The Two Forces

by N.drew 259 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • N.drew

    I believe it is clear that both accounts of creation covered different aspects, the first covered the creation of the entire universe and everthing that is in(including man). But the second account goes into the specifics of mans creation. If the second account was not written we would never had known that God first created Adam and later created Eve from 1 of his ribs to be his perfect companion.

    That is a reflection of watchtower, is it not?

    Eve wasn't really made from the literal rib of Adam. Ribs move with every breath. That is what it means.

  • N.drew
    The problem of knowing everything is solved by memory degradation over time.

    That's suppose to be a joke, right? I did laugh!!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Drew, is this your attempt at intellectual discussion? Really?

    Can I have a toke?


  • N.drew


  • N.drew

    Mr. Jeff sir, didn't you just hate it when in school (you did go to school?) they gave you prose someone else wrote and said write me what it means? I use to think "how the hell am I suppose to know?". It's the truth.

  • bioflex

    @Sab:If we are going to go by bible chronology then Eve is definitly a single person. I dont know but do evolutionalists consider death in relation to evolution, lets say how long does it take for natural selction to kick in taking into factor the death of organisms (which animal lives longest).

    Sorry if this is off topic but i have to say this. In the story of Noah we learn that angels mingled themselves with the men(sexual relatiob) and brought about offsprings which were reasonably different considered to be giants. Now those giants were not ur typical special cases of tall men. They were of extreme hieght and size. Now this caused God to flood the entire earth, even with the animals. The missing link here is why would God destroy innocent animals. Has it ever occured to any one that the angels did not only corrupt the seed of men but of animals too? If angels could mate with humans and produce giant offsprings why not animals? couldnt it mean most of the fossils we consider to be millions of years old be pratically of those seed of angels and animals. Surely it can happen with giant animals too if it did with humans.

    Now one thing we realise too is God didnt give Noah the mandate to gather animals into the ark. God personally brought the animals to Noah, making sure none of the corrupted breed of animals entered the ark.

  • bioflex

    @N. Drew:

    That is a reflection of watchtower, is it not?

    Nope it is not. Its a reflection of the bible.

    Eve wasn't really made from the literal rib of Adam. Ribs move with every breath. That is what it means.

    Then adam was not also made literally from the dust of the earth. Its literal as it is written to be, just like the universe and all animals were meant to have been created literally.

  • watersprout
    If I had a poisonous tree at the cabin, I would chop it down so that the bear could not get at it.

    Awww I love bears to! I would also chop down a poisonous tree to save the bears!

    Not sure where this thread is going as regards the tree of knowledge and tree of life, if someone would care to enlighten me I would appreciate it.

    How does anyone know for sure that the thousand years hasn't started yet?

    The Master must return (in his spirit form) before the thousand years begins.


  • tec

    Bio, would you have come to that conclusion, reading that account for yourself, if you had NOT been taught it by someone else first? If so, can you show me how you would have drawn that conclusion? Because I know that I would not have. The english is wrong. The only grammatical reason for writing in that Adam was with her... is for Adam to have been with her when she took the fruit and ate. Because he would naturally HAVE to be with her if she gave him something later on.

    "When the woman saw that the fruit of the treee was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desireable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it."

    It is true that the account does not say anything about when she 'took some and ate it'... (whether that was in front of the serpent or not)... but it does say that Adam was with her when she took some and ate it. Otherwise it would just say that she also gave some to her husband and he ate it. Leaving out, who was with her.

    So he knew what he was doing and what he was eating from. Paul corroborates that from saying that Adam was not deceived. I always thought the reason they had this spin was so that Adam looked innocent, and Eve had lured him into doing something that he didn't realize he shouldn't be doing. The whole blame it on women thing ;)



  • N.drew

    John came and preached "make the way of the Lord strait" (another place the NWT replace lord with Jehovah-not the other way around-stop the madness)

    The ladies of Genesis 6:2 did not fuck angels. The spiritual let's say spiritual sons of God led them astray by overpowering them spiritually let's say spiritually. It is a weed to believe The Holy One let them lose on the women. Consider yourself warned. (Do you think I should make it into a poster?) The Lord's purpose was compromised. The "good" looking women (God is good) were led astray from their fine course to the wicked angels wicked course.

    Grow up

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