Atheist Fascism

by Band on the Run 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vanderhoven7

    Wow! You'd think that Christians have never suffered persecution at the hands of Atheists.

    Fascist Atheists do exist. If the shoe doesn't fit, no one is asking you to wear it.

    Bring bacl Godrulz.

  • NewChapter

    hmmm, godrulz regularly called everyone on this board simpletons and ignorant. Perhaps that word persecution doesn't mean what you think it means. I suppose to be a non-fascist atheist, we would have had to passively stood by while he insulted us and said "oh he's only expressing his beliefs." Beliefs which include me going to hell, us being stupid, him being superior, all of us being damaged and lost and him needing to show us the way.

    It's fine to insult people, but when they push back, it's bad form to call it persecution. That was my point with the definitions. It's fine to believe as you wish, but when you push it to the point of changing policy and taking government hostage---expect some push back. And don't cry about it when it comes.

    Look the christian agenda doesn't only suppress atheists, it suppresses ANY notnchristian. Right now Muslims are a favorite. We have a congressman from Florida that really believes that it is not religious persecution to refuse permits to build mosques. But turn it around and don't allow churches to be built and THAT would be persecution.

    I said it earlier, right now in the US there is alot of contention. It is spilling over.


  • caliber
  • MrDarkKnight

    This is a great thread. I haven't read enough posts in my two weeks on the site to see aggressive atheist proselytizing. If someone could point me to it I would love to have a look at it. Lord knows I have seen enough Pentecostal proselytizing in the last two weeks to last a lifetime (see Godrulz, may he rest in peace.)

    As I have said elsewhere I am taking a break from organized religion, but I am not quite ready to relinquish belief in God. I know those who are more rational in their thinking on this topic may encourage me to stop suspending reason and deal with reality but I suppose I am not ready to do this.

    However, I am open to an OBJECTIVE look at why some feel he does not exist. And I am open to an OBJECTIVE LOOK at evolution, something I never allowed myself to do when a JW.

    Passionate presentation of one's belief's is a good thing. I like conviction. I just don't want to have to sift through the same presentation of thought on EVERY THREAD (see Godrulz, may he rest in peace).

    My struggle comes down to this:

    1. If God exists and is all-powerful, all-knowing, etc. why has he made it so hard to find him?

    2. If God does not exist, can you please prove using the scientific method how we got here?

    My questions may seem simplistic, but as Engineer I have learned that the simplest questions unlock the real solutions to difficult problems.

  • NewChapter

    Operative word here being "facts" - myths and legends should at least be taught as just that, (if taught at all in general education) - but not as facts

    James I completely agree with you. Just as I feel it is important to teach internationally accepted science so that we are ready to compete, I think it is important too to look at the different belief systems in the world. We need to understand each other. But let me ask you something. What do you think would happen in Texas schools if students were encouraged to study Islam---not as a recruiting tool, but to help them understand?

    I believe it was Texas that removed text books for referencing Islam more often than Christianity. Which would actually be balanced since the majority are very familiar with Christianity and clueless to Islam. But that too was persecution against christians.


  • NewChapter

    MrDarkKnight. Isn't it wonderful to be able to look at things like evolution objectively? It's so liberatng. You have a right to conclude whatever seems reasonable--but I'm so happy you've given yourself permission to look. I believed in god all my life. I never wanted to quit believing. One day the facts slipped through, and I came to a conclusion.

    First of all, there are so many things about the bible that science actually disproves. My lightbulb moment came when I was studying the flood in detail for a story I was writing. I saw how impossible that story was and realized that if THIS account was suspect they all were. That allowed me to research other things such as evolution.

    Also study world religions and history. There is much to be revealed in this study. When you look at the sheer numbers of people and beliefs, it leads you to ask why? Why does one claim to be the truth and all others lies. How much of that simply depends on WHERE you are born? We all like to think we are born in the best place with the best belief system---but how can that be true for all?

    I will trust you to come to your own conclusions. If you are ever up to discussion, you can certainly get it here. You are on your way. Keep us updated.


  • unshackled

    This thread reminded me of certain magazine...

    "A NEW group of atheists has arisen in society. Called the new atheists, they are not content to keep their views to themselves. Rather, they are on a crusade, “actively, angrily, passionately trying to persuade the religious to their point of view,” wrote columnist Richard Bernstein."

    Evil, evil atheists are everywhere! They dominate our politics and school boards. If you say you believe in god, good luck becoming president. Only atheists are voted into any form of politics. But the one thing that really pisses me off most about them is their churches, rallies and organizations are tax exempt.

  • Vanderhoven7


    <<hmmm, godrulz regularly called everyone on this board simpletons and ignorant. >>

    Could you point out a post or two to illustrate?

  • NewChapter

    LOL. We were much nicer when we kept it all to ourselves. Most atheists I know are content to keep it just that way--however when approached they also feel they have a right to express their own beliefs and non-beliefs. That makes people uncomfortable. When a christian says that an atheist will go to hell or be destroyed, or whatever their favorite flavor of destruction is, they really shouldn't be shocked when the atheist responds that the chrisitan is irrational or misled. Funny when it only feels like persecution one way and not the other.


  • botchtowersociety

    But the one thing that really pisses me off most about them is their churches, rallies and organizations are tax exempt.

    So are most, if not all, of the Atheists orgs and rallies, though, so I fail to see your point?

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