Can I Please Just Say...

by AGuest 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    that it's "jewel-RY"... and not "joo-LERY" (may you all have peace!)? I know, I know... very small potatoes in the grand scheme of things. But, dang, if you're gonna host a television JEWELRY show, shouldn't you at least be able to SAY "jewelry"? I mean, I'm just sayin'... My ex used to say "rockweiler" (seriously!) and get his feelings all "hurt" when someone pointed out that it's "rottweiler".

    Any mispronounced words that "get" to YOU?

    SA, on her own... with obviously too much time on her hands right now because she actually stopped "surfing" long enough to pause on HSN and hear the hostess say "joolery"... feeling a bit more pedantic than usual...

  • AnneB

    Noo-q-lure for nuclear

    Tie-ota for Toyota

    Clare-oil for Clairol

  • AnneB

    Double post...hmmmm, how did that happen???

  • james_woods

    In Texas we say "nekkid" for naked, and "pree-vert" for pervert.

    We know the correct way to say it - we just think they both sound nastier that way.

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    I think you're anti-semitic, Shelby. Something about the way you say, "JEWelry." I bet you refer to New York, as Jew York too, don't cha?

  • sir82

    And it's ridiculous, not "rediculous"

  • NomadSoul

    Doesn't bother me as much as someone always saying "peace to you". LOL

  • AGuest

    Yeah, I no longer like "kai-ote" for coyote, dear AnneB (peace to you!), once I heard it pronounced "koi-ote" by Hispanics. Makes more sense to me, considering the spelling.

    I hear you, dear JW (peace to you, as well!). I actually pronounce "pedantic" as "pedantical"... and "strategy" as "stragedy". But I'm only joking; I wouldn't do so under serious circumstances.

    Thanks, both, for playing along...


    SA, on her own...

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    Eckspecially = Especially
    Altimers = Alzeihmers (did I spell that right? LOL)
    Compacitor = Capacitor

    A guy at my job says those words on the left like that always!! LOL


  • AGuest
    I think you're anti-semitic, Shelby. Something about the way you say, "JEWelry."

    You mistook my accented emphasis, dear RoosterMan - I say "JEWEL...ry". Which, even for Jews, would be a compliment.

    I bet you refer to New York, as Jew York too, don't cha?

    Actually, since my peeps on my mom's side are all from/in New York... I've learned to say "Noo Yawk," O Comb-ry Crested One...

    And it's ridiculous, not "rediculous"

    Hmmmm, can't that one go both ways, dear Sir?

    Doesn't bother me as much as someone always saying "peace to you". LOL

    Mayhaps that's cuz ya'll cain't yet rekkonize wen hitz jenuwine so's 't reeseev hit widdout no suspishun, deah NS?

    Peace to you all!

    SA, on her own...

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