Video of my Circuit Assembly visit!

by serenitynow! 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • agonus

    From the same issue:

    "...apostates... are not content just to leave the organization that they perhaps once loved... Rather than going out and making their own disciples, apostates seek to take Christ's disciples with them... How do false teachers operate?"

    This part is crucial:

    "Apostates 'quietly bring in' corruptive ideas... they operate in a clandestine manner, subtly introducing apostate views... 'counterfeit words,' or false arguments, trying to pass their fabricated views as if they are true... 'deceptive teachings,' 'twisting... the Scriptures' to fit their own ideas... Clearly, apostates do not have our best interests at heart. Following them would only divert us from the road that leads to eternal life... apostates are 'mentally diseased'..."

    Notice the loaded language. Quietly, clandestine, subtly, etc... It doesn't matter if you're subtle or in-your-face.

    Of course, we're to assume that none of this describes the GB, but it apparently describes all apostates to a T.

    And what constitutes apostasy?

    "'Apostasy' is a standing away from true worship, a falling away, defection, rebellion, abandonment."

    So even if you've just "fallen away", you're an apostate.

    Does this kind of speech sound ambiguous to you?

    Read the rest of the article. This crap is nothing less than spiritual, emotional, and mental terrorism. How long can you negotiate with terrorists?

  • agonus

    "They say that what you mock will surely overtake you... then you become the monster so the monster will not break you..." - U2.

  • palmtree67


    Point taken.

    My perspective is that I have 2 children out - both young adults. Judging from them and their friends - the majority of young people in the religion do not believe it, nor do they take it seriously. They are attending meetings ( barely ) and doing that only so Mommy and Daddy don't abandon them.

    I give it one more generation. The religion is imploding.

    It doesn't need our over-the-top efforts.

    Which is why I say, if Serenity and friend needed to do this for THEMSELVES - great!

    Otherwise, leave the old-timers that are left to their dignity. They aren't going to change now.

  • agonus


    You're probably right. I think we're about to reach the tipping point... all evidence seems to point that way. It's like one foot is trying to step into the mainline and one slips back further into the dark ages. I don't know how much longer they can do the foxtrot without either WWCOG-level reform or implosion (I think we're seeing much more evidence of the latter).

  • agonus

    I tell you what though, in the age of the internet, there's no way in hell they can survive another Ray Franz-level defection. Not for long, and not in any meaningful way. And I'm pretty sure Jaracz hand-picked guys who would ensure that any dissent would not be tolerated.

  • Spectre

    Why is everyone arguing? Don't do it for the benefit of those in attendence. They had more excitement in that one day than the last 20 years of assemblies.

  • palmtree67


    Which is why I think Cedars' way of doing things is much more effective.

    Expose the whole.

    Confronting an individual (person or congregation) will only make the person or congregation defensive.

    Get the information out to the public - that's the way to do it.

    Those outside the Org need to know and those inside need to find out for themselves.

  • agonus

    It's not the old-timers I'm concerned about. It's primarily the kids that are being pressured into this thing. How many more 6-and-7 year olds do we have to hear about getting dunked?

  • agonus

    I dunno. Maybe I just should take my own advice, sit back, and enjoy the fireworks.

  • palmtree67

    How many more 6-and-7 year olds do we have to hear about getting dunked?

    Less and less, my friend......only one of my kids got baptised ( and still not df'ed or anything....thank the goddess ).

    Which means none of my grandchildren will be!

    Very few of my neices and nephews are "making the Truth their own" either.....

    We're not going to save everyone today!

    But it's coming!

    Good night, dear one!


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