Ya'll dont believe in God?

by flower 125 Replies latest jw friends

  • Julie

    Dear Flower,

    I can relate to how you feel about these thoughts that are rather foreign to you(i.e. no God). First and foremost, I urge you to put your fear aside. It will cloud your vision while you are on your journey of discovery. You might miss some really good stuff with fear clouding your vision, don't want that.

    You will have to come to your own conclusions as there is no solid proof either way. I went on the same journey you are now starting and would be ahppy to share with you what I found if you are interested. You may e-mail me anytime, my box is always open.

    Remember, welcome new ideas to ponder, do not run from them. It is only when we entertain new ideas that we can grow and learn. In this I strongly encourage you.

    Warm regards,
    Julie the Fearless

  • patio34

    Hi Flower,

    I just have 2 things to add to this discussion. As has been pointed out by someone else on another thread, you may not believe in Zeus, Horus, Isis, nor Baal. Why? Because you don't see any evidence/proof of their existence. Well, atheists believe in one less god than you do.

    #2 is that atheists or agnostics don't have a belief, per se. They lack a belief in a god. Hence the word: a means without; and theist means belief in god.

    #3 (okay 3 points), you allege how wonderful nature is. Well, i can hardly stand to watch most nature shows on TV because of the intense violence in them. Nature is one big killing field--literally. There is intense, unimaginable suffering every day in all the killing that goes on. And it started long before Adam's sin, with the dinosaurs.

    To me, this fits the model of mindless evolution rather than a loving creator. What kind of love would be involved in designing violence into everything? From the smallest micro-organisms to the largest dinosaurs, there is the predator/prey cycle.

    Thanks for asking for our opinions and i hope you come to a conclusion that you're comfortable with.

    Actually, the evolution/atheist thing has given me a certain degree of peace. I looked to the 'creation' and that is what taught me. I've read several books by scientists on evolution and they were much more intelligent in their explanations than the WTS ever quoted (out of context). I don't expect as much out of people and therefore appreciate them more. I see that humans are merely humans, not a super creation destined to be in heaven. I'm not judgemental about eveyone as when i was a JW a year ago (for 28 years).


  • flower

    I am just absolutely shocked that so many of you dont believe in God. I dont think I'm ready for this possibility yet. I thought that I was lead out of that cult by a loving God who knew what pain I was in. The same God who is now guiding my life and helping me heal. So what is it just all coincidence?

    When everyone else has abandonded me can I not take comfort in the fact that God never will? I have been rejected and thrown away so many times by the org, by my family, even by close so called wordly friends..I have no doubt I will be again. So then I'm where? Back where I was before? Even worse.

    I'm just shocked. I cant understand how what the purpose of life is withough a God. I dont even like entertaining this possibility but I cant not. I wish I hadnt started this thread.

  • avengers

    I'with BM on this one. She said it all on this subject.

  • Sunbeam

    Hi Flower

    You've asked a really good question. As Julie said, it's up to you to reach your own conclusions, but you did ask for opinions so I thought I'd contribute mine too. Before I even write this post, I've got a feeling that my ideas might come out scrambled, but here goes..

    I think that faith is something that is very difficult to put into words, it's a bit like the way that the annointed are supposed to be able to identify themselves - the bible speaks to you directly, it reads like a letter from God with your name on it, you just KNOW that God exists. You can't produce any hard evidence for something like this, because it's on the inside.

    It's the same with 'the peace of God that passes all understanding'. I'm a completely different person since I became a Christian. I've got a new perspective on life and a new peace - and that's not just because I've been 'saved', as I never even recognised that as a need before, I was an atheist.

    I can only explain this change and my faith as a gift from God - we are given sufficient faith. I didn't create it myself, I can't sustain it myself (I'm supposed to be writing an assignment right now and can't even sustain my effort on that, LOL). It doesn't depend upon rigid laws, meeting attendance, etc. Sometimes I'm amazed that it's still there as I'm not known for my stickability. I wake up in the morning and marvel at the fact that I know God exists.

    As I said, I can't offer any hard evidence. But Jesus said seek and you will find, ask and it will be given to you.

    Flower, pray for understanding and you will receive the gift - the mind of Christ.


    (PS apologies to non-Christians for this schmalzy post - it's just for Flower)

  • ashitaka

    Flower, Abaddon had some good points. do some research on your own.

    As for a purpose, you have a daughter, yes? And that is not a purpose worthy enough to live a life for? Life is worth living simply to live, to accumulate memories, and to pass on.

    can it be depressing to someone who was promised everlasting life over and over? Sure. But, remember, all of your relatives before you passed on, and so will you. Accept that, and you'll feel better about things.

    I think that dubs getting out always have the "first five seconds of drowning" mentality.


    Panic sets in, panic that they will be killed in Armagaddon, panic that their everlasting life hangs in the balance. Their family's life. People have sweats like blood over it.

    Then, they start to swim, and realize that they'd been able to the whole time, and then stand up, and realize they can stand.

    Witnesses make the world an ocean that cannot be forded, but its just a puddle in the scheme of things. Cherish what you have right now, your version of truth could change tomorrow, or you could pass away.

    I think of two main things myself:

    1)Perhaps there is no God. Then there is no judgement, and living our lives now is the most important duty we have to the world.

    2)There is a God, but he's just in every way, and will not judge people on their choice of religion, if at all. If you paint a picture, is it for some grand purpose? Not really, sometimes it's just pretty to look at. God may be the same way, we may just be a pretty picture to him.

    If that depresses you, sorry. If you live down South, I can understand why you're shocked that some people are atheists. I've been to west virginia and Kentucky, so if you live in places like those, everyone believes in God, and goes to church regularly.

    If you're like us folks up north, or in the big cities, there's a lot more diversity in religion, so athiesm is just another belief.


  • indireneed

    I've often thought about the question of whether there is a god, and many times, I've gotten rather worked up about it.

    I was raised in a rather non-religious family, but attended a very religious Christian school. I saw much love in my family, but little love in this ultra-right wing school. I decided I wanted nothing to do with their brand of 'love'.

    While I was attending secondary school, I was told the story about the three blind men and the horse, and it helped me to develop my thoughts on good. Each blind man thought a part of the horse was god, but didn't really understand the complete picture.

    That's how I picture any god that there might be. Humans are human, by nature, and cannot understand what 'god' would really be. We like to judge, we like to condemn, we like to fight and kill, therefore we project oursevles onto any god that there might be. We want him in our image . . . and we excuse this by saying that we are in his image.

    The lives we are living are wonderful, even if we are depressed. While it might not always seem that way, existing is much better than not existing. And for this reason, life is a gift.

    Is there a god? I believe that there is something that had to start creation of the universe. While I believe evolution is clearly disputable, I believe there is too much evidence for an evolutionary take on development. However, evolution and the big bang don't describe where it all comes from, and they never will. Was it god? Was it nature? It doesn't matter. It was something.

    Does god care for us individually? Yes, he has given us each life as individuals, and whether he follows closely or allows us simply to live, he has already been kind to us.

    I don't think god would ever come and judge us for not worshipping him. Would you kill a dog because he disobeys without real thought? Probably. But you are human. If you were perfect, had the chance to train the dog perfectly but didn't, and then had a puppy, would you kill the puppy because the dog was bad?

    Remember, there must be something out there. Life came from somewhere. God need not be angry or human. Develop your own thoughts, develop your own feelings. If you believe in the god of the Bible, great. I believe that the Bible mirrors what god could be like. Once again, it's blind and only grabbing a part and projecting humanity, but there are good parts of the Bible and Christianity.

    A little lengthy, but it was fun to write.

  • funkyderek
    When everyone else has abandonded me can I not take comfort in the fact that God never will?

    You can of course, but if that god doesn't exist, then sooner or later he'll abandon you too, and you'll think it's your fault. If he's real and he cares, he'll let you know unequivocally.

    I have been rejected and thrown away so many times by the org, by my family, even by close so called wordly friends..I have no doubt I will be again. So then I'm where? Back where I was before? Even worse.
    Some people will do that. A few won't. Whether or not you believe the same as they do, they'll stick by you, through thick and thin. They're real friends. Treasure them.

    I'm just shocked. I cant understand how what the purpose of life is withough a God.
    What's the purpose of life with a god? Does something have to be eternal to be purposeful?

    I dont even like entertaining this possibility but I cant not. I wish I hadnt started this thread.
    It's a good idea to consider all possibilities. Some of them are unpleasant. Sometimes reality is unpleasant. But reality doesn't go away just because you refuse to believe in it.

    Flower, life has its ups and downs, whether or not you believe in a god. Some people will treat you badly, some will do anything for you.
    Some of them will believe in a god, some of them won't, and you won't always know who's who. Research the issue if it concerns you, and keep an open mind. Surround yourself with people who care about you, and take life as it comes.

    "Theology is never any help; it is searching in a dark cellar at midnight for a black cat that isn't there. Theologians can persuade themselves of anything." -Robert A. Heinlein

  • wonderwoman77

    I believe in God. I do not believe jesus was God, so some people say I do not believe in God. I have been on a very interesting spirtual journey the last year and a half. I have had moments where i have felt inner peace and harmony that I think can only come into tapping into my inner spirit that is connected to something greater. Through this I know there is a higher being. I am not a conviently believe, but i believe.

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    You asked me: "mr biggs-you ever wonder if thats cause of the of the dub mind control? i mean didnt we belive just as strongly that the org was gods org?"

    I wasn't "born" into the JW religion although I started attending meetings when I was about 8 years old. However, prior to ever attending a meeting, I always believed in God. This despite never having step foot into a Kingdom Hall, Church, or otherwise.
    I don't think that I will ever not believe in God.

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