Starting to read Crisis of Conscience....

by confuzzled777 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ding

    If you saw a lot of things wrong with the organization but thought the problem was with YOU, you will have a big weight lifted from your shoulders when you read what Ray has to say. A lot of the things Ray covers have been discussed on JWN, so if you've been reading a lot of the threads, you probably know much of it already. However, there's something liberating about getting your information from a man who was on the inside at the very top.

    Feel free to discuss what you're reading and what you're feeling about it with us. A lot of people here can identify with you.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    oh so love the couple thing here

    the other one tells the truth....

    so glad my man isn't into this site

    it's up on our kitchen computer almost all the time and he looks over once in a while and just thanks you all for years of therapy I didn't need

  • Rydor

    The first time I read Crisis of Conscience was nothing short of thrilling. It took me less than a week to read and words can't describe what a revelation it was...

    Make sure you read his follow-up book, "In Search of Christian Freedom." As much as I enjoyed reading CoC, I still wasn't totally convinced that the Watchtower was not God's organization. Ray's second book was the one that sealed it for me. It's long and can be dry, but it's packed with great information.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Being brought up in a controlling, "Bethel congregation" for much of my life, I really did not find the book shocking or revealing, but it basically confirmed all of my suspicions.

    That being said, learning the truth about "the truth" is one of the most disturbing, disorienting, and nauseating experiences you will ever face, especially if you were raised JW.

  • iCeltic

    An absolute must read. I was frightened too about reading it but it was a weight off my shoulders when I read it.

    Ive only read the PDF, I'd much rather have the actual book in my hands, still the PDF on the iPad is nearly as good to read.

  • iCeltic

    It looks quite cheap here for those of you in the states. It's also on for 14 dollars plus postage.

  • confuzzled777

    OH MY! Thank you ALL so much for your responses. I have goose bumps reading all that you have to say about your experiences in reading the book. I am reading the downloaded one and have it downloaded both on my computer and my iPad. I have recommended it to a family member and they are going to read it along with me. Then AFTER we have both read it....we will more than likely recommend it to another family member who has the same doubts that we's just has he been in the "truth" for most of his 70+ years and not sure how to feel about his doubts.

    thanks again from the bottom of my heart for your kind responses! I will be digging in to the book in the next hour or so. Need to do dishes and bake some cookies first. : )

  • leavingwt

    I'm looking forward to your reaction to what you read. Enjoy.

  • simon17

    Its a very good book and it covers a lot of very well documented ground. Also you can tell he is very fair when writing it. He calls people out when they need it. He praises people when they deserve it.

  • leavingwt


    Its a very good book and it covers a lot of very well documented ground. Also you can tell he is very fair when writing it. He calls people out when they need it. He praises people when they deserve it.

    This is true. Further, Ray never suggests/encourages anyone to leave the Watchtower organization.

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