Applying Math, Physics, Archeology to THE STORY OF NOAH

by Terry 464 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Twitch

    "Gosh, you've... really got some nice toys here. " - Roy Batty, Blader Runner

  • truthseeker


    for the last time, I was told it was a TV interview with a warlock, that's all I can say. I don't know how many years ago it was.

  • truthseeker
  • thetrueone

    For some reality is much harder to accept than fiction, particularly where fiction may offering something a bit more.

    If certain religionists are trying to cultivate a semblance of power for themselves, more than often they are more apt to

    circumvent information that opposes these endeavorers, making intellectual honesty a lesser concern.

  • shamus100

    And see, wouldn't that have been so much easier than to try to explain it away with science? It just doesn't work, darling.

    Have we become so judgemental that we won't tolerate you believing what you believe?

    Science does not back up the flood, but when it all comes down to it, who gives a shit? ;D I can't say that you are guilty of it, but it is a horrible characteristic that people leave with when the leave the jay duds. ;)

    Peace. :D

  • elderelite

    Seeker, for the last time, it was a story told thousands of years ago and rewritten millions of times as it was passed down. I dont know how many years ago it was or if its even true and there is no evidance to back it up or any real reason to think its true.

    You still dont get it do you....?

  • Awen

    Great Work Terry!

  • Abaddon

    Wow. Same shit different decade.

    I have not looked at a Flood thread in a long time. And they haven’t changed from the days when I used to play with the science deniers.

    The same old tactics are in evidence; sheer mind-boggling ignorance, extraordinary claims without the evidence to back it up, massive arrogance and and idolatrous level of self-satisfaction about their own opinions that means they don't need no stinkin' facts.

    Bit like racists and homophobes, except these people's bias is directed towards knowledge rather than other people (well, scientists get caught in the fall out but fighting ignorance is kind of the job of sceince, so...)

    I've been to Egypt and seen buildings that magically survived 'the Flood', which musta kinda been a stealth 'Flood' as the Egyptian's quite literally went on eating, drinking and marrying when it was happening, and forgot to mention it.

    Just like the dead rising from the graves around Jerusalem was forgotten about aside from one scripture that says this happened when Jesus was resurrected.

    If Egypt’s too far for y’all, there are trees alive in California today that were growing on any possible date for the Flood, that could not have possibly survived it.

    Add that in to the absence of any credible geological support for the ‘Flood’, the fact, as Terry points out ‘da maths don’t work’, the fact that any the Ark would have suffocated its occupants and been unable to cope with the mountains of shit even a modest estimate of the number of ‘kinds’ that would have been aboard let alone carry the required fodder… all ignored, or magiced away with god didit, even if they have to make claims not made in scripture, which Revelation expressly forbids people from doing...

    Even the bits which kind-of show it was a STORY (survived the flood, first thing Noah does is KILL SOME ANIMALS FROM A VERY LIMITED STOCK TO SYA THANK YOU TO GOD, conservationist EPIC FAIL) are ignored.

    Special pleading and extraordinary claims are deployed (the Himalayas grew in a few centuries, magic atmospheric layers the water could exist before the ‘Flood’ if you don’t engage with the laws of physics too strongly, etc..) but these people’s paradigms of belief mean that as they reached their beliefs without the benefit of scientific reasoning scientific reasoning will not persuade them to change their beliefs. It is like explaining algebra to a duck. Pointless, frustrating, and annoying.

    From experience those that lurk and are not quite as bat-shit all out to not use their supposedly god-given mind are the ones who do benefit, not the ones who defend Biblical bullshit. They actually do take stuff on board.

    Some even realise the irony is that people who supposedly want to worship god actually end up worshipping a book. But that book gives them closure and certainty, which is more important to them than updating their version of reality to allow for a belief in god and science, which loads of people have.

    And by doing so they start to worship their own opinions rather than reason.

    By way of example I can assert that giant marshmallows ruled the Earth 3,000 years ago and will return to take all true believers to candyland.

    I know this by divine marshmallow revelation and am writing a holy book on iPads (with a crayon). Yes, I know other people claim divine revelation that contradicts mine but they are wrong. I know there is no evidence, but marshmallows do not leave fossil evidence and after they left there was a conspiracy to write-them out of history.

    See? Come up with some bullshit and just explain away anything that contradicts it.

    Another good example is provided by djeggnog: he ends up by claiming that the fact we are here proves he is right.

    No mate, the fact you are here proves we really do share a common ancestor with primates.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Is this giant marshmallow god toasted?

  • Abaddon


    Firstly their divine marshmallosities are plural. None of this single god or fire-sale three for one silliness.

    Secondly, you speak of toasting them? Does not the First of Candy state, "So as they wish it be done to others so shall it be done unto them with knobs on"?

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