Is the Holy Spirit God Himself or a force like in Star Wars?

by I_love_Jeff 224 Replies latest jw friends

  • Qcmbr

    Because the OT ( having mentioned in Genesis that there is more than one god ) was referring to one father for Israel ( Jehovah ) - Elohim has retreated and the Holy Spirit is not yet sent. Only one god directly interacting ( you need to be a spirit to do that ) and that's Jehovah.

  • PSacramento

    Well, God "lives" in an alternate "reality" or "parallel universe" or "dimension", which ever way you want to look at it.

    While montheism is commonly viewed as a belief in ONE god it is perhaps more accurate to view it as a belief in ONE SUPREME CREATOR God.

  • truthseeker


    Please show me in Genesis where there is more than one God.

  • truthseeker
  • truthseeker


    For some reason the quote button throws up an error...


    Well, God "lives" in an alternate "reality" or "parallel universe" or "dimension", which ever way you want to look at it.

    While montheism is commonly viewed as a belief in ONE god it is perhaps more accurate to view it as a belief in ONE SUPREME CREATOR God.

    This I accept. I believe God exists in eternity and we exist in this reality, perhaps even within God himself.

  • Qcmbr

    Isaiah 49

    16 Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.


    26 And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob.

    That's Jesus speaking there!

  • PSacramento
    Because the OT ( having mentioned in Genesis that there is more than one god ) was referring to one father for Israel ( Jehovah ) - Elohim has retreated and the Holy Spirit is not yet sent. Only one god directly interacting ( you need to be a spirit to do that ) and that's Jehovah.

    Elohim is typically plural, yes and one can interpret that YHVH as the ONE god of Israel.

    But the trinity doctrine does also address those issues.

    I don't think that IF God exists that we can truly understand His nature, even when it is revelaed to Us in All His Glory.

    As humans we have a finite capacity to understand and an even more finite capacity to explain.

    Augustine said (echoing Paul) that Man is made to know God and that Man relates to God in whichever we it can at any given time.

    We also need to remember, if true, that many "fallen angels" would have been viewed as gods and did a good job of confusing the issue, and that the "seed of God" planted in Us, mixed with the culture infulences, would have given rise to many views on "GOD", though they all tend to have some common ground.

  • Qcmbr


    let us make man in our image

  • truthseeker


    Yes, I remember this scripture. "Let us" would seem to indicate at least more than one powerful entity.

  • Qcmbr

    I'd even go further and say that the OT Jehovah radically changes as NT Jesus because he gains the compassion that only flesh can bring. Without pain he is purely just and legalistic after he gains pain and suffering he adds mercy and the atonement.

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