Video of my Circuit Assembly visit!

by serenitynow! 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • silvergirl

    Hi everybody! I love my life being plastered all over the internet like this. Good times...

    But seriously, I do love you all...

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  • exwhyzee

    I agree with you for the most part. But like the brave well intentioned little humming bird, I think you might be fanning the flames of the forrest fire with your wings rather than bringing any significant amount of water to help put it out.

  • startingover


    Do you happen to know what part of MI the ones attending were from. Traverse City by any chance?

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    I love my life being plastered all over the internet like this. Good times...

    Your life isn't "being" plastered on the internet; you are plastering it on the internet. If you don't like it, stop.

    Someone posted this comment on your last Youtube video. I'm not saying your "psycho" for what you are doing, but a little introspection as to your motivations probably wouldn't hurt. need to post that on Youtube either...

    "You could liken those leaving to a man or woman leaving a relationship, like a failed marriage. Most just move on. But there's always a certain few psycho ex-mates that can't let go, who devote all their time and energy to harassing the person they once loved. Sigh...."

  • startingover

    Just bumping it up to find out about Traverse City

  • clarity

    Like it or hate it sure made this assembly

    a lot more interesting!

  • freeinmichigan

    Starting over, this would of been the one I was assigned had I gone...wish I had now ;) my parents were there, it was the Grand Rapids area, Lowell, Ionia, Hastings are some that would of been at this particular one...I recognised some of the people in it.....

  • clarity

    Free ...I hope StartingOver reads your post, that

    is really amazing. See, never miss meetings! ...haha.


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