD,,, it's already been provided! :))

    re: yr comment below

    You were able to verify the cases from the offical site? Can you please give the link to the official site - and directions on how you verified the case numbers. I will duplicate your results, if possible.

  • undercover

    hindsight's a wonderful thing.

    It doesn't take hindsight or a rocket surgeon to know that if you're gonna try to take a multi-million dollar company to court, you best have some capital at hand.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Talesin, Leo, Size: It bears repeating since nobody seems to give a shit:

    That drawing bears very close resemblance to a living, breathing child.

    Who is taking up for her right (and her parents' rights) to not have her image plastered on all over the internet and described as a Lego-rape victim?

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