Starting to read Crisis of Conscience....

by confuzzled777 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • ex360shipper

    I just finished last night. Its much more than I could have ever imagined. It took me a month and a half to get throught the first hundred pages and only 3 days to get through the rest of it.

    EVERYONE who has ever heard of JW's in ANY way needs to read this book.

  • Londo111

    I just finished ISOCF on Monday...which is even more profound.

    The last few chapters, the outline he put forth for practicing Christianity, free of dogma, legalism, denomination, or official buildings gave me allot to think about.

  • ex360shipper

    I will be reading that one soon too. Soon as my friend who is also on this board finishes it and gives it to me! For now I have 30 Years a Watchtower Slave by William Schnell.

  • Londo111

    I want to read Captives of a Concept...and the Gentle Times Reconsidered.

    Currently I'm reading Combatting Cult Mind Control and 1984.

  • confuzzled777

    Still in the beginning parts of it....need to find more time to sit down and read it. My favorite time to read is when the weather is a bit warmer outside and I can sit out back by my fire pit and snug under a blanket! Guess I need to turn the heat down in my house and turn my fireplace on and snug up under a blanket. Think the hubby and kids would mind? lol

    I told my DH that I was reading it....also talked to my dad about it. I am anxious to get to some of the parts that you all are talking about! Hey....maybe if I got off the computer I could read for a bit! Just might do that. Will check back later to update you all on my progress! thanks for checking in!!

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