Ya'll dont believe in God?

by flower 125 Replies latest jw friends

  • mommy

    Awwww you are so cute. No worries mate. As Larc said I went through my learning process here on the board, as I look back I said some pretty wild stuff too. Thankfully there were many who helped me to open my eyes to their viewpoints and I was able to see that their moral value system was indeed intact. Abaddon already touched on this point, but I will bring it up again.

    As a atheist or agnostic, and you do "good" towards another human, you are doing it out of the love in your heart. As a christian there is always the thought in the back of your mind that you are doing it for your reward in the afterlife of your choice. This may sound extreme, but if you think about it you can see how I can come to this conclusion.


    When I leave, you will know I have been here

  • flower

    thanks rochelle..

    mommy,- that makes sense to me. what do you think about people who lived like they dont have a conscience and dont care about other people and were hurtful and immoral, do you think that them becoming christians (or whatever religion) and then changing their lives to follow certain moral standards simply out of fear of God is a good thing or bad thing? is it possible for someone like that (an immoral seemingly heartless person) to 'develop' a conscience although they dont believe in God? i know i dont have much knowledge but whenever i hear of a lifelong criminal in prison changing their lives and doing good its almost always because they say they 'found God' or God is in some way involved in their change. now they want to please God and therefore they turn their life around. i wonder if that can happen to someone just because their conscience clicks on and says these things are wrong, or maybe they knew it all along and started to listen and do good because it is in their hearts.

    guess it doesnt really matter but just thinking out loud.


  • Beans

    Personally I think there is no God nor do I care if there is!I believe it is impossible for this to even be conceivable.I think that we will only find out this great mystery when we die.Reasons and details on this topic can be debated forever so I say why bother, enjoy life,treat people as you would like to be treated and have lots of sex and drink and if there is some supreme situation you will be saved!!!


  • mommy

    I think that is a fair question. I too have heard these stories, and was impressed with the human spirit to change. I have always said that you can change your attitude, and forgiving a past mistake is not hard for me to do. I think that christianity uses the experiences that these men and woman have as a way of promoting the religion. They feel obligated to preach and spread their version of the bible. So of course any story that occurs will get much attention.

    Now imagine driving down the street and someone slams on their brakes in front of you. Suppose your kids are in the car and all of you are shook up over this near miss. As you continue down the street, you will be more careful about your driving, wouldn't you? And if one of you was hurt, you would be even more cautious next tiem when driving, because you wouldn't want this to happen again to you or anyone else.

    I think that it is possible for a non believer to also have a near miss and then with the ability to look at it from another viewpoint, perhaps changing their attitude or outlook after that. Since an atheist or agnostic does not need to give the glory to another, they may not tell everyone of their change of heart. So it could be that there are many more stories of changes in heart conditions than you have heard.

    When I leave, you will know I have been here

  • Sunbeam


    I was just reading this post and noticed your comment about Christians doing good things because of the 'thought in the back of your mind that you are doing it for your reward in the afterlife of your choice.'

    No offence, but this is JW salvation-by-works doctrine, not mainstream Christian doctrine. Christians don't believe that they can do anything to earn their reward, all of their 'debts' have already been paid and their reward is guaranteed (salvation-by-faith-alone).

    When I was an atheist I did 'good' to others out of the love in my heart. Now that I'm a Christian, there is more love in my heart - and it prompts me to do even more good for others. Because I want to, not in the vain hope of earning a reward.


  • Elsewhere


    It is good that you are coming out of the JW shell and exploring. You may be surprised of all the "truth" there is out in the world that the org hid from you.

    Yes, we atheists are moral. Just as some "Christians" are cruel and immoral. It is not the belief system - it is the person.

    Keep exploring!

    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • crownboy

    Sunbeam said:

    No offence, but this is JW salvation-by-works doctrine, not mainstream Christian doctrine. Christians don't believe that they can do anything to earn their reward, all of their 'debts' have already been paid and their reward is guaranteed (salvation-by-faith-alone).
    What exactly does that mean? It certainly couldn't mean exactly what you said, because that would mean we could do anything and still be saved because we simply "believe by faith" in Jesus. No Christain theolgian would teach that (at least not ant I know ) because it's not true. You can't be saved by faith alone. I could quite seriously believe in the ransom of Christ and yet do things that aren't Christain (e.g. homosexuality). According to the bible, God will not allow gays into his kingdom. All the faith in Jesus won't save you from destruction for not obeying this work. You could say that faith in Jesus will cause a homosexual to turn away from his "sinful ways" but then that would require you doing a work to prove your righteousness, hence God's grace isn't a "free gift". The gay man would be curbing his natural desire because he had "the thought at the back of his mind of reward", otherwise by your explanation God would forgive him for being sinful anyway, since salvation is a "free gift".

    I agree with you that the "salvation-by-works" doctrine of the JW's is bad, but this is the same thing that is taught by orthodox Christain doctrine. Once you have to "prove" yourself to God, the gift isn't free. At least the JW's "call a spade a spade" and tell you outright that God demands x,y&z from you for you to make it to "the new world" (of course, in addition to x,y&z, the JW's also demand 1, 2& 3, which isn't in the bible). The "Orthodox Christain" teaching takes one scripture, which obviously couldn't mean what it says literally and present it to the belivers as if it were a fact. The funny thing is both the preacher and the congregation know that is not true. So basically what I'm saying is that, while we may not be able to buy our salvation from God, we must show works to get it(which is what I suspect Paul was saying). So Mommy is right in that regard. You may not as a Christain do something only for selfish reasons, but you know if you don't that God will kill you, and that's a big reason for doing a lot of things (like no pre martial sex. Only fear of God would force two 19 year olds to get married just to "get it on".) Works do count and are way more important than just believing.

    Flower, here is a link to an article on morality apart from god:

    . http://www.atheists.org/Atheism/ethics.html

    While I don't explicitly rule out the possibilty of God, the bible's God is unbelievable to me. I really don't think there's a need for God, and if God is as powerful as he proports why can't he speak to us today? Why restrict yourself to ancient Jewish guys? Besides which, the bible is chuck full of errors and condractions. There are numberous threads that deal with this topic (check out threads by Joseph Alward). Best to both you and Sunbeam.

    Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!

  • flower


    makes sense but doesnt make sense at the same time. the belief system is part of the person. without it they wouldnt be that same person.

    crownboy, i disagree partially. i no longer believe that i will be killed if i do or dont do something. a lot of what you said about christians is actually just the jw way of thinking...not true christianity. i dont subscribe to the rules anymore. i do what i feel is right. if i want to have premarital sex i would not feel that god is going to turn his back on me because of it. if i find a bag of unmarked dollar bills i am not going to think god is displeased if i use it to pay my bills or whatever. i think you are mistaken in thinking that christians are only good out of fear of god. yes i want to please god but i do good because i 'want' to. i dont always walk around thinking 'hey god look, did you see that? i was just really nice to that old lady'.

    hmm i dont think i would keep the money now that i think about it but its not cause of God ;)

  • gravedancer

    "...you can't handle the truth!!" - Col. Nathan Jessup

  • mommy

    Hey Sunbeam,
    I appreciate your thoughts. I already stated I was a christian outside of Jw life for 8 years. I am aware of the overflow of love in your heart that you speak of. I still have that in my heart, without a God in my life, it is truly a wonderful feeling. As a christian I did not ever agree that salvation was guaranteed to us, no matter what sins we commited. I felt there was an accountablilty to god and ourselves to maintain the christian lifestyle. If your outlook is true then christians would not even have to try to live any type of lifestyle. They could murder, steal, lie etc. Why do they not? Because as I said, in the back of your mind you know that you are accountable for your actions, and your afterlife depends on it.

    As far as every move and act of kindness hinging on this fact, I don't think that is true. That would totally be discounting the human spirit, and there are so many out there who are loving caring people, with or without God in their lives.

    When I leave, you will know I have been here

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