Micheal the ArcAngel/Jesus the man

by plmkrzy 130 Replies latest jw friends

  • plmkrzy

    I understand that a lot believe that Micheal and Jesus are one in the same some believe that Jehovah and Jesus are one in the same some believe that one is the son of God yadda yadda yadda.

    Would some of you please address or post your reasons for believing that Micheal the Arc Angel was not Gods first creation and why he couldn't be the one sent to us to be born as a man and become our savyor?
    Why would he not have another name fitting his role as a man on earth?
    He obviously wouldn't be living on earth as a child growing up as an angel
    He had to be mortal in order for the sacrifice to represent mankind. He wasn't sacrificeing himself to save bad angel's.
    I'm just really curious to know what any thoughts are on that subject.

    Oh, No offense but Please don't reply if your going to be pissed off about it.

    To those who do respond with info or just an opinion Thank's ahead of time.

  • Siddhashunyata

    What was "transferred" from heaven to the womb of Mary?

  • Yadirf
    What was "transferred" from heaven to the womb of Mary?

    The life (not life-form) of the person known as "Michael the archangel" was transferred.

    See http://4heavens.homestead.com/21.html for reason why Michael is archangel. Michael/Jesus is the ONLY angel that lives in God's heaven.

    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • DakotaRed

    I have been reading and researching an interesting thought that Jesus/Michael had absolutely no pre-human existence. It is being put forth by Anthony Buzzard, a professor that wrote the book, The Doctrine of the Trinity, Christianitys Self Inflicted Wound. So far, I have cooraborated his notion, but am still looking.

    For me, I believe Michael and Jesus to be one and the same, but am keeping an open mind about it, as I discover new evidence. I wrote a short paper years ago addressing this issue based on comments from the Catholic Encyclopedia and comparing them to the Bible. If I can find it again, I'll post it.

    But right now, I have to get back to work, lunch time is over.


    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • JanH


    The life (not life-form) of the person known as "Michael the archangel" was transferred.

    What is this "life"? Is it a thing, opposed to being only a metaphor for something that is living? Do humans have it too, or is it only Jesus that had this mystical "life"?

    If life is a concrete "thing", then what distinguishes this from the soul/spirit beliefs of orthodox Christianity?

    And if the "life force" (or whatever) is just a metaphor for something being alive, how was it transferred? Metaphors don't exist, so they cannot be transferred anywhere.

    - Jan
    - "How do you write women so well?" - "I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability." (Jack Nicholson in "As Good as it Gets")

  • plmkrzy

    Yardif Thanks for the link i'll check it out later

    Dakota, Let me know how your research goes keep me posted and if you come accross your paper you can e-mail a copy to me if you like my e-mail should go through now in case it doesn't i'll add it here thanks

    [email protected]

  • LittleToe

    Pretty pictures, but how do you substantiate that in scripture?
    Further, where's the seventh heaven and cloud nine?

  • ianao

    LittleToe: I have the answers!

    Further, where's the seventh heaven and cloud nine?
    Seventh Heaven: A popular TV series now playing.

    Cloud Nine: Where one is when he/she is "profusly" sexified.

  • RWC

    Jesus was not a creatd being from God. He was not Michael the archangel. He was a member of the Trinity. The change that the JWs make to John 1:1 changes everything. They add the word "a" which changes the scripture from the Word was God, to the Word was "a" God. Their version of the Bible is the only one that adds this "a" and does it to support thier notion that Jesus was a created being.

    The doctrine of the Trinity is supported Biblically in numerous places and I would be pleased to list them if interested. However, there is no place in the Bible that supports the notion that Jesus was a created being, or that he was Michael the Archangel.

  • Yadirf


    What is this "life"? Is it a thing, opposed to being only a metaphor for something that is living? Do humans have it too, or is it only Jesus that had this mystical "life"?

    No it's not a "metaphor", it's a gift received. Something God has given has a certain permanence to it, unless the possessor refuses to retain the gift. Each of us have "life" whether we are humans, angels, or animals. As for us humans we received life at the moment of conception. Angels received life the moment they were individually created. If we are killed, whether by accident or otherwise, our "life" has been interrupted. I say "interrupted" because of the idea of the resurrection.

    If life is a concrete "thing", then what distinguishes this from the soul/spirit beliefs of orthodox Christianity?
    There is no distinction between our "life" and our "soul", they’re one and the same. And of course you already know what I would have to say about the "spirit" of which you speak.


    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

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