Did you make stuff up without realizing it when you were in the 'truth'(TM)?

by punkofnice 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ziddina

    Hi, 2tone!! Thanks fer your comment - pithy and to the point!!

  • 2tone

    Hey ziddina. My argument really wouldnt work with dubs but it is interesting of all the incriminating stuff in the back of the nwt huge reference bible

  • ziddina

    Not familiar with that bible...

    However, I am looking for a replacement for my clunky "Holman Christian Standard" bible...

    Was yours very pricey? I guess I'm off-topic...

  • ziddina

    Getting back on topic....

    Yeah, I can remember coming up with some doozies....

    I was in a group of JWs in a social setting - as a teen - and the subject of mosquitoes came up...

    I popped out with this gem...

    "Well, I guess that 'satan' must have been inclined towards rebellion before the 'garden of evil', while 'god' was creating the earth and all living things, and 'satan' must have snuck those ol' blood-suckers in there, because 'GAWD' would NEVER have created mosquitoes - and all the other blood-sucking critters on the earth..."

    facepalm polar bear cub

  • 2tone

    ziddina. huge reference bible is from the kingdom hall. So it essence it was free for me. I guess it did prolly cost someone like 2 dollars to make it and expect you to donate like 20 dollars or more for it.

  • ziddina


    Well, rats...

    Somewhere on this board, there's a thread about which bible is the absolute best bible in terms of accurately translating the original Greek and Hebrew....

    I'll have to look that thread up... But thanks for the info!! I would like one of those "purple"???? "Kingdom Interlinear translations" - the earlier edition - the one nicknamed the "Purple People Eater"...

    But, back on topic...

    I remember another doozy I came up with....

    Again - teenager - in a pizza hut, I think - we were talking about how human blood has the exact same chemical composition as seawater, and of course that's a strong indicator that our original sources WERE the sea, instead of being made from "clay" of the land...

    I came up with the idea that the balance of chemicals in seawater was the perfect blend of all mineral compositions of all land masses, thereby enabling humans to live anywhere on earth...

    Don't sprain your brain trying to figure it out... It sounded good, but as soon as it left my mouth, I went, "wait a minute...." to myself...

  • 2tone

    There have been so many conversations with dubs now and in the past that ive just had to bite my tongue.

    Most recently, I brought up that i enjoyed watching spongebob, someone said. "I enjoyed watching spongebob until i learned that the author said spongebob was literally gay then i quit watching it." I didnt reply to but i wanted to say something like so your so insecure about your sexuality as that it might turn you gay, or it might stir up your homosexual tendencies. I was just thinking lets just suck the fun out of everything.

  • ziddina

    Ah, ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    That's as bad as the purple Teletubby being "gay"...!!!

  • punkofnice

    2tone – A pink unicorn was reading my heart the other day. Well, that’s just as realistic as a brand named god invented by the watchtower corporation trading as Jehovah’s Witnesses™ LOL

    Ziddina – My favourite dragon! ‘heathen NeoPolyTheist ahteist’…..sounds good! Have you thought of launching it as a cult? I have an idea for your 1 st book = Divine Flan of the Sages……..it includes recipes! Recipes for disaster upon joining a cult!

    Interesting you mentioned mosquitoes…a ‘sister’ at my old congregation ™ was convinced Satan had created wasps!

    2tone & zid – My favourite bible is a ‘Good News’ version……not because of how it’s written………..I’m a bit embarrassed now…..but because I got a nice leather bound one second hand for a few quid! Oh, how fickle is Unky Punky!

    Spongebob is awesome whatever his taste in……..er……….sponges(?) is! Personally, sponges don’t frighten me with their sexuality!

    I do draw a line at ‘tellytubbies’ though………..but just because they’re crap!

    Here in the UK we get the most trippy kids show I’ve ever seen. It’s worth checking out when stoned. ‘In the Night Garden’……..bloomin’ awesome!

    That’s another subject though. Stuff JWs avoid because of what they associate it with. Y’know, like Smurfs!

    I guess another example of stuff being made up was the theory that after Harm’n’get’em we’d be able to fly to other planets and populate them!

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    bloody Satan....bloody mosquitos!!!!!

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