RIP Michael Jackson

by sizemik 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthlover

    Somewhere on this board about 2 years ago, I do believe, there was a link when the FBI released a lot of "older" reports. I copied them off at that time and gave them to my son, as he was doubtful as you were, when he read them he changed his mind,

    along with that was the court reports on the employees who were sued by MJ.

    If u cant find them I will ask if he still has them and I may be able to copy for you and you will have to tell me how to get them on this board cause I dont know how to do it

  • truthlover

    actually, I just typed in michael jackson/fbi file and you can find a lot of info there -- 333 pages in 7 files

  • truthlover

    This information can be found by typing this into your browser - not JWN

  • truthlover

    and No I am not in the FBI - was that necessary?? I am just stating what I read about MJ.... from the actual file reports

  • sizemik

    I can't believe the number on this board that make uninformed ignorant comments . . . and then ask someone else to do their research for them . . . we live in the internet age for goodness sake . . . and they're actually on the internet when they make them! . . . get off your lazy ass and find out the facts for yourself.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    If Michael Jackson died and deserves a memorial, countless millions have also died with no memorial. One doesn't pay ooodles of money to civil claimants to quiet law suits, particularly pediophilia law suits.

    The very sad thing about Michael is that we don't celebrate his music pure and simple. His life was a nightmare that he inflicted on others. It is a testament to this talent that he could perform at all. Strill, I see no art in his music. Pop fluff, which is enjoyable at times.I suppose his traumas send most men to prison. And he came damn close.

    This is not a Michael Jackson tribute forum. YOu might get better results there. I wonder if anyone will remember him in fifty years.

    He could have produced high art from the tragedy of his life. I confess to watching Oprah. Her disdain for Joseph for no secret. No secret at all. His mother must have been a saint to balance his father.

  • talesin


    I was thinking the VERY SAME THING --- Woody Allen, PROVEN child molester, I haven't been able to watch his movies since ... *puke*

    Sorry, off-topic.

    Sizemik,,, lol, I already posted that one ... read your own thread, man!

    Here's another version ...


    *edit :: sometimes it double posts my youtubes, dunno why! ::

  • FlyingHighNow

    People settle lawsuits because they take a toll. Just because a person prefers not to be drug through public in a civil suit, it does not mean the person is guilty.

  • sizemik

    Hey tal . . . I knew you had posted the vid (I listened to it about 5 times).

    My reason for posting it again was on account of the theme and lyric made it seem subtly appropriate

    Thank you for your balanced input on this thread

  • Berengaria

    I'm beginning to wonder if the internet is destroying our humanity. I've always thought it could bring us closer, but I'm beginning to wonder.

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