WTS successfully refutes bogus UN conspiracy theory/hoax

by trthskr 121 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • lisaBObeesa

    Trthskr said:

    ScenicViewer, not if they're just obtaining data for their publications that can't be acquired elsewhere.

    Are you KIDDING me?

    If you sent your kids to private Catholic school to get access to their education, you would be disfellowshipped.

    If you joined to army because it was the only way to get access to the GI Bill, you would be disfellowshipped.

    If you said you think it is ok to have a blood transfusion if it is the only way to get access to saving your life, you would be disfellowshipped.

    You don’t even have to DO these things to get disfellowshipped. You only have to TALK ABOUT believing that you should be able to do these things and you will be disfellowshipped!

    But THEY, the very ones who would DECLARE YOU DEAD spiritually and socially and cut you off from all your friends and family if you did the same, are saying it was ok for them to sign up as an NGO with the United Nations!!!

    It is the most DIGUSTING kind of hypocricy.

    People DIE for their Watchtower beliefs, yet their own leaders HAVE NO INTEGRITY and will sell out their beliefs for a LIBRARY CARD.

    It is really, really, disgusting.

    It's a disgusting sham.

    People will do whatever these men say, and these men are hypocrites!

    They should have been willing to DIE rather than become an NGO of the UN the same way their followers will DIE rather than salute the flag!

    (And if you really believe they became and NGO to get a library card, I have a bridge to sell you.)

  • Listener

    Time will tell but not only have they caused many JWs to 'stumble' and others to see the hypocrisy but they have voluntairly exposed themselves and their abhorance of the UN to the UN itself, making them fully aware of their stance.

  • ScenicViewer

    People DIE for their Watchtower beliefs, yet their own leaders HAVE NO INTEGRITY and will sell out their beliefs for a LIBRARY CARD.

    Very well put. Why can't JWs see this more clearly?

  • N.drew

    Excellent reasoning lisaBobeesa!

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    The following point by Azazel bears repeating.

    Wow how stupid are you trthskr?

    Oh im giving a public talk on imorality so i will go hangout in a brothel to know about prostitution! ???

    After all, where else could you get access to such info?

    Trthskr, your defense and/or the WTS's is very, very, very weak in this regard.


  • sabastious
    I have my own issues as well, or I'd be attending meetings. I've been "caught in the snare of the birdcatcher".

    No meetings eh? Sounds like you've been off the koolaid for a bit. It's a rough withdrawl akin to the intensity of getting off cigarettes. trthskr do you realize your arguments are about 1/500th the size of anyone elses here? They also grossly lack in intensity. Witnesses are intense, so how did the flame die out? Your blanket statements are a symptom of a mindset and that's where the problem lies. The birdcatcher is out there, constantly changing faces, but this place is no net my friend.


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Hi truth seeker

    You say they didn't know about the change till 2002 and thus decided to leave the UN...

    My understanding is that the Un renews its NGOs each year, each year they have to renew their application. Each year they get, in the mail, the relevent documents to fill in. If that is the case, they cannot claim to be in the dark and suddenly leave when the press leaked the story. But, even if i have that wrong, the below statements by the UN cannot have been missed by the WT when making its first application anyway.

    A 1992 document from the UN for those interested in being NGOs specificaly states "To be granted association with DPI, NGO's must have national or international standing, support the charter of the United Nations, have a broadly based membership, and possess the resources necessary for effective outreach".

    So the Watchtower society had to know this 10 years before it exited the UN.

    But going back further to 1997, Documents For NGO association "Since the founding days of the United nations in San Fransisco, NGOs have made valuable contributions to the international community by ... by mobilizing public opinion in support of the UN and its specialized agencies. Association with DPI constitutes a commitment to that effect".

    Further the document states that from 1946 on, NGOs were expected to ''make available its publications, documentary films... for use by these agencies and organizations''.

    and that from 1968 that "an NGO shall undertake to support the work of the United Nations..."

    There is no way that the WTs claim to ignorance is true. While some wording may have changed in 2002, the FACT is that from the inception of NGO and DPI status with the UN, these groups were to support the United Nations.

    Whether that is enough proof for you is up to you, but it sure satisfied me as to their GUILT.


  • punkofnice

    trthskr. Listen to Unky Punky. Go to bed on time. Eat good meals. Continue to get an education at school and when you leave you can get a good job. You can learn critical thinking ability and have a good life. These are things I should have done but my Dad was an elder and Mom a pioneer so I was blinded by all the JW hype. My mind was controlled by the scam artists in Brooklyn too.

    Just stop all this pretense. From your posts it's obvious you're just a youngster with JW parents/guardians. You probably arent baptized at your age (although you'll be pressured to get dunked).

    I'm doing you a favour here. Leave this stuff to the grown ups or allow yourself the dignity to learn the truth about the 'truth'.

    Read Steven Hassan's Combatting Cult Mind Control for your homework or whatever.

    Read the God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. You don't have to believe any of it but it'll open your young mind to fresh perspectives.

    Now run along to bed, there's a good child.

    trthskr gets pats on the head from Paolo Punky-man.

  • TheSilence

    So... any reason I can't see page 6 of this thread?

  • TheSilence

    By the way, if you answer me in page 6 of this thread I won't be able to read it. :)

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