Did you make stuff up without realizing it when you were in the 'truth'(TM)?

by punkofnice 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    Black Sheep - Indeedy! The more I look back, the more I hear the same over worked routines of 'Jehovah (TM) is the greatest' is the more foolish it all sounds.

    It just seems so childish now.

    I'm wondering if my cynisism is going a bit too far the other way now?

    Once I believed in a benevolent god that was going to make everything better for Punky in the future and I'd see loved ones again...........and have a pet monkey.........and live by a beautiful waterfall (if the bully boy CO didn't force me out so he could have it)........now I'm travelling without 'Jehovah (TM) ' in the world wondering what's next because nothing has essentially changed in my life. I'm still me. I just don't believe I'm going to live a charmed life based on some brand name god invented in Brooklyn by the watchtower trading as Jehovah's witnesses (TM).

  • punkofnice

    sizemik -

    I recall one Elder friend who when lost for an answer to my question would say "take it to Jehovah in prayer brother"

    Yes. This is when all their inventive skills atrophy!

    Funny thing about prayer.............it never made one damned scrap of difference in my life.....EVER!

    I'm sure Jehovah(TM) puts all these prayers directly in the heavenly 'recycle bin' as spam. The old Monty Python scetch where god tells the knights to 'stop grovelling!'

    The whole religious experience for me is so sterile compared with other people that I'm getting a complex! (again!)

    I know Christians, the proper ones, not JWs, who will tell me all manner of wonderful ways that god has helped them in their lives. How wonderful things have happened that have made their faith more solid in Jesus.

    I can honestly say I haven't had one of these experiences as described by the faithful. Yes, I have been going to a Church and I enjoy it, the feeling of belonging and community is a real boost.

    Beyond the social thing though I struggle to see the whole god concept anymore. Sorry, I'm rabbitting I know, it's just while I think of it.

    Perhaps I'm best described as a Christian Atheist?

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    This bothers me very much, but I remember trying to defend witness parents trying to prevent their children from receiving a blood transfusion to a return visit who found this out and was quite angry. What I made up was that in the end, it was a personal decision. . .

    But if you made the decision to transfuse, you would be considered DA'd and lose your family and entire social structure! (left out that part)

  • punkofnice

    BOC -

    What I made up was that in the end, it was a personal decision. . .

    This is a classic example of using 'theocratic warfare' without perhaps realising it!

  • designs

    'the number of carrion birds is increasing, Jehovah will use them after Armageddon to clean up the bodies'

    The real horror was that Witnesses began to call Audubon groups and ask about this, yikes! we were dumb shits led by Knorr and Franz

  • punkofnice

    designs - Yes. I was there sadly. Anti-matter and birds!

  • Ding

    I remember during a study a JW said that the Greek words "theos" and "theou" used in John proved that there were two different Gods/gods spoken of -- Jehovah and Jesus. I knew enough Greek by then to realize that he was completely wrong. "Theos" is the nominative form of the word (used as a subject in a sentence) whereas "theou" is the genitive form of the same word (used to mean "of God"). It has nothing to do with different gods.

    I remember being shocked at how he made this statement to the householder as if he were an expert in Greek, whereas in fact he was flat out wrong. He may have really believed he was right, but he was actually displaying the fact that he didn't know Greek at all.

    It reminded me of the fact that the Mormon founder Joseph Smith, Jr. taught that "Elias" and "Elijah" were two separate people in the Bible, whereas "Elias" is simply the older English (King James) version of the same name.

  • punkofnice

    Ding -

    He may have really believed he was right,

    Oh, good gordon bennett! Thanks for sharing. That's just the sort of made up nonsense I hated. I called them 'Jonny Watchtower the watchtower intellectual'! Not as a compliment either.

  • 2tone

    I find it interesting that Jehovah will judge your heart even though there isnt a god named Jehovah.

  • ziddina
    "I know Christians, the proper ones, not JWs, who will tell me all manner of wonderful ways that god has helped them in their lives. How wonderful things have happened that have made their faith more solid in Jesus.
    I can honestly say I haven't had one of these experiences as described by the faithful. Yes, I have been going to a Church and I enjoy it, the feeling of belonging and community is a real boost. ..."

    Hah! I think I can identify, Punk of Nice - I've been toying with the idea of asking my Catholic neighbors if I can tag along for the Christmas service or something, even tho I'm a "heathen NeoPolyTheist atheist"...

    Oh, and I just GOTTA go out and look at Christmas lights!!!

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