Personal new years res: find a husband... any suggestions on how to do this?

by highdose 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    I'm going to be a little huffy here. I'll explain myself and then you can decide.

    I suggest you change your resolution to, "Take up new opportunities to meet great guys. Care enough about myself to set aside the duds. Care enough about others to recognize diamonds in the rough."

    If I use my own struggle with health and weight loss as an example, I've learned from my health coach is that I should not set a goal that is out of my control. "Lose 30 pounds" is a lousy goal, because the factors that could lead to success or failure are out of my control. What I can do, for instance, is set weekly targets towards a healthier life, like, "Limit myself to one toast at breakfast." or, "add five minutes to my daily fitness routine", or "increase intensity of my daily fitness routine to get my heart rate to xxx." It is important also to weekly review my results, consider what worked well and what didn't, and refocus my mini-targets.

    You could similar mini-targets, such as finding new venues (memberships, clubs, events) and vowing to attend them, and then evaluate and refocus weekly.

    Husbands don't come clearly marked, so it will take meeting a few great guys to figure out if you are both are suited to each other. It might help also to focus on the great people that you meet rather than the goal. No one wants to feel like a target.

  • AGuest

    I would like to comment, if I may, dear HD (peace to you!). I have found the following "rules" to be helpful:

    Rule #1 - If you have one... get rid of your "dark cloud." CHUCK it! No one wants a relationship with a 24/7 Schleprock.

    Rule #2 - After you've done that... get happy. If you're going from a negative 12... to zero... you're still benign. Happiness... attracts happiness. Meaning, happy people (and you WANT a happy person in your life, trust me!)... look for, form relationships with... and marry... happy people. If you're a constant "downer," your relationship is almost doomed to be a constant downer, as well.

    Rule #3 - Accept your deficiencies... so that you can accept others' deficiencies. No one is perfect.

    Rule #4 - Stop looking for "perfection." He doesn't exist. YOU don't exist as perfection.

    Rule #5 - KNOW... what you CAN and CANNOT handle/take. If you can take a criminal past... then don't judge a man on that past. If, though, you can't even take shoes lying around... don't get with a man who leaves his shoes lying around. If you can't take smoking/alcohol/drugs/kids/exes/inlaws, etc.... don't get with a man who smokes/drinks/does drugs/has kids/an ex/or family. Which means you may have to take a little time to find these things out. Which leads to Rule #6:

    Rule #6 - Take your time. Unless you're over, say, 70. Otherwise, a relationship is an investment in the rest of your life. DON'T make a hasty investment that you are likely to regret... because you either didn't do your due diligence... or ignored all the signs.

    Rule #7 - While you don't have to smile ALL the time... don't FROWN... ever. At least, not while you're trying to attract man. Unless you're drop-dead courage (which will cause the more slimey specimens to think they're the one to wipe that frown off and so they'll approach you with some sleezy line to that effect). If you see/meet a man who you might be interested in... SMILE.

    [NOTE: This is important because, for all of the bad press guys get... most of them are just as nervous, intrepid, and worried about meeting someone "right" as we are. Many have been hurt by not-so-well meaning women. They are just as, if not MORE, sensitive as we are... and actually hurt more quickly and much deeper. Put yourself in their place, on the end of always having to be the won to "win" the girl. Can't be easy. I personally would be terrified of the [often forthcoming] rejection. And we woman sometimes (often, in their minds) send mixed/conflicting "messages."

    Rule #8 - If you have "issues"... you should DEAL with them (yourself, FIRST)... and, if necessary present them... but carefully and at the proper time. For ME, that's from the gate. Let ME know what's up with you, right off the bat (say, by date 2 or 3 and at least once we've decided we're actually gonna be an item). Don't make me invest my time and energies, only to tell me a year later that you have 7 bodies buried in your backyard! It is unfair and deceitful to have "skeletons" that WILL come out... and not tell the person you're seeing [exclusively]. It does not give that person a chance to make an informed decision whether to continue the relationship or not. Many people hide stuff... only to have it come out AFTER they married (and "bound", so that they feel they can't get out of the relationship, even if they SHOULD). It's not fair and, again, it's deceitful... and no relationship that starts out on deceit can survive. At least, not happily or healthily. So, as soon as it's proper, come clean!

    Rule #9 - Let the person know your expectations and offerings of and as to the relationship. Particularly YOUR part ("Here's what I'm bringing to the table. Here's what I need YOU to bring.")

    Rule #10 - Make sure you bring what you said you would. Always. Keep your word. Because that's the only way you can demand, even expect, another to keep theirs.

    Rule #11 - KNOW... WITHOUT A DOUBT... that 100% of YOUR happiness... lies with YOU. Another person can bring you joy, yes. In what they say and/or do. Another person cannot, however, MAKE you happy. Only YOU can do that. And it's really based on a decision YOU make... and nothing more.

    Of course, this is not all. Others will have other and as good, even better, "advice." I offer mine as from a few places, including (1) what I hear from my Lord on how spouses are supposed to be with one another; (2) the lengthy marriages (25+ years) of many friends and family; (3) what I've read on the matter from time to time; and (4) my own very "wonderful" marriage. I realize some of this went beyond "finding" a husband, but since it is a husband you want to find... I offered as to what "draws" men who make good husbands. They are usually the men who don't play games.

    I hope this helps and, again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • thetrueone

    Health and personal appearance is an important aspect to attracting a life partner, as well a positive attitude.

    Joining a health club is one way, sometimes to meet potential partners and there now such variance to what kind of health clubs

    to join ( Yoga, Pilates etc. ) Even if you don't meet someone there, improving upon your health and appearance will only

    play in your favor because you will showing yourself everywhere else. If you add in the psychological benefit of exercise as relieving

    depression, invigorating your cardio vascular system against illness and so forth, you really cant lose.

    I would personally avoid inter-net dating sites, I hear so many bad stories and experiences with those.

  • james_woods
    deicded i've been on my own for too long. bout time i made tracks to settle down. trouble is i'm not sure where to look? The guys that add me of FB are just looking for a one night stand and thats all. i have been on a singles site and met nothing but weridos and freaks.
    not picky, would settle for sane and normal.
    suggestions welcome

    An honest suggestion - use capitalization of the letter I for myself, and first words of sentences, or capital names. The small case makes you seem non-self-assertive - and you do not want any man who wants to simply dominate you.

  • AGuest

    Health and personal appearance is an important aspect to attracting a life partner

    Interesting comment, dear TO (peace to you!). Those we see on television aside, most of the people that I know who are obsessed with outward appearance (which these days some try to call "health")... don't stay in relationships very long. Or the ones they're in, albeit of some length, are quite superficial (they present an "alls wells" face in public, but when you talk to them privately, not so much. Quite to the contrary, actually).

    The ones who tend to stay in [very] long term GOOD relationships are the ones who (1) tend to LIKE each other, because they (2) have a lot in common, including (3) what/how they THINK... regardless of how they or the other person looks on the outside. These tend to be the one that have "quality" personalities (i.e., their sights go beyond their own mirrors and outward appearance of others) involved in the first place.

    But if what you state it true, it explains why there's no married sick or "ugly" people. We should probably just gather all of THEM up... and send them off to live in the wild... single and alone...


    SA, on her own... shaking her head...

  • Diest

    There is nothing wrong with working on your personal appearance in order to find someone. Often times working on yourself will allow you to feel better about yourself. With this self confidence comes other positive traits. Lets be honest, your outward apearance has an impact on many things. I am not saying this as some buff guy, but by losing 35 lbs and minding my personal apearance more, it has let me be more confident and therefor more attractive to the opposite sex.

    So dont poo poo channging what you look like, and at the sametime it is always helpful to become a more positive, interesting person.

  • thetrueone

    I think health and personal appearance coincides with personal self confidence which is perceivable to people you meet on a day to day basis.

    Its certainly not all encompassing as aspect of attracting the opposite sex, lets make that clear but its a part of perhaps are

    own inherent biology.

    The same in line with personal cleanliness, cleaning ones teeth daily and grooming, wearing attractive clothing and so forth.

    What I'm saying though is, if one takes the initiative to improve upon ones own heath by joining a health club for example,

    there are many benefiting aspects to be had, even if you don't find that special life partner.

    Ones personal appearance is not exclusive in attracting the right person. !

    Once again Shelby (AGuest) propagates that everyone is concurrently stupid except her.

    An unfortunate case of identifying self righteousness by embracing the powerful great spirits

    Was Jesus this self arrogant ?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Most people I know are attractive. I knew a supermodel. Looks are not as important as self confidence and the ability to relax. Her sister modeled in Paris. She said any scraggly thing can model. I thought it a weird statement. There are fashion shoots all over the place in Ny so I began to notice more. She was right. They were acceptable but few were beautiful. Looks were impt in high school but most people graduate to character and personal connection.

    I've seen many a wealthy man with a nice but not drop dead beautiful wife. The media sells women a lie so we spend money on facials, hair, clothes, makeup. I'd be wealthy for every time a man told me that fashon forward clothing and make up were not considered attractive. Women seem to do to impress other women. Never did I stop wearing makeup.

  • snare&racket

    I know what you mean, turned 30 and lost so much time to the JWs and now find myself in a world I don't know very well.....

    Firstly, scratch the term husband and replace with 'companionship and love with a bagfull of chemistry.'

    Next just be yourself, be confident and know what you want. It is important in my opinion that you are honest if u feel out of place or just not right due to your jw past. It has gone well when I have done that.

    Finally, life is too short, don't accept anyone that doesnt make you super happy and don't settle for second best xxx

    Hope you find him, hope I find her....


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    All right - How does anyone be self confident and relaxed, very up in spirits when so much is at stake. Attending mixers seemed like going to war. If you don't care, it is easy. Very few do not care. I've heard men complain of the meat market. Some compelling biological force is at work b/c we risk so much. Romantic love is so trumpeted. The Middle Age romance songs are sobeautiful but who had romance? You were married for strategic purposes to total strangers. Arranged marriages seem so sterile yet those cultures honor each more and don't run to get divorced.

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