Personal new years res: find a husband... any suggestions on how to do this?

by highdose 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • thetrueone

    There is nothing wrong in the personal attempt of enhancing ones appearance as long as it doesn't stretch too far to the extreme.

    There are certainly other attributes to make oneself attractive, such as personality, character and intelligence.

    I would certainly not recommend talking like a ancient Israelite living 2000 years ago like Shelby (AGueast) though.

    People might think your mentally nuts.

  • AGuest

    Rule #12, dear HD (peace to you!)... and I mean NO disrespect to ANYONE, but... consider carefully the naked man who offers you his shirt. Meaning, unmarried people are probably not the BEST resource for information on how to find a husband/wife.

    Again, no disrespect. Just common sense...


    A slave of Christ,


  • Giordano

    The way witnesses find mates is through their meetings, KH, socializing with other JW's and probably best of all........ assemblies. My point being this......duplicate what you know best......... look for places, events, opportunites where your interests dovetail with others. Where being like minded or interersted in the same thing cuts through the process and allows you to be relaxed about being with people. So you need to cultivate an interest in something that allows you to join, meet and be accepted. Where developing a friendship slowly is the norm........ after that a relationship becomes possible.

    Volunteer work is one way to accomplish that. Volunteers are a cut above the average person in that it's a generous way to live part of your life. When you work side by side with fellow volunteers your in a different world then the dating world or the corporate world.

    Habitat, museums, hospitales, theater groups, animal shelters, conservation groups etc. Just be sure to find a group that has a healthy mix of age appropriate men and women.

  • Qcmbr

    Yes - anyone exhibiting anything other than a firm gasp on reality should be avoided unless you are willing to share the burden of believing crap.

  • thetrueone

    Volunteer work is one way to accomplish that. Volunteers are a cut above the average person in that it's a generous way to live part of your life. When you work side by side with fellow volunteers your in a different world then the dating world or the corporate world.

    Good point Giordano something I was going to mention myself.

  • snare&racket

    Hey AGuest, I have to say (with respect)

    Marriage Is but a religious ceremony, the western wedding ceremony being nothing more than pagan symbolism and legal beuracracy. The unmarried have a lot to say, and a lot of experience.

    it's not Happy Days with 'Mr C' dishing out love advice, it's 2012 (ish) the religiously married don't have a monopoly on relationship advice. I'd argue for the couple that stay together for love, over the couple that stick it out for the paper work, law, religious beliefs or kids.

    In the mosaic law men could leave foreign wives that did not satisfy them. I must have missed the verse....God hates a (non mixed race) divorce! Men also raped, kidnapped and took foreign women for wives by gods command in the old testament. Not a nice history the biblical marriage, let's not forget dowries .... "A cow for a wife!" used to be a deal not an insult.

    So a little appreciation for those that have not partook in the religious ceremony of marriage ;)

    However! You are totally right that single people are often shirtless...

  • stillin

    I'm a married man with a mess on my hands. Better stay away from me.


  • mrsjones5

    Hm, I guess us married folks (19 years and counting here) don't know squat but we were single at one time and the OP of this topic did ask how to find a husband, not how does she find a hookup.

  • elderelite

    Plenty of good advise here and i would echo much of it. Instead though, i will simply add and say that the very best relationships start as friendships. Stay open to possiblities, dont look so hard u miss the best things, and make friends. Love will follow

  • mrsjones5

    Good advice Elder. My husband is my best friend. I truly like him as a person, the love is the icing on the cake.

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