WTS successfully refutes bogus UN conspiracy theory/hoax

by trthskr 121 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mrsjones5

    He's not a jw newbie, that's for sure.

  • N.drew

    If you think your doing the Society any favor you are wrong wrong wrong. Dense people are there? Hell no I won't go.

    Let me explain. Daddy does whatever daddy wants but tells you son, you can not do what daddy does. How would you feel? That is what you are saying.

    Can dense people listen?

    The YMCA is free to poor people and most places do not have a second choice.

    What about meeting in a church? Is that bad?

  • seenitall

    They wanted the inside track on information - they had a representative that attended meetings and could observe what the UN was doing in regard to false religion. That was the main reason they were members - to have information.

  • N.drew

    HELLO???? Does Jesus tell them stuff or not?????

  • charlie brown jr.
  • seenitall

    They don't get anything from on high! The oracle is dead!

  • Azazel

    Wow how stupid are you trthskr?

    Oh im giving a public talk on imorality so i will go hangout in a brothel to know about prostitution! ???

  • N.drew
    They don't get anything from on high! The oracle is dead!

    OK, they should probably tell their seven million members that. Don't you think?

  • trthskr

    I have my own issues as well, or I'd be attending meetings. I've been "caught in the snare of the birdcatcher".

    Also: 18 There are still others who are sown among the thorns; these are the ones that have heard the word, 19 but the anxieties of this system of things and the deceptive power of riches and the desires for the rest of the things make inroads and choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.

    Mark 4:18,19

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.
    I have my own issues as well

    Too easy


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