New Light @ The 2011 District Convention

by dontplaceliterature 105 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    It looks to me like the "?" points to the little piggy that had roast beef. However, it could be pointing to the little piggy that stayed home.

    I think those secret apostates in the Art Department are secretly trying to tell the sheeples to stay home and eat roast beef rather than attend the Discrap Crapvention!

    What do I win for the correct answer?

  • truthlover
  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Looks like regurgitated crap from the old Babylon The Great book. I remember that one and the big push before the end of the system in 1975!!!!

  • DagothUr

    I found out who the last power is. The toes of the statue! My God, it was obvious! So, here are the picks:

    1. The Borg Collective

    2. The Sith Empire

    3. The Zerg Swarm

    4. Al Qaeda

    5. Romania

    Guess which is the last power?

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    Please dear God, let them keep prophesying. The more moving the prophecy is the better. Then when it doesn't happen; the harder they fall.


  • freeflyingfaerie

    You all are HILARIOUS!!

    It just very well might be worth a phone call to my still JW family to hear their guesses on the new Twinkle Toes explaination. How can they take this seriously?!

    So happy that a Prosthetic Toe Prophecy isn't what is holding my llife in the balances...unbelievable!

    Come to think of it, every prophecy they have invented is a prosthetic, never a part of the real thing

  • inbetween

    no, you got it all wrong,

    the ten toes, are part of the "comely feet, bringing good news". So they represent as their number 10 shows, the complete earthly part of Gods organisation, being busy spreading literature, .....oh sorry, good news.

    As Math 24:14 says, afterwards the end will come, the stone from the mountain will hit the statue. What will remain ? Only the toes, low and humble enough, will not be destroyed.

    Lesson for dubs: keep busy in preaching and humbly obey the GB, then the big stone will not kill you...

  • maninthemiddle

    Just saw this on a JW's blog:

    " We had the wonderful privilege of having

    Brother Splane as our speaker of few of my favorite points from him were: [....] If you notice on the back of our District Convention invitations at the bottom of the image is a ?, will we

    perhaps be receiving some new understanding; {....} He was a real joy to

    listen to. "

  • Farkel

    That's the same shit they were saying 35 years ago! Don't they have any new ideas?

    Thought not.


  • MrMonroe

    The 1978 WT dismissing the prophetic significance of the 10 toes is dangerously logical and commonsense. It adds no mystery, raises no questions whose answers will "soon be revealed" and is not explained with any far-fetched, fear-mongering suggestion that includes the use of the word "evidently". I'll take a stab and suggest that answer was provided by Ray Franz.

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