Ya'll dont believe in God?

by flower 125 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    My religion is as follows:

    Space and time as we know it are but one entity; space time which has a finite beginning. Let us presume that this beginning or creation was brought about by God. Now God cannot be the product of his own creation; he must exist outside of space time. He also could not have created space time in any "place" outside of himself as he was the only thing that existed prior to this construct. The conclusion I draw from this is that if God exists, he is not bound by the rules of the universe as we are. He does not see the passing of time as we do. He is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. He sees space time not in a serial passing of events as we do but as one "lump" and what is more, this universe is actually inside or part of God himself. Nothing can exist outside of God and He in effect is his own creation in as much as "he shall prove to be what he shall cause to be".

    hmmmm, I just made this up quickly. I will try to express my thoughts better when I have the time.

  • teenyuck

    flower, you need to wake up and realize christians are not the only religion.

    i guess one thing i dont understand is where an athiest or agnostic sets their limits. i feel like if i didnt have a christian conscience that i may not be able to differentiate between what is right and wrong

    Why would I need a christian conscience to tell me right from wrong?! What if I were raised Hindu? Would I not have a "conscience?"

    I, honestly, am shocked that you would write something like this, after being on this board for so long.

    but is stealing just as blatanly wrong to everyone...even athiests? is lying wrong to someone who doesnt believe in God? what about things like beastiality? i mean what is the rule of thumb..as long as no one gets hurt then anything and everything goes in life? i think if i was an athiest i might think that if i can steal from some billion dollar company or rich person who doesnt need it and get away with it scott free i would do it because no one is getting hurt. but as a christian my conscience tells me that its wrong and that God would not approve.
    Lying-depends....would you tell your best friend she looks like shit on her wedding day? Or would you "bend the truth" and tell her she is lovely? This is one of those trick questions. As a good JW, you should tell her she looks like shit.

    Beastiality?! Where in the world did you get that...oh, yeah, the bible. Get real. People of any religion can be into this type of psycho behavior. It does not require a belief in God or the bible to know that this type of behavior is just not right. The person into this needs therapy...

    Stealing-Yeah, I am going to steal something because God won't punish me.....AGAIN...wake up! I am not going to steal because I know it is unethical and I could go to jail....any christian will tell you this...go to a prison and see how many prisoners will qualify themselves as christian.

    You need to take a deep breath and realize we are not demonized...nor are we evil....

    I dare you to compare your life to mine.

    I give 5% of my income to charity---do you? As a JW, how many witnesses give to charity or help in a homeless shelter?

    I volunteer at an agency that has helped me. They are a non-profit group helping people with the medical condition I have. How many JW's volunteer at things like this?

    I pay my taxes. All of them. It is not worth trying to cheat the government.

    I have not lied on my resume, cheated on my husband or gone out of my way to hurt people. I try to help. Was this a product of my JW upbringing? NO!!!! I learned it after I was out in the world.

    I even purchased a second copy of Microsoft Office because I had a second computer...you are allowed to put it on one computer when you purchase...did you know that? How many JW's will open their wallets and buy two of the same software? Not too many.

    Really, you need to climb down from your "I am christian, I am better" perch. When you fall, it is really going to hurt.

  • larc


    I didn't have the same take on her comments as you did. I think she is grappling with her own fears regarding her conscience and moral versus immoral behavior. Mommie - Wendy talked about her journey, and I remember her asking similiar questions. We assured her that belief or disbelief does not change one's conscience. In fact, when one must think for themselves rather that rely on authority, their ethical decisions are more likely to be correct. That's how I see it anyway.

  • teenyuck


    Perhaps. She needs to realize what she is writing is a flame. She needs to re-read posts like this and think about the implications of her words.

    I am fed up with "if you don't believe in God, you are going to kill children."

  • 25ashitaka25

    Hey puffs, what Larc said.....I think you're pissed at the JW catch phrases you're hearing, but they don't mean anything now....breaking away is so damn hard, especially for those without a family base....also, she said she was sheltered, so she probably is just beginning to live....it may sound like she's prejudiced against other religions, but she isn't. If you remember, 'christian conscience' is really just 'conscience' to people who've been fed those JW phrases for so long...take it easy on Flower, she's still breaking away...


  • Sunchild


    I agree with you. To me, Flower sounds like someone who wants to learn, but is still a bit naive. I don't think she was rendering judgement; I figured she was trying to explain her perspective and get another view. You can't get answers if you don't ask questions.

    I think most people raised in the US or in a Christian family have this view to some extent at some point in their lives: "Christian" equals "moral" and "good" and everything else is suspect. I had it myself when I was younger, but you might say I've changed my mind.


    "I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death -- if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach."
    -- Professor Severus Snape, Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone.

  • flower


    i'm really sorry. i honestly didnt think about it from your view when i was writing that and i should have. i was just trying to understand. i didnt mean that everyone who is athiest has no moral boundaries and is bad. i just didnt know what it is that limits athiests. i know that everyone has a conscience but i know a lot of people dont listen to it or some say that something is ok as long as no one gets hurt. i dont know how to express what i want to know without hurting someones feelings i guess. but i have met a lot of people here and gotten to know some over the past couple months and i know that they are good..i only just found out that certain ones are athiests but i still think they are good..i just dont understand thats all.

    sorry again i really dont think i am better than anyone


  • Sunchild

    Flower, you're so cute. If you were closer, I'd be hugging you now.


    "I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death -- if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach."
    -- Professor Severus Snape, Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone.

  • teenyuck

    Thank you, again flower. I noted that on my other post also.

    Again, I am sorry for misinterpreting your words and meaning.


  • mouthy

    I thoughtTyyDyys response was just how I feel. I am a believer>
    I believe Jesus is MY saviour. I went through many religions
    after getting "ousted" came to the conclusion that I cannot accept "religion" but I do have a relationship. I talk to God & His Son Jesus& the HOLY SPirit. I do read scripture at times, but what convinces me of a Creator?i look out my window & see red/blue/
    black birds- I watch a baby- I look at my artist friend sit for days painting a picture- Yet she never can get it Quite like the real thing. Can Athiests, trinitarians, Non trinty believers get along. come to our group... we have em all. even a witch at one time
    we laugh cry together, DONT Judge each other....Since MY belief is GOD IS LOVE I guess I have to believe he joins us in the group.

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