WTS successfully refutes bogus UN conspiracy theory/hoax

by trthskr 121 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mrsjones5

    Damn skippy.

  • TheSilence

    I remember growing up and hearing the UN villified as bringing about Armageddon as the harlot rides the back of the wild beast. I remember it vividly. Pictures. Talks. The UN was filthy, a tool of Satan the Devil, pure evil. When I first read that the Watchtower had joined the UN as an NGO I was certain it had to be a lie, because even though I didn't believe in the religion and hadn't attended a meeting in years I just *knew* that they were basically good but misguided people and there was no way that they could be such hypocrites as that. Doing some research I was shocked to find out it was true. There is no reason, not a library, not a change in the rules, not anything, that would make it less hypocritical in my mind for them to join in any way, shape or form an organization of Satan that was so villified. Not. One. Reason. I hope you don't suspend disbelief to this degree in the other areas of your life or you are going to be taken time and time again, my very gullible friend.



  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Besides a plethora of world class libraries in NY and DC, there are international clubs, foundations, missions. When I grew up, no group was as bad as the UN. This was during the Cuban Missle Crisis. The UN certainly seemed better than nuclear annihilation. They could have arranged for a neutral, secular consultant to register in some fashion and gain access to library materials for a fee.

    It appears that the library was not the bait. Participation in UN programs was the bait. Perhaps you did not grow up constantly hearing the great beast and horrid imagery applied to the UN.

    As for me, I thanked God for the UN and any org that helped world peace. You must remember, too, that back then in the beginning, the UN was controlled by US and its interests. School taught me that the UN was wonderful.

  • thetrueone

    Just as another thought perhaps the WTS. intensionally wanted to use the UN not only for information purposes but also

    to use the UN to leverage themselves some support for their own religious freedoms in countries where they were

    having some opposition. Lets jump on top of that wild beast if its going to take us where we want to go.

    But shit I hope no one finds out what we're up to. Lets do this very discreetly !

  • Quendi


  • EmptyInside

    Whenever I think of this,I remember the Witnesses in Malawi who died for not getting a political card,but here they turn around for a library card.

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience


  • sooner7nc

    I've been "caught in the snare of the birdcatcher".

    Got caught fuckin' an Elders daughter huh?


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I think BOTR makes a great point: there are dozens of amazing public and university libraries in NYC that anyone can use - there is certainly no "need" to use the UN library for research.

    Hell, they take whatever they find in their "research" out of context anyway!

  • thetrueone

    Hell, they take whatever they find in their "research" out of context anyway!

    That does make valid sense for we all know how the WTS. like to take information about a country

    such as its crime rate, occurrences of earthquakes , disease and so on and then use that to show

    why we are living in the last days. ummmm ?

    The boys running that publishing house are a cunning devious lot.

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