Evil Spirits

by LizLA 294 Replies latest jw experiences

  • EntirelyPossible

    Good to see you back, EP.

    Thanks. Sorry I was away so long. I had some drinking, buying furniture and looking at houses to do. So, what do I think of the article you linked to...

    Einstein uses little more than high school mathematics

    That's incorrect on it's face. Special relativity require multi-dimensional math and Lorentz transformations. Not high school math, but really advanced specialize mathematics. This shows a basic misunderstanding of the math involved.

    They truly reveal the Mind of God.

    We have no frame of reference to know what the Mind of God is independent of the assertion. It could be revealing the mind of Captain Kangaroo for all we know.

    With an astonishingly successful theory such as quantum mechanics, no one disagrees with the mathematics.

    Quantum mechanics is not special relativity. In fact, one of the great challenges in particle and astrophysics right now is reconciling the two. Hasn't happened yet. This shows a basic misunderstanding of the state of astrophysics, relativity and quantum physics.

    In contrast, conventional religions provide no commonly accepted platform - do Muslims, Jews and Christians worship the same God, as some of them claim, or three utterly different gods, as others claim?

    Agreed. Mysticism, religion and spirituality can't agree on what anything means or even is. In contrast, even in science, even if you don't agree that that gravitational acceleration on earth is 32 feet/second^2, it's it is empirically observable and you will fall even if you don't believe in gravity.

    "Believing" is what you do when you haven't a clue how to analyze something mathematically.

    Utter bollocks. You don't beleive and try to find math to fit. You observe and try to find find math that fits the observation, not your belief. Beleiving and finding math or a hypothesis to fit is called "confirmation bias" and science does everything it can to remove pre-conceived desires for certain results.

    Brilliant scientists, for example, refuse to accept dimensionless existence where physical dimensions shrink to zero and time stops, and infinite quantities which they believe would somehow tear nature apart or render it incomprehensible.

    Who refuses to beleive it? Is there evidence that fits in the scientific method that shows it to be true? Citation needed on this assertion.

    Yet, over and over again, the mysteries of life are seen to revolve around zero and infinity, which are just the flip sides of each other.

    Citation needed.

    It's often thought that mathematics deals with the hypothetical and physics with the real, but one thing is becoming relentlessly clearer: mathematics, the queen of science, is more real than physics.

    This shows a basic misunderstanding of the relationship between math and physics. Physics is underpinned and requires math. We often know what to look for in physics based on math, the Higgs-Boson, for example, and black holes.

    In previous articles, we discussed how quantum particles are so astoundingly small, so much smaller than any human mind could ever conceive, so close to being dimensionless, to being "nothing", that they cannot be properly understood unless it is recognised that they flicker between dimensional and dimensionless existence.

    Discussing something has nothing to do with it being true. I could discuss all day long how I am most capable and sought after lover on the planet. Discussing it, however, has nothing to do with how true it is. The statement makes no sense. Just because it is mind boggling small doesn't mean dimensionless.

    Einstein's theory says nothing less than that all photons are, in their frame of reference, outside space and time.

    No, it doesn't. At all. One of the implications of SR is that speed is directly related time dilation, but, time dilation is relative to the frame of reference. And if they are outside of space, how I can I see light since I am IN space?

    Even if there were an infinite number of photons, they would all inhabit this inconceivable singularity beyond the reach of time and space.

    Since a singularity is a black hole and photons cannot overcome the gravity (hence why it is a black hole), it's plainly obvious that photons do NOT inhabit a singularity as I have a lamp on my desk spewing photons all over the room.

    I am not going to go much further in the article since, from the beginning, it's a mixture of misunderstanding, unfounded assertion and misunderstanding of the words he uses.

    In short, utter crap.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    This thread makes me LOL, but in a sad way.

    This timeless phrase comes to mind.. "A little knowledge can be a DANGEROUS thing".

    As for the sane rationalists out there chipping away at the vast coal face of stupidity I salute you one and all..

    ProdicalSon do you believe everything you read? Are all conspiracy theories fact or are some of them in fact utter bullshit? Can you tell the difference between the two?

  • Qcmbr

    EP - excellent dissection.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Thanks, Q.

  • ProdigalSon

    Thanks EP, appreciate your point of view. Science can never progress unless every theory is challenged.

    witnessmyfury:ProdicalSon do you believe everything you read? Are all conspiracy theories fact or are some of them in fact utter bullshit? Can you tell the difference between the two?

    It's "Prodigal", with a "g".

    I have read several books on the ancient civilization of Atlantis and I have observed ancient structures throughout the world, some of them in person, that were either:

    a) Built by humans with superhuman abilities or advanced knowledge.

    b) Built by aliens with advanced knowedge.

    The evidence available indicates that a) is the more likely answer, which would require the manipulation of matter with the collective mind, which is exactly what the evidence suggests.

    I fully expect science to one day (soon) explain how it was done.

    When I encounter theories that support the evidence, I entertain them. That's it.

    If a theory says thought and light are connected, it verifies a multitude of ancient metaphysical sciences such as Kabbalah, which to you, is probably "bullshit".

    So in your world, there is no such thing as "magic" and anyone who has ever spoken of it, performed it, studied it, etc. is full of shit. Congratulations, that's good.

    If you want to see the evidence for yourself, look into some books like this one, then we can separate the "bullshit" from the "worth further investigation".

    Atlantis and 2012: Lost Civilization and the Prophecies of the Maya - Frank Joseph


  • cofty

    a multitude of ancient metaphysical sciences such as Kabbalah

    Oxymoron alert!

    You can't make a word like science mean whatever you want.

  • bohm

    PS: For the love of god, open a textbook on special relativity...

  • ProdigalSon

    The ex-JW mind can be truly fascinating. After discovering the "truth about the Truth", what used to be very real and tangible, albeit "Satanic", suddenly goes "poof" and becomes non-existent!

    Now that's magic!

    Here you go....count Jesus in among the bullshit artists:

    "You don't have enough faith," Jesus told them. "I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible." -Matthew 17:20 (NLT)

  • ProdigalSon

    Does anything you create not first arise as a thought in your mind?

    Should it be any different with God?

    Or did the primordial soup evolve into our present world without any intelligent thought?

    So sorry King Solomon, the wisdom you gained from Kabbalah has been rendered nonsense by a modern day Sage named "cofty".

    The Universe will get sucked into a black hole in the next 5 seconds.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    LOL I sense the Stupidity is strong with this one Luke...

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