Johnny The Bethelite Exposed. Rick Fearon Implicated In Hoax

by PublishingCult 225 Replies latest members adult

  • MeanMrMustard

    *IF* JTB were real, then he outed himself on the first call. That's the point!

    There were real, expected consequences to the actions he was taking -*IF* he were real.

    All of us expected JTB to call in on his second conf. call and tell everyone he was found out, DFed, and sent home. We *KNOW* the WTS monitors this site for copyright infringment issues. We all saw it happen when the new elders manual came out. How many JTB theads have there been? 10? 20? With each new promotional thread, Rick increased JTB's exposure more than PC ever did.


  • PublishingCult
    I don't see myself feeling sorry if he was the real deal and now suffering because of this. He's the one that would've put himself out there in risk.

    And this is an important point, Nomad. Johnny himself, in an attempt to give himself credibility, gave away all the information needed for anyone, not just myself, to expose him easily. He carelessly drew a map and left a trail so blatantly obvious that it would have been impossible, even at the end of his first conference call on six screens, for him to maintain his anonymity if he were for real. His attempt at credibility was the very thing that exposed his deception.

  • PublishingCult
    Anyway, I tend to agree with PC that Rick knew Johnny was a fake but perpetuated it to bring more people onto the six screens calls. And I am saying this not only for the reason I already stated but because I have spoken to other people who told me that prior to me Qing Johnning on the call from 4/9, THEY TOLD Rick about Johnny being a fake, weeks before I did.
    And if Rick really did have some doubts about johnny, and wanted to see any proof I had about him, he NEVER asked for it! Till this day he never asked why I was skeptical or what proof I claimed to have. Why should he? He knew Johnny was a fake from the beginning.
  • Violia

    Well, perhaps we know what Art Bell has been doing since his retirement!

  • NomadSoul

    LOL @ Viola. Doesn't he still live in the Phillipines?

  • PublishingCult
    During that conference call Johnny leaves the conversation for a long time, while Joe, Shiela and Mary all jump on me and CALLS RICK to tell him what is going on.

    Rick knew what was going on during the 4/9/11 conference call as it was happening. Clip

  • donny

    LOL That's great PC. I had called the WT on 04/20/11 to ask them about this and the man said "You are the 5th call we have had in a week." I guess some others smelled something rotten in Denmark as well. (I apologize to any Danish on here).


  • PublishingCult
    LOL That's great PC. I had called the WT on 04/20/11 to ask them about this and the man said "You are the 5th call we have had in a week." I guess some others smelled something rotten in Denmark as well. (I apologize to any Danish on here).

    Yes, and interesting there hasn't been one peep out of either Rick or Johnny about Johnny being caught.

  • lovelylil

    LOL, The poor guys in the REAL Bethel IT department are gonna be under tough Q'ing now. They'll be like WTF???

  • PublishingCult
    LOL, The poor guys in the REAL Bethel IT department are gonna be under tough Q'ing now. They'll be like WTF???

    They are most likely laughing.

    I think Rick concocted the idea that the WTBTS is acting like big brother and spying on people's internet activity in order to feed the irrational paranoia some already have. The regulars on the six screens conference call seem to be of this sort.

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