Early Civilizations and Bible Chronology

by xelder 109 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ShadesofGrey

    Am I a Bible literalist? Yes. Taking God at his word rescued me from a cult and changed my life. I don't intend to change something that is working for me.

    As far as whether Bible chronology back to Adam is only 6,000 years I am not so sure. It seems strange that the chronological records follow a pattern, and I see no reason why some generations would not have been left out.

  • AnnOMaly

    There are kings list of ancient Sumer for before and after the flood and they match up to the Biblical account of the patriarchs.

    I think you'll find they don't.


  • ShadesofGrey

    A debate on the topic starting with the Annals of the World:


  • truth_b_known

    I am a firm believer that the Sphynx and Great Pyramids predate the Egyptians. The evidence of civilizations predating the Biblical account of both Noah and Adam are a large part of why I no longer believe in the Biblical accounts of the Great Flood or creation. The fact that the the Great Flood could not physically take place as told in the Biblical account is the other large part of what loosed me from the chains of religion.

  • PaintedToeNail

    There are other methods of dating objects other that C14. Uranium-Lead Dating is used on lithic (stone) items, as C14 is not effective, this method appears to be pretty definitive on lithic objects. There is also Luminescence Dating used for pottery items.

    To see more on the subject visit:www.archaeologyexpert.co.uk

  • designs

    Shades- the most basic argument for Adam being an allegory is that the Jews take it as allegory, they wrote it.

    One of the basic errors of Christian Fundamentalists and Literalists is that they don't ask the people whose ancestors wrote the OT what they think.

  • ShadesofGrey

    I ask people who have God's Spirit. Anyone is blinded without His Spirit.

  • designs

    Well alrighty then

  • Phizzy

    Yea , God's Spirit, bottled and drunk by bull-shi**ers.

    Because they have no proof for their claims, believers pretend that god mysteriously talks to them and gives them special knowledge and experiences that the rational amongst us are too lowly and peasant like intellectually to be able to understand, and so "material" that we cannot connect with this "Spirit".

    So, they feel they can look down on us poor benighted individuals because we are not blessed like them.

    Do you know what, those who think that way ?

    I don't give a flying f**K what your "spirit" whispers in ypur ear, and I certainly do not want to know your god who operates in that way, talking to up their own arse big heads who think they are better than everyone else.

  • sizemik
    Am I a Bible literalist? Yes. Taking God at his word rescued me from a cult and changed my life. I don't intend to change something that is working for me. . . . SofG

    Hmmm . . . Do I detect a hint of a confirmation bias here?

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